
130 lines
7.2 KiB

Copyright (c) 2023 : Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic
Xhartae is free software! You will redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation.
And when you do redistribute it or modify it, it will use either version 3 of the License, or (at yours truly opinion) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depends... But no warranty what so ever, seriously. See GNU/GPLv3.
#include "chapter_6.h"
#define UNUSED(variable) (void) variable
static procedure_t generate_full_fill_function (world_t * world, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y, block_t * block) {
UNUSED (width);
UNUSED (height);
for (number_t j = 0; j < world->height; ++j) {
for (number_t i = 0; i < world->width; ++i) {
world->block [j * world->width + i] = block;
static procedure_t generate_rectangle_fill_function (world_t * world, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y, block_t * block) {
for (number_t j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
for (number_t i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
world->block [(j + y) * world->width + (i + x)] = block;
static procedure_t generate_rectangle_line_function (world_t * world, number_t width, number_t height, number_t x, number_t y, block_t * block) {
for (number_t offset = 0; offset < width; ++offset) {
world->block [world->width * y + offset + x] = block;
world->block [world->width * (height - 1 + y) + offset + x] = block;
for (number_t offset = 0; offset < height; ++offset) {
world->block [world->width * (y + offset) + x] = block;
world->block [world->width * (y + offset) + width - 1 + x] = block;
procedure_t play_game (procedure_t) {
generator_t * full_fill = game_generator (generate_full_fill_function);
generator_t * rectangle_fill = game_generator (generate_rectangle_fill_function);
generator_t * rectangle_line = game_generator (generate_rectangle_line_function);
//~attribute_t * strength = game_attribute ("Strength", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, -GAME_ACTION_CAMP, 0);
//~attribute_t * edurance = game_attribute ("Edurance", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_WALK, GAME_ACTION_CAMP, -GAME_ACTION_REST, 0);
//~attribute_t * wisdom = game_attribute ("Wisdom", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_CITE_RUNE, GAME_ACTION_CAST_CHARM, -GAME_ACTION_WALK, 0);
//~attribute_t * agility = game_attribute ("Agility", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_SHOOT_ARROW, GAME_ACTION_THROW_SPEAR, -GAME_ACTION_WAIT, 0);
skill_t * blades = game_skill ("Blades", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, 0);
skill_t * axes = game_skill ("Axes", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, 0);
skill_t * bows = game_skill ("Bows", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SHOOT_ARROW, 0);
skill_t * spears = game_skill ("Spears", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_THROW_SPEAR, 0);
skill_t * puppet_magic = game_skill ("Puppet Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SUMMON_PUPPET, 0);
skill_t * nature_magic = game_skill ("Nature Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CALL_NATURE, 0);
skill_t * rune_magic = game_skill ("Rune Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CITE_RUNE, 0);
skill_t * charm_magic = game_skill ("Charm Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CAST_CHARM, 0);
bot_t * goblin = game_bot ("Goblin", game_symbol ('g', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL), game_bundle (0, 11, 11), game_bundle (0, 3, 3), game_bundle (0, 23, 23));
bot_t * hob_goblin = game_bot ("Hob Goblin", game_symbol ('g', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD), game_bundle (0, 17, 17), game_bundle (0, 7, 7), game_bundle (0, 31, 31));
bot_t * orc = game_bot ("Orc", game_symbol ('G', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL), game_bundle (0, 23, 23), game_bundle (0, 5, 5), game_bundle (0, 47, 47));
bot_t * ogre = game_bot ("Ogre", game_symbol ('G', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD), game_bundle (0, 37, 37), game_bundle (0, 2, 2), game_bundle (0, 83, 83));
player_t * player = game_player ("Riri", game_symbol ('@', COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_BOLD), game_bundle (0, 29, 29), game_bundle (0, 3, 3), game_bundle (0, 37, 37),
//~strength, edurance, wisdom, agility, NULL,
game_attribute ("Strength", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, -GAME_ACTION_CAMP, 0),
game_attribute ("Edurance", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_WALK, GAME_ACTION_CAMP, -GAME_ACTION_REST, 0),
game_attribute ("Wisdom", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_CITE_RUNE, GAME_ACTION_CAST_CHARM, -GAME_ACTION_WALK, 0),
game_attribute ("Agility", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_SHOOT_ARROW, GAME_ACTION_THROW_SPEAR, -GAME_ACTION_WAIT, 0),
blades, axes, bows, spears, puppet_magic, nature_magic, rune_magic, charm_magic, NULL);
block_t * grass = game_block ("Grass", game_symbol (',', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD), FALSE, FALSE);
block_t * stone_floor = game_block ("Stone Floor", game_symbol ('.', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD), FALSE, FALSE);
block_t * stone_wall = game_block ("Stone Wall", game_symbol ('#', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD), TRUE, FALSE);
world_t * world = game_world (300, 100, full_fill, 0, 0, 0, 0, grass,
rectangle_fill, 5, 9, 2, 4, stone_floor,
rectangle_line, 5, 9, 2, 4, stone_wall,
//~player->attributes [0]->points->current = 7;
//~player->attributes [1]->points->current = 3;
//~player->attributes [2]->points->current = 5;
//~player->attributes [3]->points->current = 3;
curses_configure ();
terminal_show_cursor (FALSE);
while (curses_active) {
number_t game_screen_offset = curses_screen_width - 40;
curses_render_background (' ', COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL);
game_render_world (world, 0, 0, game_screen_offset, curses_screen_height);
game_render_bot (goblin);
game_render_player (player);
game_render_attribute (game_screen_offset, 1, player->attributes [0], player->attributes [1], player->attributes [2], player->attributes [3], NULL);
game_render_skill (game_screen_offset, 6, blades, axes, bows, spears, puppet_magic, nature_magic, rune_magic, charm_magic, NULL);
switch (curses_character) {
case SIGNAL_ARROW_UP: player->y -= 1; limit (& player->y, 0, world->height - 1); break;
case SIGNAL_ARROW_DOWN: player->y += 1; limit (& player->y, 0, world->height - 1); break;
case SIGNAL_ARROW_LEFT: player->x -= 1; limit (& player->x, 0, world->width - 1); break;
case SIGNAL_ARROW_RIGHT: player->x += 1; limit (& player->x, 0, world->width - 1); break;
default: break;
curses_synchronize ();
terminal_show_cursor (TRUE);