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xiranda.c View File

@@ -1,57 +1,62 @@
#include <xolatile/xtandard.c>
#include <xolatile/xyntax.c>

static int coin_code = 0;/*
static int coin_code = 0;
static int type_code = 0;
static int function_code = 0;
static int variable_code = 0;
static int constant_code = 0;*/

static int coin_enum [240] = { 0 };
static int coin_data [240] = { 0 };
static int coin_size [240] = { 0 };
static char coin_text [240] [40] = { "" };
static int variable_code = 0;/*
static int constant_code = 0;
static int function_code = 0;*/

static int coin_data [240] = { 0 };
static int coin_size [240] = { 0 };
static char coin_text [240] [40] = { "" };

static char type_name [27] [40] = { "" };
static int type_size [27] = { 0 };

static char function_name [9] [40] = { "" };
static int function_type [9] = { 0 };
static char function_argument_name [9] [6] [40] = { { "" } };
static int function_argument_type [9] [6] = { { 0 } };

static char variable_name [27] [40] = { "" };
static int variable_type [27] = { 0 };
static int variable_data [27] = { 0 };
static char constant_name [30] [40] = { "" };
static int constant_type [30] = { 0 };
static int constant_data [30] = { 0 };

static char function_name [9] [40] = { "" };
static int function_type [9] = { 0 };
static char function_argument_name [9] [6] [40] = { { "" } };
static int function_argument_type [9] [6] = { { 0 } };
#include <stdio.h>
static char * word_list [] = {
"type", "loop", "if", "else", "case", "return", "import", "system"
#include <stdlib.h>

static char * register_list [] = {
static void add_coin (int type, int data, int size, char * text) {
coin_enum [coin_code] = type;
static void add_coin (int data, int size, char * text) {
coin_data [coin_code] = data;
coin_size [coin_code] = size;
string_copy (coin_text [coin_code], text);
string_copy_limit (coin_text [coin_code], text, size);

static void kill (char * text) {
terminal_colour (colour_red, effect_bold);
echo (text);
terminal_cancel ();
exit (log_failure);

int main (void) {
char * buffer = null;
int offset = 0;
int length = 0;
int select = 0;

/**/int i;

int coin_string = syntax_define (false, false, "\"", "\"", '\\', colour_red, effect_normal);
int coin_type = syntax_define (false, true, "type", " \t\n", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
int coin_loop = syntax_define (false, true, "loop", " \t\n(:", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
@@ -71,135 +76,39 @@ int main (void) {
select = syntax_select (& buffer [offset], & length);
if (select < syntax_count) {
terminal_colour (syntax_colour [select], syntax_effect [select]);
add_coin (select, 0, length, & buffer [offset]);
add_coin (select, length, & buffer [offset]);
} else {
terminal_colour (colour_red, effect_bold);
if (character_compare_array (buffer [offset], " \t\n") == false) {
printf ("ERROR!\n");
exit (1);
kill ("Illegal character...\n");
out (& buffer [offset], length);
terminal_cancel ();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < coin_code; ++i) printf ("--- %2i : %2i = %.*s\n", coin_enum [i], coin_size [i], coin_size [i], coin_text [i]);
for (offset = 0; buffer [offset] != '\0'; ++offset) {
int size = 0;
char data [STRING_LIMIT] = "";
if (buffer [offset] == '"') {
for (++offset; (buffer [offset] != '"') && (buffer [offset] != '\0'); ++offset) {
data [size++] = buffer [offset];
data [size] = '\0';
add_coin (coin_string, 0, data);
} else if (character_is_digit (buffer [offset]) == true) {
for (; (character_is_digit (buffer [offset]) == true) && (buffer [offset] != '\0'); ++offset) {
data [size++] = buffer [offset];
add_coin (coin_number, 0, data);
data [size] = '\0';
} else if (character_is_alpha (buffer [offset]) == true) {
for (; ((character_is_alpha (buffer [offset]) == true) ||
(character_is_digit (buffer [offset]) == true) ||
(character_is_underscore (buffer [offset]) == true)) && (buffer [offset] != '\0'); ++offset) {
data [size++] = buffer [offset];
data [size] = '\0';
for (length = 0; length < (int) (sizeof (word_list) / sizeof (word_list [0])); ++length) {
if (string_compare_limit (data, word_list [length], string_length (word_list [length]) + 1) == true) {
add_coin (length, 0, data);
goto here;
add_coin (coin_marker, 0, data);
if (coin_enum [coin_code - 2] == coin_type) {
coin_enum [coin_code - 1] = coin_data;
string_copy (type_name [type_code], coin_text [coin_code - 1]);
type_size [type_code] = 8;
for (length = 0; length < type_code; ++length) {
if (string_compare_limit (data, type_name [length], string_length (type_name [length]) + 1) == true) {
coin_enum [coin_code - 1] = coin_data;
} else if (character_compare_array (buffer [offset], ",.;:=<>#&|!+*-/%()[]") == true) {
char s [2] = "";
s [0] = buffer [offset];
add_coin (coin_symbol, (int) buffer [offset], s);
} else {
if (character_is_blank (buffer [offset]) == false) {
echo ("\033[1;31mCharacter set exception point: Segmentation\033[0m\n");
printf ("%c -- %i\n", buffer [offset], (int) buffer [offset]);
exit (log_failure);
for (length = 0; length < coin_code; ++length) {
switch (coin_enum [length]) {
case coin_string: printf ("\033[1;32m%s\033[0m ", coin_text [length]); break;
case coin_number: printf ("\033[1;34m%s\033[0m ", coin_text [length]); break;
case coin_data: printf ("\033[1;36m%s\033[0m ", coin_text [length]); break;
case coin_marker: printf ("\033[1;37m%s\033[0m ", coin_text [length]); break;
case coin_type:
case coin_if:
case coin_else:
case coin_case:
case coin_loop:
case coin_import:
case coin_system:
case coin_return: printf ("\033[1;33m%s\033[0m ", coin_text [length]); break;
case coin_symbol: printf ("\033[1;35m%s\033[0m ", coin_text [length]); break;
default: printf ("\033[1;31m%s\033[0m ", coin_text [length]); break;

printf ("\n");

printf ("format ELF64 executable 3\n\n");
printf ("segment readable executable\n\n");
printf ("entry main\n\n");
printf ("main:\n\n");

for (length = 0; length < coin_code; ++length) {
if ((coin_enum [length] == coin_return) && (coin_data [length + 1] == ';')) {
printf ("; return;\nxor rax, rax\nret\n\n");
length += 1;
} else if ((coin_enum [length] == coin_return) && (coin_enum [length + 1] == coin_number) && (coin_data [length + 2] == ';')) {
printf ("; return {number};\nmov rax, %s\nret\n\n", coin_text [length + 1]);
length += 2;
} else if ((coin_enum [length] == coin_system) && (coin_data [length + 1] == '(')) {
int use = 0;
printf ("; system ({...});\n");
length += 2;
while (coin_data [length] != ')') {
switch (coin_enum [length]) {
case coin_symbol: if (coin_data [length] == '#') {length += 1; printf ("mov %s, %s\n", register_list [use], coin_text [length]); use++; } break;
case coin_number: printf ("mov %s, %s\n", register_list [use], coin_text [length]); use++; break;
case coin_marker: printf ("mov %s, [%s]\n", register_list [use], coin_text [length]); use++; break;
default: break;
length += 1;
if (coin_data [length] == ',')
length += 1;
length += 1;
if (coin_data [length] != ';')
echo ("EXPECTED STOP WORD ';'\n");
printf ("syscall\n\n");
for (offset = 0; offset < coin_code; ++offset) {
if (coin_data [offset] == coin_type) {
if (coin_data [offset] == coin_marker) {
string_copy (type_name [type_code], coin_text [offset]);
if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == '=')) {
if (coin_data [offset] == coin_number) {
type_size [type_code] = atoi (coin_text [offset]);
if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ';')) {
} else kill ("Expected semicolon symbol...\n");
} else kill ("Expected number...\n");
} else kill ("Expected equal symbol...\n");
} else kill ("Expected marker...\n");

printf (";end\nmov rax, 60\nmov rdi, 0\nsyscall\n\n");
printf ("segment readable writable\n\n");
printf ("text db 'Heyo world!', 10, 0\n\n");
printf ("size dq 12\n\n");
/**/for (i = 0; i < type_code; ++i) printf ("-type- %s : %i\n", type_name [i], type_size [i]);

buffer = deallocate (buffer);

return (log_success);
