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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines

  1. const char * c_keywords[] = {
  2. "register", "volatile", "auto", "const", "static", "extern", "if", "else",
  3. "do", "while", "for", "continue", "switch", "case", "default", "break",
  4. "enum", "union", "struct", "typedef", "goto", "void", "return", "sizeof",
  5. "char", "short", "int", "long", "signed", "unsigned", "float", "double",
  6. NULL
  7. };
  8. const char * preprocessor_keywords[] = {
  9. "#include", "#pragma", "#define", "#undef", "#ifdef", "#ifndef", "#elifdef", "#elifndef",
  10. "#if", "#elif", "#else", "#endif", "#embed", "#line", "#error", "#warning",
  11. NULL
  12. };
  13. //new_char_tokens("+-&|.()[]{}", operator_hl);
  14. //new_keyword_tokens(c_keywords, control_hl);
  15. //new_keyword_tokens(preprocessor_keywords, special_hl);
  16. //new_region_token("/\\*", "\\*/", comment_hl);
  17. //new_region_token("//", "\\n", comment_hl);
  18. //new_region_token("\"", "\"", string_literal_hl);
  19. //new_region_token("<", ">", string_literal_hl);
  20. //new_keyword_token("keyword", special_hl);
  21. new_keyword_token("while", operator_hl);