2024-03-22 09:15:33 -04:00

41 lines
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with core;
package ai is
type action is (
none, walk, talk, find,
type action_data is
base : natural;
data : core.procedure_pointer;
name : core.short_string;
end record;
procedure action_none is begin end action_none;
procedure action_walk is begin end action_walk;
procedure action_talk is begin end action_talk;
procedure action_find is begin end action_find;
action_list : constant array (action) of action_data := (
(000000, action_none, "idle "),
(000001, action_walk, "walking "),
(000300, action_talk, "talking "),
(050060, action_find, "finding ")
procedure configure;
end ai;