Highlight things
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
anon e61a272271 good enough 10 months ago
debug bak 11 months ago
document Structural Repair 11 months ago
include i deserve a blowjob 10 months ago
object fuck you emil 11 months ago
source good enough 10 months ago
test new test input 10 months ago
.gdbinit gdb stuff 11 months ago
.gitignore test/ restoration 11 months ago
LICENSE Add license headers 11 months ago
Makefile good enough 10 months ago
README.md minor doc edit 10 months ago
TODO.md . 10 months ago
chad.mk Structural Repair 11 months ago




int hl_init(void);
int hl_deinit(void);

These functions are responsible for the library's “life time”. hl_init() must be called before any other library function. hl_deinit() will ensure all occupied memory is freed.

#define HLPATH ~/.local/hl/:~/.vim/syntax/

Coma separated list of directories to be searched for syntax scripts. #undef to disable it entirely.

void render_string(const char * const string, const char * const mode);	//XXX: rename

This function matches string against all known highlighting rules and dispatches the appropriate callback depending on mode.

int token_fits(const token_t * const token, const char * const to, const int string_offset, const bool is_start_of_line, int * match_offset);

Fit a specific token against a string. render_string() uses this function internally.

typedef void (*attribute_callback_t)(const char * const string, const int length, void * const attributes);

The type used for defining appropriate callbacks for render_string().

  • string - string to be processed (probably printed)
  • length - number of characters to be processed from string
  • attributes - arbitrary data associated with the matched token; intended to hold color/font information for example; if no token was matched NULL will be passed
struct token_table_t;

Holds a group of tokens belonging to the same language.

typedef struct {
	char * key;
	attribute_callback_t callback;
} display_t;

The type for defining display modes.

void new_display_mode(display_t * mode);

This is how you append a display mode that render_string() will search based on .key.

typedef enum {
} token_type_t;

These are the valid type of distinct token types.

  • KEYSYMBOL - a string which is contextless, the surounding text is ignored “mysymbol” will match inside all of these: “something mysymbol something” “somethingmysymbolsomething” it is intended to match such thing as programming language operators
  • KEYWORD - a string which is recognized when surounded by word bundaries such as ' ' or ‘\t’
  • MATCH - a regular expression to be recognized
  • REGION - a regular expression where the starting and ending patters are to be distinguished from the contents

The universal way to add a new pattern to be recognized is with:

token * new_token(const char * const syntax, const token_type_t t, const hl_group_t * const g);

There are also convinience functions:

// NOTE: the return value is the number tokens successfully inserted
int new_keyword_tokens(const char * const * words, hl_group_t * const g);	// _words_ must be NULL terminated
int new_syntax_char_tokens(const char * const chars, hl_group_t * const g);
token_t * new_symbol_token(const char * const c, hl_group_t * const g);
int new_symbol_tokens(const char * const * symbols, hl_group_t * const g);
int new_char_tokens(const char * str, hl_group_t * const g);
token_t * new_keyword_token(const char * const word, hl_group_t * const g);
token_t * new_region_token(const char * start, const char * end, hl_group_t * g);

The regex engine used for MATCH-es is Jeger by default, emulating Vim regex. However the regex engine can be overridden:

	// ?!


There are default of most anything defined for convenience. They can be disable with #undef-ing the following macro:

hl_group_t * normal_hl
hl_group_t * error_hl
hl_group_t * warning_hl
hl_group_t * search_hl

hl_group_t * underlined_hl
hl_group_t * bold_hl
hl_group_t * italics_hl

hl_group_t * comment_hl
hl_group_t * block_hl
hl_group_t * operator_hl
hl_group_t * constant_hl
hl_group_t * special_hl
hl_group_t * identifier_hl
hl_group_t * type_hl

// ---
token_table_t std_token_table;


General purpose highlighter (and demo program for libhl).


hl will read from stdin and write to stdout.

hl < source/main.c

Cli Options

-h          : display help message
-I <dir>    : syntax file look up directory
-s <syntax> : specify syntax to load

Environment variables

$HLPATH	: colon separated list of directories searched for syntax script files;
           overriddes the value of the HLPATH macro


hl can parse a small subset of VimScript: the few instructions related to highlighing, and it ignores everything else. All Vim highlighing scripts should be valid hl scripts. The instrunctions in particular are:

sy[ntax] keyword <hl_group> <word>+
sy[ntax] match   <hl_group> <regex>
sy[ntax] region  <hl_group> start=<string|match> end=<string|match>
hi[ghtlight] link <from_group> <to_group>
hi[ghtlight] def  <group> <display_t>=<data>+

Additionally hl recognizes:

syn[ntax] keysymbol <char>+