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  1. # - ARGS : default flags to test the program with
  2. # Programs to check warnings for as defined by the chad standard
  3. ARGS:=${TARGET} < source/main.c
  4. GCC:=gcc
  5. D.versions:=-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700
  6. GCC.warnings:=-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wvla -Wshadow -Wundef
  7. GCC.debug:=-O0 -ggdb -pg -fno-inline
  8. CLANG:=clang
  9. CLANG.warnings:=-Weverything
  10. VALGRIND:=valgrind
  11. VALGRIND.flags:=--track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
  12. chad_test:
  13. ${CLANG} ${CPPFLAGS} ${D.versions} ${CLANG.warnings} ${SRC} -o ${TARGET}
  14. ${GCC} ${CPPFLAGS} ${D.versions} ${GCC.debug} ${GCC.warnings} ${SRC} -o ${TARGET}
  15. ${VALGRIND} ${VALGRIND.flags} $(shell pwd)/${TARGET} ${ARGS}