Minimal programming language prototype, created with goal to have very small compiler, so that anyone can write his own compiler for it.
25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

230 lines

  1. #include <xolatile/xtandard.c>
  2. #include <xolatile/xyntax.c>
  3. static int coin_code = 0;
  4. static int type_code = 0;
  5. static int variable_code = 0;
  6. static int constant_code = 0;
  7. static int function_code = 0;
  8. static int coin_data [240] = { 0 };
  9. static int coin_size [240] = { 0 };
  10. static char coin_text [240] [40] = { "" };
  11. static char type_name [27] [40] = { "" };
  12. static int type_size [27] = { 0 };
  13. static char variable_name [27] [40] = { "" };
  14. static int variable_type [27] = { 0 };
  15. static int variable_data [27] = { 0 };
  16. static char constant_name [30] [40] = { "" };
  17. static int constant_type [30] = { 0 };
  18. static int constant_data [30] = { 0 };
  19. static char function_name [9] [40] = { "" };
  20. static int function_type [9] = { 0 };
  21. static char function_argument_name [9] [6] [40] = { { "" } };
  22. static int function_argument_type [9] [6] = { { 0 } };
  23. #include <stdio.h>
  24. #include <stdlib.h>
  25. /*
  26. static char * register_list [] = {
  27. "rax","rdi","rsi","rdx","r10","r8","r9"
  28. };
  29. */
  30. static void add_coin (int data, int size, char * text) {
  31. coin_data [coin_code] = data;
  32. coin_size [coin_code] = size;
  33. string_copy_limit (coin_text [coin_code], text, size);
  34. ++coin_code;
  35. }
  36. static void kill (char * text, int offset) {
  37. int i;
  38. terminal_colour (colour_red, effect_bold);
  39. echo (text);
  40. terminal_cancel ();
  41. echo (coin_text [offset]);
  42. echo ("\n");
  43. for (i = 0; i < offset + 3; ++i) {
  44. if (i == offset) {
  45. terminal_colour (colour_red, effect_bold);
  46. echo (coin_text [i]);
  47. echo (" ");
  48. terminal_cancel ();
  49. } else {
  50. echo (coin_text [i]);
  51. echo (" ");
  52. }
  53. }
  54. echo ("\n");
  55. }
  56. int main (void) {
  57. char * buffer = null;
  58. int offset = 0;
  59. int length = 0;
  60. int select = 0;
  61. /**/int i;
  62. int coin_string = syntax_define (false, false, "\"", "\"", '\\', colour_red, effect_normal);
  63. int coin_type = syntax_define (false, true, "одреди", " \t\n", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
  64. int coin_loop = syntax_define (false, true, "понови", " \t\n(:", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
  65. int coin_if = syntax_define (false, true, "ако", " \t\n(", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
  66. int coin_else = syntax_define (false, true, "иначе", " \t\n:", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
  67. int coin_case = syntax_define (false, true, "погоди", " \t\n(", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
  68. int coin_return = syntax_define (false, true, "врати", " \t\n(;", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
  69. int coin_import = syntax_define (false, true, "учитај", " \t\n", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
  70. int coin_system = syntax_define (false, true, "изврши", " \t\n(", '\0', colour_yellow, effect_normal);
  71. int coin_number = syntax_define (true, true, "0123456789", " \t\n,.;:()[]#", '\0', colour_blue, effect_normal);
  72. int coin_marker = syntax_define (true, true, "абвгдђежзијклљмнљопрстћуфхцчџш_", " \t\n,.;:()[]#", '\0', colour_white, effect_normal);
  73. int coin_symbol = syntax_define (true, false, ",.;:=#[]()+-*/%&|!", "", '\0', colour_cyan, effect_normal);
  74. buffer = record ();
  75. for (offset = 0; buffer [offset] != '\0'; offset += length) {
  76. select = syntax_select (& buffer [offset], & length);
  77. if (select < syntax_count) {
  78. terminal_colour (syntax_colour [select], syntax_effect [select]);
  79. add_coin (select, length, & buffer [offset]);
  80. } else {
  81. terminal_colour (colour_red, effect_bold);
  82. if (character_compare_array (buffer [offset], " \t\n") == false) {
  83. kill ("Illegal character: ", offset);
  84. }
  85. }
  86. out (& buffer [offset], length);
  87. terminal_cancel ();
  88. }
  89. for (offset = 0; offset < coin_code; ++offset) {
  90. if (coin_data [offset] == coin_type) {
  91. ++offset;
  92. if (coin_data [offset] == coin_marker) {
  93. string_copy (type_name [type_code], coin_text [offset]);
  94. ++offset;
  95. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == '=')) {
  96. ++offset;
  97. if (coin_data [offset] == coin_number) {
  98. type_size [type_code] = atoi (coin_text [offset]);
  99. ++offset;
  100. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ';')) {
  101. ++type_code;
  102. } else kill ("Expected semicolon symbol: ", offset);
  103. } else kill ("Expected number: ", offset);
  104. } else if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == '(')) {
  105. int counter = 0;
  106. type_size [type_code] = 4;
  107. for (++offset; offset < coin_code; ++offset) {
  108. if (coin_data [offset] == coin_marker) {
  109. string_copy (constant_name [constant_code], coin_text [offset]);
  110. constant_type [constant_code] = type_code;
  111. ++offset;
  112. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ')')) {
  113. constant_data [constant_code] = counter;
  114. ++counter;
  115. ++constant_code;
  116. break;
  117. } else if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ',')) {
  118. constant_data [constant_code] = counter;
  119. ++counter;
  120. ++constant_code;
  121. } else if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == '=')) {
  122. ++offset;
  123. if (coin_data [offset] == coin_number) {
  124. int number = atoi (coin_text [offset]);
  125. constant_data [constant_code] = number;
  126. counter = number + 1;
  127. ++constant_code;
  128. ++offset;
  129. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ')')) {
  130. break;
  131. } else if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ',')) {
  132. ++counter; /* Should I replace this? */
  133. } else kill ("Expected , or ) ", offset);
  134. } else kill ("Expected constant data number:", offset);
  135. } else kill ("Expected = or , or ) ", offset);
  136. } else kill ("Expected constant name marker: ", offset);
  137. }
  138. ++type_code;
  139. } else kill ("Expected equal or open bracket symbol: ", offset);
  140. } else kill ("Expected marker: ", offset);
  141. } else if (coin_data [offset] == coin_marker) {
  142. ++offset;
  143. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ':')) {
  144. string_copy (variable_name [variable_code], coin_text [offset - 1]);
  145. ++offset;
  146. if (coin_data [offset] == coin_marker) {
  147. int j;
  148. for (j = 0; j < type_code; ++j) {
  149. if (string_compare (coin_text [offset], type_name [j]) == true) {
  150. variable_type [variable_code] = j;
  151. break;
  152. }
  153. }
  154. if (j == type_code) {
  155. kill ("Unknown type: ", offset);
  156. }
  157. ++offset;
  158. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == '=')) {
  159. ++offset;
  160. if (coin_data [offset] == coin_number) {
  161. variable_data [variable_code] = atoi (coin_text [offset]);
  162. ++offset;
  163. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ';')) {
  164. printf ("\033[1;32m%s: %s %i\033[0m\n",
  165. variable_name [variable_code],
  166. (type_size [variable_type [variable_code]] == 1) ? "db" : "dd",
  167. variable_data [variable_code]);
  168. ++variable_code;
  169. } else kill ("Expected semicolon symbol: ", offset);
  170. } else if (coin_data [offset] == coin_string) {
  171. variable_data [variable_code] = 33;
  172. ++offset;
  173. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ';')) {
  174. printf ("\033[1;32m%s: %s %s, 0\033[0m\n",
  175. variable_name [variable_code],
  176. (type_size [variable_type [variable_code]] == 1) ? "db" : "dd",
  177. coin_text [offset - 1]);
  178. ++variable_code;
  179. } else kill ("Expected semicolon symbol: ", offset);
  180. } else if (coin_data [offset] == coin_marker) {
  181. variable_data [variable_code] = 66;
  182. ++offset;
  183. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ';')) {
  184. printf ("\033[1;32m%s: %s %i\033[0m\n",
  185. variable_name [variable_code],
  186. (type_size [variable_type [variable_code]] == 1) ? "db" : "dd",
  187. variable_data [variable_code]);
  188. ++variable_code;
  189. } else kill ("Expected semicolon symbol: ", offset);
  190. } else kill ("Expected marker, number or string: ", offset);
  191. } else kill ("Expected equal symbol: ", offset);
  192. } else kill ("Expected type: ", offset);
  193. } else if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == '(')) {
  194. string_copy (function_name [function_code], coin_text [offset - 1]);
  195. ++offset;
  196. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ')')) {
  197. ++offset;
  198. if ((coin_data [offset] == coin_symbol) && (* coin_text [offset] == ':')) {
  199. echo ("PROCESSING FUNCTION...\n");
  200. ++function_code;
  201. } else kill ("Expected void function, symbol :: ", offset);
  202. } else kill ("Expected void function, symbol (): ", offset);
  203. } else kill ("Expected colon, open bracket or equal symbol: ", offset);
  204. }
  205. }
  206. /**/for (i = 0; i < type_code; ++i) printf ("-type- %s = %i;\n", type_name [i], type_size [i]);
  207. /**/for (i = 0; i < variable_code; ++i) printf ("-variable- %s : %s = %i;\n", variable_name [i], type_name [variable_type [i]], variable_data [i]);
  208. /**/for (i = 0; i < constant_code; ++i) printf ("-constant- %s : %s = %i;\n", constant_name [i], type_name [constant_type [i]], constant_data [i]);
  209. /**/for (i = 0; i < function_code; ++i) printf ("-function- %s;\n", function_name [i]);
  210. buffer = deallocate (buffer);
  211. return (log_success);
  212. }