Minimal programming language prototype, created with goal to have very small compiler, so that anyone can write his own compiler for it.
25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

32 lines

  1. format ELF64 executable 3
  2. segment readable executable
  3. entry main
  4. main:
  5. ; system ({...});
  6. mov rax, 1
  7. mov rdi, 1
  8. mov rsi, text
  9. mov rdx, [size]
  10. syscall
  11. ; return;
  12. xor rax, rax
  13. ret
  14. ;end
  15. mov rax, 60
  16. mov rdi, 0
  17. syscall
  18. segment readable writable
  19. text db 'Heyo world!', 10, 0
  20. size dq 12