Unfinished, bumping to know where I left off...
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
set -xe
gcc -g -ansi -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Werror -o xource xource.c
gcc -g -ansi -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Werror -Ofast -o xource xource.c
@ -6,145 +6,118 @@
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depends... But no warranty what so ever, seriously. See GNU/GPLv3.
#include <xolatile/xyntax.h>
#include <xolatile/xtandard.c>
#include <xolatile/xyntax.c>
#include <xolatile/xurses.h>
#include <xolatile/xurses.c>
extern int file_list_active;
extern int file_list_count;
extern int * file_list_mark;
extern int * file_list_size;
extern char * * file_list_name;
extern char * * file_list_data;
static int cursor = 0;
extern void file_list_import (char *);
extern void file_list_export (char *);
static void render_status_bar (int colour) {
char status_bar [] = "Xource : C = Xolatile's text editor";
extern void append_character (char);
extern void remove_character (void);
int offset;
extern void cursor_limits (void);
curses_render_string_limit (status_bar, string_length (status_bar), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, 0, 0);
int file_list_active = 0;
int file_list_count = 0;
int * file_list_mark = NULL;
int * file_list_size = NULL;
char * * file_list_name = NULL;
char * * file_list_data = NULL;
void file_list_import (char * name) {
file_list_active = file_list_count - 1;
file_list_mark = reallocate (file_list_mark, (int) sizeof (* file_list_mark) * file_list_count);
file_list_size = reallocate (file_list_size, (int) sizeof (* file_list_size) * file_list_count);
file_list_name = reallocate (file_list_name, (int) sizeof (* file_list_name) * file_list_count);
file_list_data = reallocate (file_list_data, (int) sizeof (* file_list_data) * file_list_count);
file_list_mark [file_list_count - 1] = -1;
file_list_size [file_list_count - 1] = -1;
file_list_name [file_list_count - 1] = NULL;
file_list_data [file_list_count - 1] = NULL;
file_list_name [file_list_count - 1] = allocate (string_length (name) + 1);
(void) string_copy_limit (file_list_name [file_list_count - 1], name, string_length (name) + 1);
file_list_mark [file_list_count - 1] = open (name, O_RDONLY);
file_list_size [file_list_count - 1] = (int) lseek (file_list_mark [file_list_count - 1], 0, SEEK_END) + 1;
(void) lseek (file_list_mark [file_list_count - 1], 0, SEEK_SET);
file_list_data [file_list_count - 1] = allocate (file_list_size [file_list_count - 1]);
(void) read (file_list_mark [file_list_count - 1], file_list_data [file_list_count - 1], (unsigned long int) (file_list_size [file_list_count - 1] - 1));
close (file_list_mark [file_list_count - 1]);
file_list_data [file_list_count - 1] [file_list_size [file_list_count - 1] - 1] = '\0';
for (offset = string_length (status_bar); offset != curses_screen_width; ++offset) {
curses_render_string_limit (" ", 1, colour, EFFECT_REVERSE, offset, 0);
void file_list_export (char * name) {
file_list_mark [file_list_active] = open (name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
static void render_source_code (void) {
int offset;
(void) write (file_list_mark [file_list_active], file_list_data [file_list_active], (unsigned long int) file_list_size [file_list_active]);
int index = 0;
int length = 0;
int line = 0;
close (file_list_mark [file_list_active]);
int cursor_x = 0;
int cursor_y = 1;
for (offset = 0; file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset] != '\0'; offset += length) {
if (line >= curses_screen_height - 1) {
index = syntax_select (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], & length);
if (index >= syntax_count) {
curses_render_string_limit (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], length, COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL, cursor_x, cursor_y);
} else {
curses_render_string_limit (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], length, syntax_colour [index], syntax_effect [index], cursor_x, cursor_y);
if (file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset + length - 1] == '\n') {
cursor_x = 0;
} else if (file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset] == '\t') {
cursor_x += 8;
} else {
cursor_x += length;
/*if (line <= curses_screen_height - 1) {
for (offset = 0; offset != curses_screen_height - 1 - line; ++offset) {
curses_render_character ('~', COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, 0, cursor_y);
void append_character (char character) {
static void append_character (char character) {
int offset = 0;
++file_list_size [file_list_active];
file_list_data [file_list_active] = reallocate (file_list_data [file_list_active], file_list_size [file_list_active]);
for (offset = file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1; offset != curses_cursor; --offset) {
for (offset = file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1; offset != cursor; --offset) {
file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset] = file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset - 1];
file_list_data [file_list_active] [curses_cursor] = character;
file_list_data [file_list_active] [cursor] = character;
void remove_character (void) {
static void remove_character (void) {
int offset = 0;
if (curses_cursor == 0) {
if (cursor == 0) {
--file_list_size [file_list_active];
for (offset = curses_cursor - 1; offset != file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1; ++offset) {
for (offset = cursor - 1; offset != file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1; ++offset) {
file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset] = file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset + 1];
void cursor_limits (void) {
if (curses_cursor <= -1) {
curses_cursor = 0;
static void cursor_limits (void) {
if (cursor <= -1) {
cursor = 0;
if (curses_cursor >= file_list_size [file_list_active]) {
curses_cursor = file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1;
if (cursor >= file_list_size [file_list_active]) {
cursor = file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1;
int main (int argc, char * * argv) {
int word = 0;
int i = 0;
char * separators = ".,:;<=>+-*/%!&~^?|()[]{}'\" \t\r\n";
int preprocessor = 0;
int line_comment = 0;
int multiline_comment = 0;
int character = 0;
int string = 0;
int bracket = 0;
int operator = 0;
int keyword = 0;
int digit = 0;
int uppercase = 0;
int lowercase = 0;
int underscore = 0;
char separator [29] = ".,:;<=>+-*/%!&~^()[]{}'\" \t\r\n";
char * c_keywords [32] = {
"register", "volatile", "auto", "const", "static", "extern", "if", "else",
"do", "while", "for", "continue", "switch", "case", "default", "break",
"enum", "union", "struct", "typedef", "goto", "void", "return", "sizeof",
"char", "short", "int", "long", "signed", "unsigned", "float", "double"
char * keywords [] = {
"register", "volatile", "auto", "const", "static", "extern", "if", "else",
"do", "while", "for", "continue", "switch", "case", "default", "break",
"enum", "union", "struct", "typedef", "goto", "void", "return", "sizeof",
"char", "short", "int", "long", "signed", "unsigned", "float", "double"
char status_bar [36] = "Xource : C = Xolatile's text editor";
if (argc == 2) {
file_list_import (argv [1]);
} else {
@ -152,63 +125,28 @@ int main (int argc, char * * argv) {
return (-1);
curses_initialize ();
syntax_define_separators (separators);
syntax_define (& preprocessor, 0, 0, "#", "\n", '\\', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (& line_comment, 0, 0, "//", "\n", '\0', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (& multiline_comment, 0, 0, "/*", "*/", '\0', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (& character, 0, 0, "'", "'", '\\', COLOUR_PINK, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (& string, 0, 0, "\"", "\"", '\\', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (& bracket, 1, 0, "()[]{}", "", '\0', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (& operator, 1, 0, ".,:;<=>+-*/%!&~^?|", "", '\0', COLOUR_BLUE, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define_range ("/*", "*/", '\0', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define_range ("//", "\n", '\0', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define_range ("#", "\n", '\\', COLOUR_PINK, EFFECT_NORMAL);
syntax_define_range ("'", "'", '\\', COLOUR_PINK, EFFECT_BOLD);
for (word = 0; word != 32; ++word) {
syntax_define (& keyword, 0, 1, c_keywords [word], separator, '\0', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define_operators (".,:;<=>+*-/%!&~^?|()[]{}", COLOUR_BLUE, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (& digit, 1, 1, "0123456789", separator, '\0', COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (& uppercase, 1, 1, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", separator, '\0', COLOUR_PINK, EFFECT_ITALIC);
syntax_define (& lowercase, 1, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", separator, '\0', COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_ITALIC);
syntax_define (& underscore, 0, 1, "_", separator, '\0', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_ITALIC);
syntax_define_words (keywords, sizeof (keywords) / sizeof (keywords [0]), COLOUR_BLUE, EFFECT_NORMAL);
curses_configure ();
do {
int offset = 0;
int index = 0;
int length = 0;
int line = 0;
curses_render_background (' ', COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL);
curses_append_string (status_bar, EFFECT_REVERSE, COLOUR_WHITE, string_length (status_bar));
render_status_bar (COLOUR_WHITE);
render_source_code ();
for (offset = 0; offset != curses_screen_width - string_length (status_bar); ++offset) {
curses_append_string (" ", EFFECT_REVERSE, COLOUR_WHITE, 1);
curses_append_string ("\r\n", EFFECT_NORMAL, COLOUR_WHITE, 2);
for (offset = 0; file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset] != '\0'; offset += length) {
if (line <= curses_screen_height - 1) {
syntax_select (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], & index, & length);
if (file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset] == '\n') {
curses_append_string ("\r\n", EFFECT_NORMAL, COLOUR_WHITE, 2);
} else {
if (index >= syntax_count) {
curses_append_string (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], EFFECT_NORMAL, COLOUR_WHITE, length);
} else {
curses_append_string (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], syntax_effect [index], syntax_colour [index], length);
if (line <= curses_screen_height - 2) {
for (offset = 0; offset != curses_screen_height - 2 - line; ++offset) {
curses_append_string ("~\r\n", EFFECT_REVERSE, COLOUR_WHITE, 3);
curses_append_cursor (5, 3);
curses_render_cursor (5, 3);
curses_synchronize ();
@ -226,26 +164,26 @@ int main (int argc, char * * argv) {
in (& curses_signal, 1);
if (curses_signal == 'A') {
do {
} while (
(curses_cursor >= 0) &&
(file_list_data [file_list_active] [curses_cursor] != '\n') &&
(file_list_data [file_list_active] [curses_cursor] != '\0')
(cursor >= 0) &&
(file_list_data [file_list_active] [cursor] != '\n') &&
(file_list_data [file_list_active] [cursor] != '\0')
} else if (curses_signal == 'B') {
do {
} while (
(curses_cursor <= file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1) &&
(file_list_data [file_list_active] [curses_cursor] != '\n') &&
(file_list_data [file_list_active] [curses_cursor] != '\0')
(cursor <= file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1) &&
(file_list_data [file_list_active] [cursor] != '\n') &&
(file_list_data [file_list_active] [cursor] != '\0')
} else if (curses_signal == 'C') {
} else if (curses_signal == 'D') {
cursor_limits ();
@ -257,19 +195,9 @@ int main (int argc, char * * argv) {
} while (curses_active != 0);
file_list_delete ();
syntax_delete ();
curses_deinitialize ();
for (i = 0; i != file_list_count; ++i) {
file_list_name [i] = deallocate (file_list_name [i]);
file_list_data [i] = deallocate (file_list_data [i]);
file_list_mark = deallocate (file_list_mark);
file_list_size = deallocate (file_list_size);
file_list_name = deallocate (file_list_name);
file_list_data = deallocate (file_list_data);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user