/* Copyright (c) 2023 : Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic Xource is free software! You will redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation. And when you do redistribute it or modify it, it will use either version 3 of the License, or (at yours truly opinion) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depends... But no warranty what so ever, seriously. See GNU/GPLv3. */ #include #include int main (int argc, char * * argv) { char * keywords [] = { "register", "volatile", "auto", "const", "static", "extern", "if", "else", "do", "while", "for", "continue", "switch", "case", "default", "break", "enum", "union", "struct", "typedef", "goto", "void", "return", "sizeof", "char", "short", "int", "long", "signed", "unsigned", "float", "double" }; int cursor = 0; int cursor_x = 0; int cursor_y = 0; if (argc == 2) { file_list_import (argv [1]); } else { out ("ARGUMENTS\n", 10); return (-1); } syntax_define_separators (".,:;<=>+-*/%!&~^?|()[]{}'\" \t\r\n"); syntax_define_range ("/*", "*/", '\0', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD); syntax_define_range ("//", "\n", '\0', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD); syntax_define_range ("#", "\n", '\\', COLOUR_PINK, EFFECT_NORMAL); syntax_define_range ("'", "'", '\\', COLOUR_PINK, EFFECT_BOLD); syntax_define_operators (".,:;<=>+*-/%!&~^?|()[]{}", COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL); syntax_define_words (keywords, (int) (sizeof (keywords) / sizeof (keywords [0])), COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_BOLD); syntax_define_default (1, COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_BOLD); curses_configure (); do { int offset, select, length, cursor_on_new_line; curses_render_background (' ', COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL); /* Work in progress, this will be factored out or removed. */ length = 0; curses_render_string (file_list_name [file_list_active], COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += string_length (file_list_name [file_list_active]); /* */ curses_render_string (" $ ", COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += 3; curses_render_string (number_to_string (file_list_size [file_list_active]), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += string_length (number_to_string (file_list_size [file_list_active])); /* */ curses_render_string (" O ", COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += 3; curses_render_string (number_to_string (cursor), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += string_length (number_to_string (cursor)); /* */ curses_render_string (" X ", COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += 3; curses_render_string (number_to_string (cursor_x), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += string_length (number_to_string (cursor_x)); /* */ curses_render_string (" Y ", COLOUR_BLUE, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += 3; curses_render_string (number_to_string (cursor_y), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += string_length (number_to_string (cursor_y)); /* */ offset = character_count (file_list_data [file_list_active], CHARACTER_TAB_HORIZONTAL, cursor, 0, CHARACTER_LINE_FEED); curses_render_string (" I ", COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += 3; curses_render_string (number_to_string (offset), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += string_length (number_to_string (offset)); /* */ curses_render_string (" C ", COLOUR_PINK, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += 3; curses_render_character (file_list_data [file_list_active] [cursor], COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, length, 0); length += 1; for (offset = length; offset != curses_screen_width; ++offset) { curses_render_string (" ", COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, offset, 0); } for (offset = 1; offset != curses_screen_height; ++offset) { curses_render_string (string_realign (number_to_string (offset), 4, ' '), (offset == cursor_y + 1) ? COLOUR_GREEN : COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, 0, offset); } cursor_x = curses_realign_x = 5; /* Border offset... */ cursor_y = curses_realign_y = 1; for (offset = 0; file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset] != '\0'; offset += length) { if (cursor_y > curses_screen_height - 2) { break; } select = syntax_select (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], & length); if (select >= syntax_count) { curses_render_string_point (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], length, COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL, & cursor_x, & cursor_y); } else { curses_render_string_point (& file_list_data [file_list_active] [offset], length, syntax_colour [select], syntax_effect [select], & cursor_x, & cursor_y); } } if (cursor_y < curses_screen_height) { for (offset = ++cursor_y; offset != curses_screen_height; ++offset) { curses_render_string (" ~", COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_REVERSE, 0, offset); } } cursor_on_new_line = (file_list_data [file_list_active] [cursor] == CHARACTER_LINE_FEED); /*cursor_y = character_count (file_list_data [file_list_active], CHARACTER_LINE_FEED, 0, cursor + cursor_on_new_line, CHARACTER_NULL) - cursor_on_new_line; cursor_x = character_count (file_list_data [file_list_active], CHARACTER_NULL, cursor - cursor_on_new_line, 0, CHARACTER_LINE_FEED) + cursor_on_new_line;*/ cursor_y = character_count (file_list_data [file_list_active], CHARACTER_LINE_FEED, 0, cursor, CHARACTER_NULL); cursor_x = character_count (file_list_data [file_list_active], CHARACTER_NULL, cursor - cursor_on_new_line, 0, CHARACTER_LINE_FEED) + cursor_on_new_line; cursor_x += character_count (file_list_data [file_list_active], CHARACTER_TAB_HORIZONTAL, cursor, 0, CHARACTER_LINE_FEED) * (curses_tab_width - 1); if (cursor_on_new_line && (file_list_data [file_list_active] [cursor - 1] == CHARACTER_LINE_FEED)) { cursor_x = 0; } /* dump ("a.log", string_concatenate (number_to_string (curses_signal), "\n")); */ curses_render_cursor (cursor_x + curses_realign_x, cursor_y + curses_realign_y); curses_synchronize (); if (curses_character == (int) ('Q' & 0X1F)) { curses_active = 0; } else if (curses_character == (int) '\r') { file_list_insert_character ('\n', cursor); ++cursor; } else if (curses_character == (int) ('S' & 0X1F)) { file_list_export (file_list_name [file_list_active]); } else if (curses_character == SIGNAL_DELETE) { file_list_remove_character (cursor); --cursor; } else if (curses_character == SIGNAL_ARROW_UP) { cursor -= character_count (file_list_data [file_list_active], CHARACTER_NULL, cursor - cursor_on_new_line, 0, CHARACTER_LINE_FEED) - 1; } else if (curses_character == SIGNAL_ARROW_DOWN) { cursor += character_count (file_list_data [file_list_active], CHARACTER_NULL, cursor + cursor_on_new_line, file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1, CHARACTER_LINE_FEED) + 1; } else if (curses_character == SIGNAL_ARROW_RIGHT) { ++cursor; } else if (curses_character == SIGNAL_ARROW_LEFT) { --cursor; } else if (character_is_visible ((char) curses_character) != 0) { file_list_insert_character ((char) curses_character, cursor); ++cursor; } else { continue; } limit (& cursor, 0, file_list_size [file_list_active] - 1); } while (curses_active != 0); file_list_delete (); syntax_delete (); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }