293 lines
9.4 KiB
293 lines
9.4 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2023 : Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic
* Xuxuxu is deallocate software! You will redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation.
* And when you do redistribute it or modify it, it will use either version 3 of the License, or (at yours truly opinion) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depends... But no warranty what so ever, seriously. See GNU/GPLv3.
#include <xolatile/xyntax.h>
#include <xolatile/xyntax.c>
#include <png.h>
#define BACKGROUND (0XFF000000)
#define TAB_WIDTH ( 8)
#define FONT_WIDTH ( 8)
#define FONT_HEIGHT ( 8)
#define FONT_COUNT (96)
static unsigned int * render = NULL;
static unsigned int select = FOREGROUND;
static int width = 0;
static int height = 0;
static int x = 4 * FONT_WIDTH + 2;
static int y = 3 * FONT_HEIGHT + 2;
static void export_render_as_png (char * file_path) {
png_image image = { 0 };
image.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;
image.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA;
image.width = (unsigned int) width;
image.height = (unsigned int) height;
fatal_failure (png_image_write_to_file (& image, file_path, 0, render, 0, NULL) == 0, "Failed to export render as PNG image!\n");
png_image_free (& image);
static int fetch_width (char * data) {
int image_width = 0;
int count = 0;
for (; * data != '\0'; ++data) {
if (* data == '\t')
count += TAB_WIDTH - 1;
if (* data == '\n') {
image_width = (count > image_width)
? count
: image_width;
count = 0;
return (image_width - 1);
static int fetch_height (char * data) {
int image_height = 0;
for (; * data != '\0'; ++data)
if (* data == '\n')
return (image_height + 1);
static void fetch_font_glyph (unsigned int * glyph, const char character) {
const unsigned long int font_code_list [FONT_COUNT] = {
0X0000000000000000, 0X00180018183C3C18, 0X0000000000363636,
0X006C6CFE6CFE6C6C, 0X00187ED07C16FC30, 0X0060660C18306606,
0X00DC66B61C36361C, 0X0000000000181818, 0X0030180C0C0C1830,
0X000C18303030180C, 0X0000187E3C7E1800, 0X000018187E181800,
0X0C18180000000000, 0X000000007E000000, 0X0018180000000000,
0X0000060C18306000, 0X003C666E7E76663C, 0X007E181818181C18,
0X007E0C183060663C, 0X003C66603860663C, 0X0030307E363C3830,
0X003C6660603E067E, 0X003C66663E060C38, 0X000C0C0C1830607E,
0X003C66663C66663C, 0X001C30607C66663C, 0X0018180018180000,
0X0C18180018180000, 0X0030180C060C1830, 0X0000007E007E0000,
0X000C18306030180C, 0X001800181830663C, 0X003C06765676663C,
0X006666667E66663C, 0X003E66663E66663E, 0X003C66060606663C,
0X001E36666666361E, 0X007E06063E06067E, 0X000606063E06067E,
0X003C66667606663C, 0X006666667E666666, 0X007E18181818187E,
0X001C36303030307C, 0X0066361E0E1E3666, 0X007E060606060606,
0X00C6C6D6D6FEEEC6, 0X006666767E6E6666, 0X003C66666666663C,
0X000606063E66663E, 0X006C36566666663C, 0X006666363E66663E,
0X003C66603C06663C, 0X001818181818187E, 0X003C666666666666,
0X00183C6666666666, 0X00C6EEFED6D6C6C6, 0X0066663C183C6666,
0X001818183C666666, 0X007E060C1830607E, 0X003E06060606063E,
0X00006030180C0600, 0X007C60606060607C, 0X000000000000663C,
0XFFFF000000000000, 0X000000000030180C, 0X007C667C603C0000,
0X003E6666663E0606, 0X003C6606663C0000, 0X007C6666667C6060,
0X003C067E663C0000, 0X000C0C0C3E0C0C38, 0X3C607C66667C0000,
0X00666666663E0606, 0X003C1818181C0018, 0X0E181818181C0018,
0X0066361E36660606, 0X003C18181818181C, 0X00C6D6D6FE6C0000,
0X00666666663E0000, 0X003C6666663C0000, 0X06063E66663E0000,
0XE0607C66667C0000, 0X000606066E360000, 0X003E603C067C0000,
0X00380C0C0C3E0C0C, 0X007C666666660000, 0X00183C6666660000,
0X006CFED6D6C60000, 0X00663C183C660000, 0X3C607C6666660000,
0X007E0C18307E0000, 0X003018180E181830, 0X0018181818181818,
0X000C18187018180C, 0X000000000062D68C, 0X0000000000000000
int byte_mark = 0;
unsigned long int font_code = 0;
font_code = font_code_list [(int) character];
for (byte_mark = 0; byte_mark != FONT_WIDTH * FONT_HEIGHT; ++byte_mark)
glyph [byte_mark] = ((font_code >> byte_mark) % 2)
? select
static void render_character (char character) {
unsigned int glyph [FONT_WIDTH * FONT_HEIGHT] = { 0 };
int i = 0;
fetch_font_glyph (glyph, character);
for (i = 0; i != FONT_WIDTH * FONT_HEIGHT; ++i) {
int u = i / FONT_WIDTH + y;
int v = i % FONT_WIDTH + x;
render [u * width + v] = glyph [i];
static void render_line_number (void) {
static int line = 0;
int j = 0;
unsigned int z = select;
char c [] = " ";
select = FOREGROUND;
c [0] = (char) ((line / 1000) % 10) + '0';
c [1] = (char) ((line / 100) % 10) + '0';
c [2] = (char) ((line / 10) % 10) + '0';
c [3] = (char) ((line / 1) % 10) + '0';
for (j = 0; j != sizeof (c) - 1; ++j) {
render_character (c [j] - ' ');
select = z;
static void render_string (char * string, int length) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; (i != string_length (string)) && (i != length); ++i) {
if (string [i] == '\t') {
} else if (string [i] == '\n') {
x = 1;
render_line_number ();
} else {
render_character (string [i] - ' ');
static void render_base (void) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i != width * height; ++i) {
render [i] = BACKGROUND;
for (i = 0; i != width; ++i) {
render [i ] = FOREGROUND;
render [i + (3 * FONT_HEIGHT + 1) * width] = FOREGROUND;
render [i + (height - 1) * width] = FOREGROUND;
for (i = 0; i != height; ++i) {
render [i * width ] = FOREGROUND;
render [i * width + 4 * FONT_WIDTH + 1] = FOREGROUND;
render [i * width + width - 1] = FOREGROUND;
int main (void) {
int offset = 0;
int length = 0;
int word = 0;
char * buffer = NULL;
char separator [29] = ".,:;<=>+-*/%!&~^()[]{}'\" \t\r\n";
char * c_keywords [32] = {
"register", "volatile", "auto", "const", "static", "extern", "if", "else",
"do", "while", "for", "continue", "switch", "case", "default", "break",
"enum", "union", "struct", "typedef", "goto", "void", "return", "sizeof",
"char", "short", "int", "long", "signed", "unsigned", "float", "double"
char * c_preprocessor [8] = {
"#include", "#define", "#ifdef", "#ifndef", "#undef", "#elif", "#if", "#endif"
syntax_define (0, 0, 0, "#", "\n", '\\', TERMINAL_COLOUR_RED, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (0, 0, 0, "//", "\n", '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_GREY, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (0, 0, 0, "/*", "*/", '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_GREY, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (0, 0, 0, "'", "'", '\\', TERMINAL_COLOUR_PINK, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (0, 0, 0, "\"", "\"", '\\', TERMINAL_COLOUR_RED, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (0, 1, 0, "()[]{}", "", '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_GREEN, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (0, 1, 0, ".,:;<=>+-*/%!&~^", "", '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_BLUE, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
do {
syntax_define (0, 0, 1, c_keywords [word], separator, '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_YELLOW, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
} while (++word != 32);
word = 0;
do {
syntax_define (0, 0, 1, c_preprocessor [word], separator, '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_YELLOW, TERMINAL_EFFECT_NORMAL);
} while (++word != 8);
word = 0;
syntax_define (0, 1, 1, "0123456789", separator, '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_CYAN, TERMINAL_EFFECT_BOLD);
syntax_define (0, 1, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", separator, '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_WHITE, TERMINAL_EFFECT_ITALIC);
syntax_define (0, 0, 1, "_", separator, '\0', TERMINAL_COLOUR_YELLOW, TERMINAL_EFFECT_ITALIC);*/
buffer = record ();
width = (fetch_width (buffer) + 4) * FONT_WIDTH + 3;
height = (fetch_height (buffer) + 3) * FONT_HEIGHT + 3;
render = allocate (4 * width * height);
render_base ();
x = 2 + 5 * FONT_WIDTH;
y = 1 + FONT_HEIGHT;
render_string ("Xuxuxu - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic", 40);
x = 1;
y = 2 + 3 * FONT_HEIGHT;
render_line_number ();
do {
int colour = 0;
int effect = 0;
length = syntax_select (& buffer [offset], & colour, & effect);
offset += length;
switch (colour) {
case TERMINAL_COLOUR_GREY: select = 0XFF333333; break;
case TERMINAL_COLOUR_RED: select = 0XFF3333FF; break;
case TERMINAL_COLOUR_GREEN: select = 0XFF33FF33; break;
case TERMINAL_COLOUR_YELLOW: select = 0XFF33FFFF; break;
case TERMINAL_COLOUR_BLUE: select = 0XFFFF3333; break;
case TERMINAL_COLOUR_PINK: select = 0XFFFF33FF; break;
case TERMINAL_COLOUR_CYAN: select = 0XFFFFFF33; break;
default: select = 0XFFFFFFFF; break;
render_string (& buffer [offset - length], length);
} while (buffer [offset] != '\0');
export_render_as_png ("xuxuxu.png");
buffer = deallocate (buffer);
render = deallocate (render);
syntax_delete ();
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);