
34 lines
1.4 KiB

with core, ui, ai;
use ai;
package body ai is
function agent_is_thirsty (index : in natural) return boolean is begin return (agent (index).mind and thirst) = thirst; end agent_is_thirsty;
function agent_is_hungry (index : in natural) return boolean is begin return (agent (index).mind and hunger) = hunger; end agent_is_hungry;
procedure configure is
core.echo (core.failure, "No AI yet folk!");
end configure;
procedure synchronize is
core.echo (core.failure, "No AI yet folk!");
end synchronize;
procedure action_none is begin null; end action_none;
procedure action_walk is begin null; end action_walk;
procedure action_talk is begin null; end action_talk;
procedure action_find is begin null; end action_find;
end ai;