#+TITLE: emacs-upload.el Upload regions, buffers, and files to various hosts. * Dependencies ** System ~cURL~ ** Emacs ~cl~ ~json~ * Usage Place emacs-upload.el in ~load-path~ and load the package: #+begin_src: emacs-lisp (require 'emacs-upload) #+end_src Optionally, bind the interactive function ~emacs-upload~ to some key: #+begin_src: emacs-lisp (global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'emacs-upload) #+end_src Optionally, set the host upon emacs init: #+begin_src: emacs-lisp (emacs-upload/set-host "ix") #+end_src ~emacs-upload/set-host~ is also an interactive command, so you can change your host on the fly. Alternatively, do all three with ~use-package~: #+begin_src (use-package emacs-upload :demand t :bind ("C-c e" . emacs-upload) :config (emacs-upload/set-host "ix")) #+end_src To upload the region, simply select the region and call emacs-upload. To upload the whole buffer, have no region selected and call emacs-upload. For a file, use the universal argument ~C-u~ before calling emacs-upload.