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Copyright ( c ) 2023 : Ognjen ' xolatile ' Milan Robovic
Xhartae is free software ! You will redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation .
And when you do redistribute it or modify it , it will use either version 3 of the License , or ( at yours truly opinion ) any later version .
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful , it really depends . . . But no warranty what so ever , seriously . See GNU / GPLv3 .
# ifndef CHAPTER_0_SOURCE // These two, and "#endif" at the end of the file are header guards, we'll talk about them more when the time comes!
# include "chapter_0.h" // We're pasting macros, enumerations and function declarations from header file "chapter_0.h" into this file, at this location.
Function ' in ' will perform read system call , literally reading ' size ' bytes from standard input , which is terminal in most kernels unless it ' s redirected to some other file
descriptor , and store it at ' data ' memory address , if there ' s enough space in it . Since this is one of the core functions , if it fails , we want to abort the program and see what
we did wrong . . . Maybe there wasn ' t enough space in ' data ' , maybe ' size ' was negative and it overflowed because read system call internally uses ' size_t / unsigned long int ' , which
is 64 bits wide , maybe we made some other mistake ? Just abort , find the error and fix it .
void in ( void * data , int size ) {
fatal_failure ( data = = NULL , " in: Failed to read from standard input, data is null pointer. " ) ; // This function is defined below, but we can call it here.
fatal_failure ( size = = 0 , " in: Failed to read from standard input, size is zero. " ) ; // That's because we declared it previously. Look at 'out' function.
( void ) read ( STDIN_FILENO , data , ( unsigned long int ) size ) ; // I cast to void type return value of read and write, because I don't really care about it.
Similar to ' in ' function and read system call , write system call will store ' size ' bytes from ' data ' memory address into standard output , which is usually what you see in your
terminal . Now , I won ' t talk much about teletypes , virtual terminals , file descriptor redirections and similar stuff , because I ' m not very knowledgable about them . What matters is ,
you have a working operating system , terminal and compiler , and you can make things happen . Once you learn C better than me , and start writing your own multi - threaded kernel , core
libraries , compilers and what not , you ' ll care about those things . I ' ll briefly talk about function structure for ' reallocate ' function soon .
void out ( void * data , int size ) {
fatal_failure ( data = = NULL , " out: Failed to write to standard output, data is null pointer. " ) ; // Notice how we can use function 'fatal_failure' before its' definition.
fatal_failure ( size = = 0 , " out: Failed to write to standard output, size is zero. " ) ; // That's because we declared it in 'chapter_0.h' header file.
( void ) write ( STDOUT_FILENO , data , ( unsigned long int ) size ) ;
Function ' echo ' is just a simplification of function ' out ' , because we ' ll be using it a lot , notice that it must accept null terminated strings , which are sort of C - style thing . I
really like them , because you don ' t need to always know size of the string in order to iterate it , but it requires some mental overhead in order to use them without creating hard
to find bugs , which is why newer programming languages consider them unsafe . They ' re not unsafe , they need to be used like intended .
void echo ( char * string ) {
out ( string , string_length ( string ) ) ; // This function fails when we pass a string that's not null terminated, and we don't care to check for errors...
void fatal_failure ( int condition , char * message ) { // We use this function to abort the program if condition is met and to print the message.
if ( condition = = TRUE ) { // If the variable 'condition' is not equal to 0, we execute the code in curly braces.
echo ( " [ \033 [1;31mExiting \033 [0m] " ) ; // Simply printing the message using our 'echo' function, but we also use some colours, more on that later.
echo ( message ) ; // Also, notice how "this or that" is implicity 'char *' type... Maybe it's too early to explain it at this point.
echo ( " \n " ) ; // This will only print a new line, we'll see how to use it later.
exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ) ; // This is the function (and '_exit' system call) that aborts the program with a return code.
} // If condition isn't met, function will just return, and nothing is printed, execution continues.
void limit ( int * value , int minimum , int maximum ) { // This is somewhat similar to limiting a variable to some values, inclusively, we'll use it later.
if ( value = = NULL ) { return ; } // We shouldn't dereference null pointer, but also don't want to abort the program for small mistake.
if ( * value < = minimum ) { * value = minimum ; } // You can also align similar consecutive statements like this, we'll see it more often in switch statement later on...
if ( * value > = maximum ) { * value = maximum ; } // If we pass a null pointer to this function, it won't do anything, just return.
Memory management is a whole new topic that ' s too complex to cover it now in details , and it ' s the source of most security vunrabilities and hidden bugs . For now , just remember
that every program can read , write or execute only parts of the memory that the kernel allows it . Program can request new memory or release old memory , so some other programs can
use it . We ' ll learn to use program called Valgrind to find and fix memory related bugs in later chapters . We rely on functions ' calloc ' , ' realloc ' and ' free ' from < stdlib . h >
header file , and we ' ll avoid ' malloc ' , and use ' realloc ' carefully , because they leave new memory uninitialized .
We ' re internally using function ' calloc ' to request new memory , function ' realloc ' to enlarge existing memory and function ' free ' to release old memory , data that won ' t be used
later in the program . It ' s important to " free " all " malloc/calloc/realloc " - ed memory when program finishes successfully , and in some special cases , even when program fails and
aborts . It ' s important for safety to do so , think of it like open and close braces , if you have some allocations , you should deallocate them later .
Some examples of using them directly ( not wrapping them like I like to do ) are :
@ C
char * data = NULL ;
data = malloc ( 20 * sizeof ( * data ) ) ; // Allocates 20 bytes of memory for 'data'.
data = calloc ( 20 , sizeof ( * data ) ) ; // Allocates 20 bytes also, but initializes them to 0 value.
data = realloc ( data , 20 * sizeof ( * data ) ) ; // When 'data' is null pointer, it will be same as 'malloc', else it will reallocate more memory (for correct usage).
// Also, it's best to just use 'calloc', but it complicates some other tasks.
free ( data ) ; // Deallocates memory, we'll talk about "double free" later.
void * allocate ( int size ) {
char * data = NULL ;
data = calloc ( ( unsigned long int ) size , sizeof ( * data ) ) ;
fatal_failure ( data = = NULL , " standard : allocate : Failed to allocate memory, internal function 'calloc' returned null pointer. " ) ;
return ( ( void * ) data ) ;
Now , lets see that code formatting in action , with briefly describing function structure in C programming language . Our function is called " reallocate " , its ' inputs ( arguments )
are " data " with type ' void * ' ( pointer to any type of memory address ) and " size " with type ' int ' ( integer ) , and its ' output is also ' void * ' ( some memory address ) . All code
between first ' { ' and last connected ' } ' is part of that function . We ' re using function ' realloc ' inside , but we check for error ( it return ' NULL ' on error ) , then we print message
and abort the program if there was an error , it there wasn ' t , we return new enlarged chunk of memory , changing the " data " variable .
void * reallocate ( void * data , int size ) {
data = realloc ( data , ( unsigned long int ) size ) ;
fatal_failure ( data = = NULL , " standard : reallocate: Failed to reallocate memory, internal function 'realloc' returned null pointer. " ) ;
return ( data ) ;
void * deallocate ( void * data ) {
if ( data ! = NULL ) {
free ( data ) ;
return ( NULL ) ;
This program is intended to be a book - like guide for this source code , which is also a book . We ' ll deal with strings a lot , and they ' re a good example of code formatting which is
the main topic of chapter zero . In function ' string_length ' we have for loop without a body , some people prefer to put ' { } ' or ' ; ' in same or next line , to express the intention
that the loop shouldn ' t have a body ( code block { } ) . I just put ' ; ' on the same line . Also , functions ' string_ * ' could depend on functions ' string_ * _limit ' , but we won ' t do that
now , and since we ' ve already declared them in header file " chapter_0.h " we can define them and call them in whatever order we want . Nice .
@ C
// Simple example of how we could make 'string_*' function dependable on 'string_*_limit' function...
int string_compare ( char * string_0 , char * string_1 ) {
return ( string_compare_limit ( string_0 , string_1 , string_length ( string_0 ) ) ;
int string_length ( char * string ) {
int length ;
fatal_failure ( string = = NULL , " string_length: String is null pointer. " ) ;
for ( length = 0 ; string [ length ] ! = CHARACTER_NULL ; + + length ) ; // Since in C, strings are null terminated, looping until we see null character is strings' length.
return ( length ) ;
Now , I ' ve implemented " unlimited " versions of string comparison , copying and concatenation different from " limited " versions . They correspond with standard library functions
' strcmp ' , ' strcpy ' , ' strcat ' , ' strncmp ' , ' strncpy ' and ' strncat ' found in header file < string . h > . In " unlimited " versions , I rely on the fact that we want to apply the operation
on entire strings , that those strings are null terminated and I used that in my advantage . For example , function ' string_compare ' could be something like this :
@ C
int string_compare ( char * string_0 , char * string_1 ) {
int offset ;
fatal_failure ( string_0 = = NULL , " string_compare: Destination string is null pointer. " ) ;
fatal_failure ( string_1 = = NULL , " string_compare: Source string is null pointer. " ) ;
for ( offset = 0 ; ( string_0 [ offset ] ! = CHARACTER_NULL ) & & ( string_1 [ offset ] ! = CHARACTER_NULL ) ; + + offset ) {
if ( string_0 [ offset ] ! = string_1 [ offset ] ) {
return ( FALSE ) ;
return ( TRUE ) ;
And I used this approach below to show that you can solve the problem using different solutions . . . You ' ll notice that " limited " versions have variable ' offset ' of type integer . We
use it to interate the strings , while in " unlimited " versions , we iterate on pointers to those strings , which are pushed to the stack . Both versions work , both versions give the
same results , you can use any of them .
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int string_compare ( char * destination , char * source ) {
fatal_failure ( destination = = NULL , " string_compare: Destination string is null pointer. " ) ; // This will be seen in next 5 functions too, we don't want NULL here.
fatal_failure ( source = = NULL , " string_compare: Source string is null pointer. " ) ;
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for ( ; ( * destination ! = CHARACTER_NULL ) & & ( * source ! = CHARACTER_NULL ) ; + + destination , + + source ) { // We iterate until either string reaches the null character.
if ( * destination ! = * source ) { // In case that characters at the same offset are different:
return ( FALSE ) ; // > We return FALSE, 0, since strings aren't the same...
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if ( * destination ! = * source ) { // Now, we'll do one last termination check.
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return ( FALSE ) ;
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return ( TRUE ) ; // Otherwise, strings are same, we return TRUE, 1.
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char * string_copy ( char * destination , char * source ) {
char * result = destination ; // We need to save pointer to destination string before changing it.
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fatal_failure ( destination = = NULL , " string_copy: Destination string is null pointer. " ) ;
fatal_failure ( source = = NULL , " string_copy: Source string is null pointer. " ) ;
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for ( ; * source ! = CHARACTER_NULL ; + + destination , + + source ) { // This time and in next function, we iterate only source string.
* destination = * source ; // And we assign character at the same offset to destination string (aka copy it).
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* destination = CHARACTER_NULL ; // Copying null termination, since the loop stopped on that condition.
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return ( result ) ; // Lastly we return the destination string, in order to be able to bind functions.
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char * string_concatenate ( char * destination , char * source ) {
char * result = destination ;
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fatal_failure ( destination = = NULL , " string_concatenate: Destination string is null pointer. " ) ;
fatal_failure ( source = = NULL , " string_concatenate: Source string is null pointer. " ) ;
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destination + = string_length ( destination ) ; // We'll first offset destination string to the end of it.
// Because we want to start copying from the end, aka concatenate it.
for ( ; * source ! = CHARACTER_NULL ; + + destination , + + source ) { // The rest of the function is same as string_copy, so:
* destination = * source ; // We could even use it here, but that defies the purpose of learning now.
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* destination = CHARACTER_NULL ; // Again, assign null termination.
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return ( result ) ;
char * string_reverse ( char * string ) { // Example of implementing "unlimited" version by calling "limited" version.
return ( string_reverse_limit ( string , string_length ( string ) ) ) ;
As for " limited " versions of previous 3 functions , they do the same thing , but are capped to some variable ' limit ' . These functions have their own use - case , for example , if
strings aren ' t null terminated , if you ' re not sure that they are null terminated , if we ' re dealing with binary ( not textual ) data ( casted to char * ) , and many more cases . I won ' t
write comments for ' string_copy_limit ' , ' string_concatenate_limit ' and ' string_reverse_limit ' , try to read them and understand what kind of operation they ' ll perform with your
current knowledge of C language .
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int string_compare_limit ( char * destination , char * source , int limit ) {
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int offset ;
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fatal_failure ( destination = = NULL , " string_compare_limit: Destination string is null pointer. " ) ; // This is the new trend, check for unimportant things.
fatal_failure ( source = = NULL , " string_compare_limit: Source string is null pointer. " ) ; // At least this isn't too verbose. I hope...
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for ( offset = 0 ; offset < limit ; + + offset ) { // Now, we'll iterate until 'limit' is reached, but it can overrun.
if ( destination [ offset ] ! = source [ offset ] ) { // All said here applies to next two functions as well...
return ( FALSE ) ; // As soon as 2 characters mismatch, they're not same, we return FALSE.
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return ( TRUE ) ; // Otherwise, we're reached the end, they're same, we return TRUE.
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char * string_copy_limit ( char * destination , char * source , int limit ) {
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int offset ;
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fatal_failure ( destination = = NULL , " string_copy_limit: Destination string is null pointer. " ) ;
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if ( ( limit < = 0 ) | | ( source = = NULL ) ) {
return ( destination ) ;
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for ( offset = 0 ; offset < limit ; + + offset ) {
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destination [ offset ] = source [ offset ] ;
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return ( destination ) ;
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char * string_concatenate_limit ( char * destination , char * source , int limit ) {
int offset , destination_length , source_length ;
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fatal_failure ( destination = = NULL , " string_concatenate_limit: Destination string is null pointer. " ) ;
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if ( ( limit < = 0 ) | | ( source = = NULL ) ) {
return ( destination ) ;
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destination_length = string_length ( destination ) ;
source_length = string_length ( source ) ;
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for ( offset = 0 ; ( offset < source_length ) & & ( offset < limit ) ; + + offset ) {
destination [ destination_length + offset ] = source [ offset ] ;
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return ( destination ) ;
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char * string_reverse_limit ( char * string , int limit ) {
int i ;
fatal_failure ( string = = NULL , " string_reverse: String is null pointer. " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < limit / 2 ; + + i ) {
char temporary = string [ i ] ;
string [ i ] = string [ limit - 1 - i ] ;
string [ limit - 1 - i ] = temporary ;
return ( string ) ;
We ' ll use this function in many other chapters ( in other C source files ! ) , but we ' ll be careful , since compiler can ' t catch all the mistakes we make . Lets listen a story !
Compiler likes you because you are his master . You tell him what to do ( with passing flags as ' argv ' ) , you give him the tool ( your text files ) and he ' ll do it . Sometimes he can
complain , like " you gave me a shovel to chop some firewood " or " you gave me an axe to clean the leaves from the road " , and he can ' t do that task . But if you give him a proper tool
for proper task , he ' ll do it and won ' t complain at all . However , sometimes , you give him an imperfect tool ( your C program full of subtle bugs ) and he won ' t notice it . He ' ll do
the job ( translate bunch of ASCII characters into bunch of bytes ) , and say he ' s finished . Then you go out and see the results ( run your executable ) , and it ' s all mess ! You ' re like
" What the hell, do as I say! " , but he doesn ' t know what he did wrong . . . And in fact , it was your fault for giving him a imperfect tool all along . That ' s why we sometimes need more
difficult to use servants . When you , as his master , tell him to do some job for you , he ' ll complain endlessly . You should use all your servants appropriately , each of them for
different kind of task , and you ' ll learn to choose them wisely .
Now , funny story aside , some languages are considered safe because they won ' t compile your code if they find any kind of syntax mistake . Ada is very strict programming language ,
we ' ll talk about it in later chapters , as Ada compilers complain a lot about the source code , but they can ' t validate incorrect algorythm . Pust is also very strict language , but
it sucks , and it ' s unreadable pile of characters . Remember , no matter how strict language you use , it ' ll never validate correctness of the algorythm , only syntax mistakes and
few other checks like life - times , bounds , etc . I ' ll mention this a lot , think twice , write once .
Obedient servants :
$ gcc - Wall
$ clang - Wall
Complicated servants :
$ gcc - ansi - Werror - Wall - Wextra - Wpedantic
$ clang - ansi - Werror - Weverything
Terrible servants ( same as above , but with also using ) :
$ splint [ custom flags ]
$ valgrind - - show - leak - kinds = all - - leak - check = full
char * string_realign ( char * string , int amount , char character ) { // Now, this is our "align string to right" function, lets explain it.
int offset , length ; // We're declaring two local (automatic) variables of type 'int'.
length = string_length ( string ) ; // We'll use variable 'length' later in the code, so we initialize it to length of the string.
for ( offset = 0 ; offset ! = length ; + + offset ) { // We're essentially moving the string to the right, iterating through its' length to amount.
string [ amount - offset - 1 ] = string [ length - offset - 1 ] ; // Needless to say, string needs to have enough memory ((pre) allocated) for it to store it.
for ( offset = 0 ; offset ! = amount - length ; + + offset ) { // Now, we have some "garbage" data left from the actual string, so we iterate through left side and:
string [ offset ] = character ; // Assign to it argument 'character' that we provided in a function call. We can align with anything.
string [ amount ] = CHARACTER_NULL ; // I like to null terminate them explicitly, so I don't have to worry about tiny bugs later.
return ( string ) ; // Lastly, we return a pointer to our modified string, in order to, again, bind function calls.
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Ignore what next two functions do , it ' s about memory management that we ' ll cover in later chapters .
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int memory_compare ( void * destination , void * source , int length ) {
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int offset ;
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char * cast_0 = ( char * ) destination ;
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char * cast_1 = ( char * ) source ;
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fatal_failure ( destination = = NULL , " memory_compare: Memory is null pointer. " ) ;
if ( source = = NULL ) {
return ( FALSE ) ;
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for ( offset = 0 ; offset ! = length ; + + offset ) {
if ( cast_0 [ offset ] ! = cast_1 [ offset ] ) {
return ( FALSE ) ;
return ( TRUE ) ;
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void memory_copy ( void * destination , void * source , int length ) {
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int offset ;
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char * cast_0 = ( char * ) destination ;
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char * cast_1 = ( char * ) source ;
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fatal_failure ( destination = = NULL , " memory_copy: Memory is null pointer. " ) ;
if ( source = = NULL ) {
return ;
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for ( offset = 0 ; offset ! = length ; + + offset ) {
cast_0 [ offset ] = cast_1 [ offset ] ;
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Again , please consider these ' terminal_ * ' functions black magic , as well as ' number_to_string ' and ' format_to_string ' as they are more complex to cover them at this point , we ' ll
talk more about them later . . . For now , just take a look at how I format the code in them .
void terminal_clear ( void ) {
echo ( " \033 [2J \033 [H " ) ;
void terminal_colour ( int colour , int effect ) {
char format [ 8 ] = " \033 [ ;3 m " ;
format [ 2 ] = ( char ) ( effect % EFFECT_COUNT ) + ' 0 ' ;
format [ 5 ] = ( char ) ( colour % COLOUR_COUNT ) + ' 0 ' ;
echo ( format ) ;
void terminal_cancel ( void ) {
echo ( " \033 [0m " ) ;
void terminal_show_cursor ( int show ) {
if ( show ! = 0 ) {
echo ( " \033 [?25h " ) ;
} else {
echo ( " \033 [?25l " ) ;
char * number_to_string ( int number ) {
int i , sign ;
static char string [ 32 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = 32 ; + + i ) {
string [ i ] = CHARACTER_NULL ;
if ( number = = 0 ) {
string [ 0 ] = ' 0 ' ;
string [ 1 ] = CHARACTER_NULL ;
return ( string ) ;
if ( number < 0 ) {
number * = - 1 ;
sign = 1 ;
} else {
sign = 0 ;
for ( i = ( string [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) ; number ! = 0 ; + + i ) {
string [ i ] = ( char ) ( number % 10 ) + ' 0 ' ;
number / = 10 ;
if ( sign ! = 0 ) {
string [ i ] = ' - ' ;
+ + i ;
string [ i ] = CHARACTER_NULL ;
string_reverse ( string ) ;
return ( string ) ;
char * format_to_string ( int number , int sign , int base , int amount , char character ) {
int i ;
static char string [ 32 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = 32 ; + + i ) {
string [ i ] = CHARACTER_NULL ;
if ( number = = 0 ) {
string [ 0 ] = ' 0 ' ;
string [ 1 ] = CHARACTER_NULL ;
string_realign ( string , amount , character ) ;
return ( string ) ;
if ( number < 0 ) {
number * = - 1 ;
for ( i = ( string [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) ; number ! = 0 ; + + i ) {
string [ i ] = " 0123456789ABCDEF " [ number % base ] ;
number / = base ;
if ( sign ! = 0 ) {
string [ i ] = ' - ' ;
+ + i ;
string [ i ] = CHARACTER_NULL ;
string_reverse ( string ) ;
string_realign ( string , amount , character ) ;
return ( string ) ;
# endif