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Added monster generation...

3 ha cambiato i file con 50 aggiunte e 24 eliminazioni
  1. +11
  2. +5
  3. +34

+ 11
- 6
chapter/chapter_5.c Vedi File

@@ -269,18 +269,19 @@ world_t * game_world (number_t width, number_t height, ...) {
generator_t * generator = (generator_t *) va_arg (list, void *);

if (generator != NULL) {
number_t w = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);
number_t h = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);
number_t x = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);
number_t y = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);
block_t * block = (block_t *) va_arg (list, void *);
memory_t data = (memory_t) va_arg (list, void *);
number_t w = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);
number_t h = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);
number_t x = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);
number_t y = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);

generator->generate (world, w, h, x, y, block);
generator->generate (world, data, w, h, x, y);
} else break;

va_end (list);

game_free_memory (world->bots);
game_free_memory (world->block);
game_free_memory (world);

@@ -324,6 +325,10 @@ procedure_t game_render_world (world_t * world, number_t x, number_t y, number_t
game_render_block (world->block [j * world->width + i], i + x, j + y);

for (number_t index = 0; index < world->bot_count; ++index) {
game_render_bot (& world->bots [index]);


+ 5
- 1
chapter/chapter_5.h Vedi File

@@ -110,10 +110,14 @@ typedef struct block_t {
typedef struct world_t {
number_t width;
number_t height;
number_t item_count;
number_t bot_count;
block_t * * block;
bot_t * bots;
player_t * player;
} world_t;

typedef procedure_t (* generate_t) (world_t *, number_t, number_t, number_t, number_t, block_t *);
typedef procedure_t (* generate_t) (world_t *, memory_t, number_t, number_t, number_t, number_t);

typedef struct generator_t {
generate_t generate;

+ 34
- 17
chapter/chapter_6.c Vedi File

@@ -13,36 +13,48 @@ It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depen

#define UNUSED(variable) (void) variable

static procedure_t generate_full_fill_function (world_t * world, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y, block_t * block) {
UNUSED (width);
UNUSED (height);
static procedure_t generate_full_fill_function (world_t * world, memory_t data, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y) {
UNUSED (width); UNUSED (height); UNUSED (x); UNUSED (y);

for (number_t j = 0; j < world->height; ++j) {
for (number_t i = 0; i < world->width; ++i) {
world->block [j * world->width + i] = block;
world->block [j * world->width + i] = (block_t *) data;

static procedure_t generate_rectangle_fill_function (world_t * world, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y, block_t * block) {
static procedure_t generate_rectangle_fill_function (world_t * world, memory_t data, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y) {
for (number_t j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
for (number_t i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
world->block [(j + y) * world->width + (i + x)] = block;
world->block [(j + y) * world->width + (i + x)] = (block_t *) data;

static procedure_t generate_rectangle_line_function (world_t * world, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y, block_t * block) {
static procedure_t generate_rectangle_line_function (world_t * world, memory_t data, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y) {
for (number_t offset = 0; offset < width; ++offset) {
world->block [world->width * y + offset + x] = block;
world->block [world->width * (height - 1 + y) + offset + x] = block;
world->block [world->width * y + offset + x] = (block_t *) data;
world->block [world->width * (height - 1 + y) + offset + x] = (block_t *) data;

for (number_t offset = 0; offset < height; ++offset) {
world->block [world->width * (y + offset) + x] = block;
world->block [world->width * (y + offset) + width - 1 + x] = block;
world->block [world->width * (y + offset) + x] = (block_t *) data;
world->block [world->width * (y + offset) + width - 1 + x] = (block_t *) data;

static procedure_t generate_create_bots_function (world_t * world, memory_t data, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y) {
UNUSED (height); UNUSED (x); UNUSED (y);

bot_t * bot = (bot_t *) data;
number_t count = width;

for (number_t index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
world->bot_count += 1;
world->bots = reallocate (world->bots, world->bot_count * (number_t) sizeof (* world->bots));
memory_copy (& world->bots [world->bot_count - 1], game_bot (bot->name, bot->symbol, NULL, bot->health, bot->mana, bot->stamina), (number_t) sizeof (* world->bots));
world->bots [world->bot_count - 1].x = randomize (1, 40);
world->bots [world->bot_count - 1].y = randomize (1, 40);

@@ -50,6 +62,7 @@ procedure_t play_game (procedure_t) {
generator_t * full_fill = game_generator (generate_full_fill_function);
generator_t * rectangle_fill = game_generator (generate_rectangle_fill_function);
generator_t * rectangle_line = game_generator (generate_rectangle_line_function);
generator_t * create_bots = game_generator (generate_create_bots_function);

bot_t * goblin = game_bot ("Goblin", game_symbol ('g', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL), NULL, game_bundle (0, 11, 11), game_bundle (0, 3, 3), game_bundle (0, 23, 23));
bot_t * hob_goblin = game_bot ("Hob Goblin", game_symbol ('g', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, game_bundle (0, 17, 17), game_bundle (0, 7, 7), game_bundle (0, 31, 31));
@@ -76,9 +89,10 @@ procedure_t play_game (procedure_t) {
block_t * stone_floor = game_block ("Stone Floor", game_symbol ('.', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
block_t * stone_wall = game_block ("Stone Wall", game_symbol ('#', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, TRUE, FALSE);

world_t * world = game_world (300, 100, full_fill, 0, 0, 0, 0, grass,
rectangle_fill, 5, 9, 2, 4, stone_floor,
rectangle_line, 5, 9, 2, 4, stone_wall,
world_t * world = game_world (300, 100, full_fill, grass, 0, 0, 0, 0,
rectangle_fill, stone_floor, 5, 9, 2, 4,
rectangle_line, stone_wall, 5, 9, 2, 4,
create_bots, goblin, 3, 0, 0, 0,

player->attributes [0]->points->current = 7;
@@ -106,7 +120,10 @@ procedure_t play_game (procedure_t) {

game_render_world (world, 0, 0, game_screen_offset, curses_screen_height);

game_render_bot (goblin);
game_render_bot (goblin);hob_goblin->x=1;hob_goblin->y=1;
game_render_bot (hob_goblin);orc->x=2;orc->y=2;
game_render_bot (orc);ogre->x=3;ogre->y=3;
game_render_bot (ogre);

game_render_player (player);
