anon 8 месяцев назад
1 измененных файлов: 54 добавлений и 5 удалений
  1. +54

+ 54
- 5 Просмотреть файл

@@ -9,24 +9,34 @@ These functions are responsible for the library's "life time".
`hl_init()` must be called before any other library function.
`hl_deinit()` will ensure all occupied memory is freed.

void render_string(const char * const string, const char * const mode);
void render_string(const char * const string, const char * const mode); //XXX: rename
This function matches _string_ against all known highlighting rules and dispatches the appropriate callback depending on _mode_.

#define HLPATH //?!
Coma separated list of directories to be searched for syntax scripts. `#undef` to disable it entirely.

typedef void (*attribute_callback_t)(const char * const string, const int length, void * const attributes);
The type used for defining appropriate callbacks for render_string().
The type used for defining appropriate callbacks for render\_string().
+ string - string to be outputed
+ length - number of characters that matched a highlighting rule
+ attributes - arbitrary data associated with the matched rule; intended to hold color/font information for example

struct token_table_t;
Holds a group of tokens belonging to the same language.

typedef struct {
char * key;
@@ -35,8 +45,12 @@ typedef struct {
The type for defining display modes.

void new_display_mode(display_t * mode);
This is how you append a display mode that render_string() will search based on _.key_.

void new_display_mode(display_t * mode);
This is how you append a display mode that render\_string() will search based on _.key_.

typedef enum {
@@ -57,24 +71,59 @@ These are the valid type of distinct token types.
+ MATCH - a regular expression to be recognized
+ REGION - a regular expression where the starting and ending patters are to be distinguished from the contents

The universal way to add a new pattern to be recognized is with:
token * new_token(const char * const syntax, const token_type_t t, const hl_group_t * const g);

There are also convinience functions:
// NOTE: the return value is the number tokens successfully inserted
int new_keyword_tokens(const char * const * words, hl_group_t * const g); // _words_ must be NULL terminated
int new_syntax_character_tokens(const char * const chars, hl_group_t * const g);
The regex engine used for MATCHes is Jeger by default, emulating Vim regex.

The regex engine used for MATCH-es is Jeger by default, emulating Vim regex.
However the regex engine can be overridden:
// ?!

### Default
There are default of most anything defined for convenience. They can be disable with `#undef`-ing the following macro:

hl_group_t * normal_hl
hl_group_t * error_hl
hl_group_t * warning_hl
hl_group_t * search_hl

hl_group_t * underlined_hl
hl_group_t * bold_hl
hl_group_t * italics_hl

hl_group_t * comment_hl
hl_group_t * block_hl
hl_group_t * operator_hl
hl_group_t * constant_hl
hl_group_t * special_hl
hl_group_t * identifier_hl
hl_group_t * type_hl

// ---
token_table_t std_token_table;


# hl
General purpose highlighter (and demo program for libhl).
