
Implemented memory pool...

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  2. +1

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chapter/chapter_5.c 查看文件

@@ -24,6 +24,45 @@ static number_t game_set_screen_height (game_t * game, number_t height) { return

game_t game;
player_t player;
memory_t memory_pool;

static memory_t memorize (memory_t data, number_t size) {
static memory_t memory_data = NULL;
static number_t memory_used = 0;
static number_t memory_block_size = 4096;
static number_t memory_block_used = 0;

/* Show an example of incremental reallocation with for loop from libhl early prototype. */

fatal_failure (size >= memory_block_size, "memorize: You're trying to re/allocate huge chunk of memory.");

if (memory_used + size >= memory_block_used * memory_block_size) {
memory_pool = reallocate (memory_pool, ++memory_block_used * memory_block_size);

for (number_t offset = 0; offset != memory_block_size; ++offset) {
string_t cast = (string_t) memory_pool + (memory_block_used - 1) * memory_block_size + offset;
* cast = '\0';

if (data == NULL) {
memory_data = (string_t) memory_pool + memory_used;

memory_used += size;
} else {
memory_data = data;

memory_used += size;

for (number_t offset = 0; offset != size; ++offset) {
string_t cast_0 = (string_t) memory_pool + memory_used - 1 - offset;
string_t cast_1 = (string_t) memory_pool + memory_used - size - 1 - offset;
* cast_0 = * cast_1;

return (memory_data);

static void move_player (void) { ++player.x; }

@@ -54,17 +93,22 @@ skill_t * game_skill (string_t name, bundle_t * points, ...) {

va_start (list, points);

skill = allocate ((int) sizeof (* skill));
//~skill = allocate ((int) sizeof (* skill));
skill = memorize (NULL, (int) sizeof (* skill));

string_copy ((skill->name = allocate (string_length (name) + 1)), name);
memory_copy ((skill->points = allocate ((int) sizeof (* skill->points))), points, (int) sizeof (* points));
//~string_copy ((skill->name = allocate (string_length (name) + 1)), name);
//~memory_copy ((skill->points = allocate ((int) sizeof (* skill->points))), points, (int) sizeof (* points));

string_copy ((skill->name = memorize (NULL, string_length (name) + 1)), name);
memory_copy ((skill->points = memorize (NULL, (int) sizeof (* skill->points))), points, (int) sizeof (* points));

for (;;) {
action = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);

if (action > 0) {
skill->positive_count += 1;
skill->positive = reallocate (skill->positive, skill->positive_count * (int) sizeof (action));
//~skill->positive = reallocate (skill->positive, skill->positive_count * (int) sizeof (action));
skill->positive = memorize (skill->positive, skill->positive_count * (int) sizeof (action));
skill->positive [skill->positive_count - 1] = (action_t) action;
} else break;
@@ -81,21 +125,27 @@ attribute_t * game_attribute (string_t name, bundle_t * points, ...) {

va_start (list, points);

attribute = allocate ((int) sizeof (* attribute));
//~attribute = allocate ((int) sizeof (* attribute));
attribute = memorize (NULL, (int) sizeof (* attribute));

//~string_copy ((attribute->name = allocate (string_length (name) + 1)), name);
//~memory_copy ((attribute->points = allocate ((int) sizeof (* attribute->points))), points, (int) sizeof (* points));

string_copy ((attribute->name = allocate (string_length (name) + 1)), name);
memory_copy ((attribute->points = allocate ((int) sizeof (* attribute->points))), points, (int) sizeof (* points));
string_copy ((attribute->name = memorize (NULL, string_length (name) + 1)), name);
memory_copy ((attribute->points = memorize (NULL, (int) sizeof (* attribute->points))), points, (int) sizeof (* points));

for (;;) {
action = (number_t) va_arg (list, int);

if (action > 0) {
attribute->positive_count += 1;
attribute->positive = reallocate (attribute->positive, attribute->positive_count * (int) sizeof (action));
//~attribute->positive = reallocate (attribute->positive, attribute->positive_count * (int) sizeof (action));
attribute->positive = memorize (attribute->positive, attribute->positive_count * (int) sizeof (action));
attribute->positive [attribute->positive_count - 1] = (action_t) action;
} else if (action < 0) {
attribute->negative_count += 1;
attribute->negative = reallocate (attribute->negative, attribute->negative_count * (int) sizeof (action));
//~attribute->negative = reallocate (attribute->negative, attribute->negative_count * (int) sizeof (action));
attribute->negative = memorize (attribute->negative, attribute->negative_count * (int) sizeof (action));
attribute->negative [attribute->negative_count - 1] = (action_t) -action;
} else {
@@ -108,9 +158,9 @@ attribute_t * game_attribute (string_t name, bundle_t * points, ...) {

void game_render_skill (skill_t * skill, number_t x, number_t y) {
curses_render_string (skill->name, COLOUR_BLUE, EFFECT_NORMAL, x, y);
curses_render_string (skill->name, COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x, y);

curses_render_string ("[ ", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 20, y);
curses_render_string ("[ ", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 18, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->minimum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, x = 22, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->current, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL, x = 26, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->maximum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x = 30, y);
@@ -118,9 +168,9 @@ void game_render_skill (skill_t * skill, number_t x, number_t y) {

void game_render_attribute (attribute_t * attribute, number_t x, number_t y) {
curses_render_string (attribute->name, COLOUR_BLUE, EFFECT_NORMAL, x, y);
curses_render_string (attribute->name, COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x, y);

curses_render_string ("[ ", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 20, y);
curses_render_string ("[ ", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 18, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->minimum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, x = 22, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->current, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL, x = 26, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->maximum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x = 30, y);
@@ -135,8 +185,8 @@ void play_game (void) {
attribute_t * strength, * edurance, * wisdom, * agility;

strength = game_attribute ("Strength", & attribute_points, GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, -GAME_ACTION_CAMP, 0);
edurance = game_attribute ("Edurance", & attribute_points, GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, -GAME_ACTION_REST, 0);
wisdom = game_attribute ("Wisdom", & attribute_points, GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, -GAME_ACTION_WALK, 0);
edurance = game_attribute ("Edurance", & attribute_points, GAME_ACTION_WALK, GAME_ACTION_CAMP, -GAME_ACTION_REST, 0);
wisdom = game_attribute ("Wisdom", & attribute_points, GAME_ACTION_CITE_RUNE, GAME_ACTION_CAST_CHARM, -GAME_ACTION_WALK, 0);
agility = game_attribute ("Agility", & attribute_points, GAME_ACTION_SHOOT_ARROW, GAME_ACTION_THROW_SPEAR, -GAME_ACTION_WAIT, 0);

blades = game_skill ("Blades", & skill_points, GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, 0);
@@ -153,10 +203,23 @@ void play_game (void) {
while (curses_active) {
curses_render_background (' ', COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL);

game_render_attribute (strength, 0, 0);
game_render_attribute (edurance, 0, 1);
game_render_attribute (wisdom, 0, 2);
game_render_attribute (agility, 0, 3);
curses_render_string ("Attributes:", COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_BOLD, 0, 0);

game_render_attribute (strength, 2, 1);
game_render_attribute (edurance, 2, 2);
game_render_attribute (wisdom, 2, 3);
game_render_attribute (agility, 2, 4);

curses_render_string ("Skills:", COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_BOLD, 0, 5);

game_render_skill (blades, 2, 6);
game_render_skill (axes, 2, 7);
game_render_skill (bows, 2, 8);
game_render_skill (spears, 2, 9);
game_render_skill (puppet_magic, 2, 10);
game_render_skill (nature_magic, 2, 11);
game_render_skill (rune_magic, 2, 12);
game_render_skill (charm_magic, 2, 13);

curses_render_character ('@', COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_BOLD, player.x, player.y);

@@ -165,19 +228,21 @@ void play_game (void) {
game_synchronize ();

strength->name = deallocate (strength->name); strength->points = deallocate (strength->points);strength->positive = deallocate (strength->positive); strength->negative = deallocate (strength->negative); strength = deallocate (strength);
edurance->name = deallocate (edurance->name); edurance->points = deallocate (edurance->points);edurance->positive = deallocate (edurance->positive); edurance->negative = deallocate (edurance->negative); edurance = deallocate (edurance);
wisdom->name = deallocate (wisdom->name); wisdom->points = deallocate (wisdom->points); wisdom->positive = deallocate (wisdom->positive); wisdom->negative = deallocate (wisdom->negative); wisdom = deallocate (wisdom);
agility->name = deallocate (agility->name); agility->points = deallocate (agility->points); agility->positive = deallocate (agility->positive); agility->negative = deallocate (agility->negative); agility = deallocate (agility);

blades->name = deallocate (blades->name); blades->points = deallocate (blades->points);blades->positive = deallocate (blades->positive); blades = deallocate (blades);
axes->name = deallocate (axes->name); axes->points = deallocate (axes->points);axes->positive = deallocate (axes->positive); axes = deallocate (axes);
bows->name = deallocate (bows->name); bows->points = deallocate (bows->points); bows->positive = deallocate (bows->positive); bows = deallocate (bows);
spears->name = deallocate (spears->name); spears->points = deallocate (spears->points); spears->positive = deallocate (spears->positive); spears = deallocate (spears);
puppet_magic->name = deallocate (puppet_magic->name); puppet_magic->points = deallocate (puppet_magic->points);puppet_magic->positive = deallocate (puppet_magic->positive); puppet_magic = deallocate (puppet_magic);
nature_magic->name = deallocate (nature_magic->name); nature_magic->points = deallocate (nature_magic->points);nature_magic->positive = deallocate (nature_magic->positive); nature_magic = deallocate (nature_magic);
rune_magic->name = deallocate (rune_magic->name); rune_magic->points = deallocate (rune_magic->points); rune_magic->positive = deallocate (rune_magic->positive); rune_magic = deallocate (rune_magic);
charm_magic->name = deallocate (charm_magic->name); charm_magic->points = deallocate (charm_magic->points); charm_magic->positive = deallocate (charm_magic->positive); charm_magic = deallocate (charm_magic);
//~strength->name = deallocate (strength->name); strength->points = deallocate (strength->points);strength->positive = deallocate (strength->positive); strength->negative = deallocate (strength->negative); strength = deallocate (strength);
//~edurance->name = deallocate (edurance->name); edurance->points = deallocate (edurance->points);edurance->positive = deallocate (edurance->positive); edurance->negative = deallocate (edurance->negative); edurance = deallocate (edurance);
//~wisdom->name = deallocate (wisdom->name); wisdom->points = deallocate (wisdom->points); wisdom->positive = deallocate (wisdom->positive); wisdom->negative = deallocate (wisdom->negative); wisdom = deallocate (wisdom);
//~agility->name = deallocate (agility->name); agility->points = deallocate (agility->points); agility->positive = deallocate (agility->positive); agility->negative = deallocate (agility->negative); agility = deallocate (agility);

//~blades->name = deallocate (blades->name); blades->points = deallocate (blades->points);blades->positive = deallocate (blades->positive); blades = deallocate (blades);
//~axes->name = deallocate (axes->name); axes->points = deallocate (axes->points);axes->positive = deallocate (axes->positive); axes = deallocate (axes);
//~bows->name = deallocate (bows->name); bows->points = deallocate (bows->points); bows->positive = deallocate (bows->positive); bows = deallocate (bows);
//~spears->name = deallocate (spears->name); spears->points = deallocate (spears->points); spears->positive = deallocate (spears->positive); spears = deallocate (spears);
//~puppet_magic->name = deallocate (puppet_magic->name); puppet_magic->points = deallocate (puppet_magic->points);puppet_magic->positive = deallocate (puppet_magic->positive); puppet_magic = deallocate (puppet_magic);
//~nature_magic->name = deallocate (nature_magic->name); nature_magic->points = deallocate (nature_magic->points);nature_magic->positive = deallocate (nature_magic->positive); nature_magic = deallocate (nature_magic);
//~rune_magic->name = deallocate (rune_magic->name); rune_magic->points = deallocate (rune_magic->points); rune_magic->positive = deallocate (rune_magic->positive); rune_magic = deallocate (rune_magic);
//~charm_magic->name = deallocate (charm_magic->name); charm_magic->points = deallocate (charm_magic->points); charm_magic->positive = deallocate (charm_magic->positive); charm_magic = deallocate (charm_magic);

memory_pool = deallocate (memory_pool);


+ 1
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chapter/chapter_5.h 查看文件

@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ typedef struct player_t {
skill_t puppet_magic, nature_magic, rune_magic, charm_magic;
} player_t;

extern memory_t memory_pool;
extern game_t game;
extern player_t player;
