Minimal programming language prototype, created with goal to have very small compiler, so that anyone can write his own compiler for it.
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136 line

  1. linux_read_system_call = 0
  2. linux_write_system_call = 1
  3. linux_open_system_call = 2
  4. linux_close_system_call = 3
  5. linux_exit_system_call = 60
  6. standard_input = 0
  7. standard_output = 1
  8. format ELF64 executable 3
  9. segment readable executable
  10. macro begin {
  11. push rdi
  12. enter 0, 0
  13. xor rax, rax
  14. }
  15. macro end {
  16. leave
  17. pop rdi
  18. ret
  19. }
  20. main:
  21. nop
  22. nop
  23. nop
  24. mov rdi, text_data ; text);
  25. call echo ; echo (
  26. loop_1:
  27. cmp [main_x], 16
  28. je loop_1e
  29. xor rdx, rdx
  30. mov eax, [main_x]
  31. mov ebx, 15
  32. idiv rbx
  33. cmp edx, 0
  34. jne n3
  35. mov rdi, fb
  36. call echo
  37. jmp n0
  38. n3:
  39. xor rdx, rdx
  40. mov eax, [main_x]
  41. mov ebx, 3
  42. idiv rbx
  43. cmp edx, 0
  44. jne n1
  45. mov rdi, f
  46. call echo
  47. jmp n0
  48. n1:
  49. xor rdx, rdx
  50. mov eax, [main_x]
  51. mov ebx, 5
  52. idiv rbx
  53. cmp edx, 0
  54. jne n2
  55. mov rdi, b
  56. call echo
  57. jmp n0
  58. n2:
  59. mov rdi, n
  60. call echo
  61. n0:
  62. inc [main_x]
  63. jmp loop_1
  64. loop_1e:
  65. ;
  66. mov rax, linux_exit_system_call ; <main> return;;
  67. xor rdi, rdi
  68. syscall
  69. ;~string_length (character * text):
  70. ;~natural length = 0;
  71. ;~loop (* (text + length++));
  72. ;~return (length);;
  73. ;~48 C7 C7 BD 11 40 00 E8 CA 00 00 00 83 3D F3 10 00 00 10 0F 83 83 00 00 00 48 31 D2 8B 05 E4 10 00 00 BB 0F 00 00 00 48 F7 FB 83 FA 00 75 0E 48 C7 C7
  74. ;~CA 11 40 00 E8 9B 00 00 00 EB 54 48 31 D2 8B 05 C0 10 00 00 BB 03 00 00 00 48 F7 FB 83 FA 00 75 0E 48 C7 C7 D4 11 40 00 E8 77 00 00 00 EB 30 48 31 D2
  75. ;~8B 05 9C 10 00 00 BB 05 00 00 00 48 F7 FB 83 FA 00 75 0E 48 C7 C7 DA 11 40 00 E8 53 00 00 00 EB 0C 48 C7 C7 E0 11 40 00 E8 45 00 00 00 FF 05 6F 10 00
  76. ;~00 E9 70 FF FF FF 48 C7 C0 3C 00 00 00 48 31 FF 0F 05
  77. ;~57 C8 00 00 00 C7 05 48 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 31 C0 80 3F 00 74 0B FF 05 3A 10 00 00 48 FF C7 EB F0 C9 8B 05 2E 10 00 00 5F C3
  78. ;~57 C8 00 00 00 E8 C5 FF FF FF 48 89 C2 48 89 FE 48 C7 C7 01 00 00 00 48 C7 C0 01 00 00 00 0F 05 48 31 C0 C9 5F C3
  79. ;~00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 48 65 79 6F 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 0A 00 66 69 7A 7A 62 75 7A 7A 0A 00 66 69 7A 7A 0A 00 62 75 7A 7A 0A 00 6E 75 6D 62 65 72 0A 00
  80. ;~string_length (character * string) > natural:
  81. ;~length: natural = 0;
  82. ;~loop (string [length]) length++;
  83. ;~return (length);;
  84. string_length: ; string_length
  85. begin
  86. mov [string_length_length], 0
  87. loop_0: ; loop_0
  88. cmp byte [rdi], 0 ; (* (text + length)) != '\0'
  89. je loop_0e
  90. inc [string_length_length] ; text + length
  91. inc rdi ; length++
  92. jmp loop_0 ; if not go loop_0
  93. loop_0e:
  94. mov eax, [string_length_length]
  95. end
  96. ;~echo (character * text):
  97. ;~system (linux_write_system_call, standard_output, text, string_length (text));
  98. ;~return;;
  99. echo:
  100. begin
  101. call string_length ; |
  102. mov rdx, rax ; | string_length (text)
  103. mov rsi, rdi ; text
  104. mov rdi, standard_output ; standard_output
  105. mov rax, linux_write_system_call ; linux_write_system_call
  106. syscall ; system (
  107. xor rax, rax ; return;;
  108. end
  109. segment readable writable
  110. ; variable
  111. string_length_length dd 0 ; natural length = 0;
  112. main_x dd 1 ; integer x = 0;
  113. ; data
  114. text_data db 'Heyo world!', 10, 0
  115. fb db 'fizzbuzz', 10, 0
  116. f db 'fizz', 10, 0
  117. b db 'buzz', 10, 0
  118. n db 'number', 10, 0