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New chapter 5, work in progress, unexecutable...

Ognjen Milan Robovic 6 months ago
5 changed files with 138 additions and 2 deletions
  1. +3
  2. +57
  3. +70
  4. +4
  5. +4

+ 3
- 1
chapter/chapter_2.c View File

@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ int curses_character = 0;
int curses_signal = SIGNAL_NONE;
int curses_screen_width = 0;
int curses_screen_height = 0;
int curses_active = 1;
int curses_active = 0;

I need to quickly explain how I'm structuring this subprogram. You can think of functions and variables starting with 'curses_*' as tiny standalone library if it's easier. They
@@ -316,6 +316,8 @@ External function definitions, those found in "chapter_2.h" header file.

void curses_configure (void) {
curses_active = TRUE;

atexit (curses_deinitialize); // Deinitialization is automatically on exit.

curses_initialize (); // Initializing curses, yaay.

+ 57
- 0
chapter/chapter_5.c View File

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 : Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic

Xhartae is free software! You will redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation.
And when you do redistribute it or modify it, it will use either version 3 of the License, or (at yours truly opinion) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depends... But no warranty what so ever, seriously. See GNU/GPLv3.


#include "chapter_5.h"

static void (* game_action [GAME_ACTION_COUNT]) (game_t * game, player_t * player);

static number_t game_is_active (game_t * game) { return (game->active); }
static number_t game_exit (game_t * game) { return (game->active = FALSE); }/*
static number_t game_get_screen_width (game_t * game) { return (game->screen_width); }
static number_t game_get_screen_height (game_t * game) { return (game->screen_height); }
static number_t game_set_screen_width (game_t * game, number_t width) { return (game->screen_width = width); }
static number_t game_set_screen_height (game_t * game, number_t height) { return (game->screen_height = height); }*/

static void game_configure (game_t * game, player_t * player) {
curses_configure ();

curses_bind (SIGNAL_Q, game_exit);

game->active = TRUE;
game->screen_width = curses_screen_width;
game->screen_height = curses_screen_height;

player->x = 0;
player->y = 0;

static void game_synchronize (game_t * game, player_t * player) {
(void) game;

curses_render_background (' ', COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL);

curses_render_character ('@', COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_BOLD, player->x, player->y);

curses_synchronize ();

void play_game (void) {
game_t game;
player_t player;

game_configure (& game, & player);

while (game_is_active (& game) && curses_active) {
game_synchronize (& game, & player);


+ 70
- 0
chapter/chapter_5.h View File

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 : Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic

Xhartae is free software! You will redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation.
And when you do redistribute it or modify it, it will use either version 3 of the License, or (at yours truly opinion) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depends... But no warranty what so ever, seriously. See GNU/GPLv3.


#include "chapter_0.h"
#include "chapter_1.h"
#include "chapter_2.h"
#include "chapter_3.h"

Okay, we're finally on chapter five, and now we'll write something fun, not serious and boring. Before the Great Flood, when our ancestors were riding dinosaurs, building
pyramids, killing African men and mating with Asian women, people didn't have dedicated nor integrated graphical processing units, called GPUs. They only had their terminals,
built inside some of their spaceships. And what did they do with them? They played terminal rogue-like games, similar to those that archeologists discovered in ancient Egypt,
Syria, Sumeria, Greece and Atlantis. They were reconstructed around 50 years ago by some guy that made the game Rogue. So, all those myths, sagas and legends about Anubis,
Gilgamesh, Achilles, Inana, Gaea, they were just playable characters or main characters in those games, with different statistics, skills, attributes and back-story. Now, lets
make a simple terminal rogue-like game using what we wrote in previous chapters.

First of all, lets talk briefly about keyword 'typedef' and why I hate to use it.

typedef enum action_t {
} action_t;

typedef int number_t;
typedef char * string_t;
typedef void * memory_t;

typedef struct game_t {
number_t active, screen_width, screen_height;
} game_t;

typedef struct bundle_t {
number_t minimum, maximum, current, boosted;
} bundle_t;
typedef struct skill_t {
string_t name;
bundle_t stat;
action_t positive [4];
} skill_t;

typedef struct attribute_t {
string_t name;
bundle_t stat;
action_t positive [4], negative [4];
} attribute_t;
typedef struct player_t {
string_t name;
number_t x, y;
bundle_t * health, * armour, * mana, * stamina;
/*attribute_t strength, edurance, intelligence, agility;
skill_t blades, axes, bows, spears;
skill_t puppet_magic, nature_magic, rune_magic, charm_magic;*/
} player_t;

extern void play_game (void);


+ 4
- 1 View File

@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O0 -c -o chapter/chapter_1.o chapter/chapter_1.
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O0 -c -o chapter/chapter_2.o chapter/chapter_2.c
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O0 -c -o chapter/chapter_3.o chapter/chapter_3.c
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O0 -c -o chapter/chapter_4.o chapter/chapter_4.c
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O0 -c -o chapter/chapter_5.o chapter/chapter_5.c

gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O0 -c -o xhartae.o xhartae.c

gcc -o xhartae xhartae.o chapter/chapter_0.o chapter/chapter_1.o chapter/chapter_2.o chapter/chapter_3.o chapter/chapter_4.o
gcc -o xhartae xhartae.o chapter/chapter_0.o chapter/chapter_1.o chapter/chapter_2.o chapter/chapter_3.o chapter/chapter_4.o chapter/chapter_5.o

#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_0.h
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_0.c
@@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ gcc -o xhartae xhartae.o chapter/chapter_0.o chapter/chapter_1.o chapter/chapter
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_3.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_4.h
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_4.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_5.h
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type chapter/chapter_5.c
#~splint -weak -warnposix -retvalother -syntax -type xhartae.c

#~valgrind --show-leak-kinds=all --leak-check=full ./xhartae

+ 4
- 0
xhartae.c View File

@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depen
#include "chapter/chapter_2.c"
#include "chapter/chapter_3.c"
#include "chapter/chapter_4.c"
#include "chapter/chapter_5.c"
#include "chapter/chapter_0.h"
#include "chapter/chapter_1.h"
#include "chapter/chapter_2.h"
#include "chapter/chapter_3.h"
#include "chapter/chapter_4.h"
#include "chapter/chapter_5.h"

@@ -132,5 +134,7 @@ int main (int argc, char * * argv) {

preview_c_file ("program/example.c", curses_screen_width, curses_screen_height, 0, 0);

play_game ();

return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
