mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 01:06:18 -05:00
1304 lines
39 KiB
Org Mode
1304 lines
39 KiB
Org Mode
#+PROPERTY: header-args:emacs-lisp :lexical t
#+title: Config
* Setup
** Lexical Binding
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
** Environment Variables
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(doom-load-envvars-file (concat doom-user-dir "env.el"))
** Doom configuration
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq doom-modeline-major-mode-icon t)
* Lisp
** Web
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(use-package request
:commands request)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defmacro request! (url plist success &optional error)
"Makes an HTTP request with `request`, running SUCCESS on success, and
ERROR on error if specified.
Any arguments of LAMBDA are bound to the corresponding plist keys
returned by `request`."
(let ((handler (lambda (fn)
;; Wraps a lambda in `cl-function`,
;; and converts args (foo) into (&key foo &allow-other-keys)
(mapcan (lambda (arg) `(&key ,arg))
(cadr fn))
,@(cddr fn))))))
`(request ,url
:success ,(funcall handler success)
,@(if error `(:error ,(funcall handler error))))))
** Editing
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/line ()
(defun my/line-match-p (regexp)
(string-match-p regexp (my/line)))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/insert-mode-p ()
(eq evil-state 'insert))
(defun my/normal-mode-p ()
(eq evil-state 'normal))
** Keybindings
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/kbd-replace (str)
"Convert STR into a keyboard macro string by replacing terminal key sequences with GUI keycodes."
(let ((kbd-regex '(("ESC" . "<escape>")
("DEL" . "<delete>" )
("BS" . "<backspace>")
("RET" . "<return>")
("SPC" . "<SPC>")
("TAB" . "<tab>"))))
(my/replace-regexps-in-string str kbd-regex)))
(setq my//vim!-p nil)
(defun my/vim!-p () (eq my//vim!-p t))
(defun vim! (str)
"Execute the key sequence defined by STR like a VIM macro."
(let ((minibuffer-message-timeout 0))
(when (not (my/vim!-p))
(setq my//vim!-p t)
(execute-kbd-macro (read-kbd-macro (my/kbd-replace str)))
(setq my//vim!-p nil))))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/buffer-local-set-key (key fn)
(let ((mode (intern (format "%s-local-mode" (buffer-name))))
(map (intern (format "%s-local-mode-map" (buffer-name)))))
(unless (boundp map)
(set map (make-sparse-keymap))
(evil-make-overriding-map map 'normal))
`(define-minor-mode ,mode
"A minor mode for buffer-local keybinds."
:keymap ,map))
`(define-key ,map ,key #',fn))
(funcall mode t)))
** Regex
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/replace-regexps-in-string (str regexps)
"Replace all pairs of (regex . replacement) defined by REGEXPS in STR."
(if (null regexps)
(replace-regexp-in-string (caar regexps) (cdar regexps) str t)
(cdr regexps))))
** Auth
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg"))
(use-package auth-source :commands auth-source-search)
(defmacro my/with-credential (query name &rest body)
"Evaluates BODY with NAME bound as the secret from AUTH-SOURCES matching criteria QUERY."
(let* ((entry (nth 0 (auth-source-search ,@query)))
(,name (when entry
(let ((secret (plist-get entry :secret)))
(if (functionp secret)
(funcall secret)
** Two Sigma
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun ts/proxy-on ()
(setq url-proxy-services
'(("http" . "")
("https" . "")
("no_proxy" . "^.*twosigma\\.com"))))
(defun ts/proxy-off ()
(setq url-proxy-services nil))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq sourcegraph-url "https://sourcegraph.app.twosigma.com")
(defun ts/sourcegraph-search ()
(call-interactively #'sourcegraph-search))
(defun ts/sourcegraph-browse ()
(call-interactively #'sourcegraph-open-in-browser))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq ts/search-url "https://search.app.twosigma.com/?q=%s")
(defun ts/search (query)
(interactive "sQuery: ")
(browse-url (format ts/search-url query)))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun ts/repo/root (&optional dir)
(locate-dominating-file ($cwd dir) ".base_universe"))
(defun ts/repo/codebase (&optional dir)
(locate-dominating-file ($cwd dir) ".git"))
(defun ts/repo/p (&optional dir)
(when (ts/repo/root dir) t))
** Magic functions
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun shell! (fmt &rest args)
(let* ((cmd (apply #'format (cons fmt args)))
(cmd (format "%s 2>/dev/null" cmd))
(result (shell-command-to-string cmd))
(result (replace-regexp-in-string
"\r?\n$" ""
(if (equal result "")
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun locate! (file &optional dir)
(locate-dominating-file ($cwd dir) file))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun path! (&rest components)
(apply #'f-join components))
** Magic Vars
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun $file () buffer-file-name)
(defun $ext () (f-ext ($file)))
(defun $cwd (&optional dir)
(if dir
(f-dirname ($file))))
* Appearance
Set a nice theme and font.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq doom-theme 'doom-catppuccin)
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "monospace" :size 13)
doom-big-font (font-spec :family "monospace" :size 13)
doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "sans-serif" :size 13))
Sprinkle in a little background transparency. Instead of making the entire frame
transparent (including the text) with =alpha=, we use the =alpha-background=
frame parameter which just landed in the Emacs 29 development branch.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha-background 85)
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha-background . 85))
* Editing
** Evil
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq evil-want-fine-undo t)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/scroll-up ()
(evil-scroll-line-up 2))
(defun my/scroll-down ()
(evil-scroll-line-down 2))
(defun my/scroll-up-bigly ()
(evil-scroll-line-up 5))
(defun my/scroll-down-bigly ()
(evil-scroll-line-down 5))
Auto center the point after jumping.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defmacro my//center-cmd (name &rest body)
`(defun ,name ()
(call-interactively #'evil-scroll-line-to-center)))
(my//center-cmd my/jump-forward (better-jumper-jump-forward))
(my//center-cmd my/jump-backward (better-jumper-jump-backward))
(my//center-cmd my/search-next (evil-ex-search-next))
(my//center-cmd my/search-prev (evil-ex-search-previous))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-paragraph (evil-forward-paragraph))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-paragraph (evil-backward-paragraph))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-section-begin (evil-forward-section-begin))
(my//center-cmd my/forward-section-end (evil-forward-section-end))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-section-begin (evil-backward-section-begin))
(my//center-cmd my/backward-section-end (evil-backward-section-end))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/duplicate-and-comment-line ()
(vim! "yyp k gcc j"))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq search-invisible t)
*** Line Numbers
Use relative line numbers in normal mode, and absolute line numbers in insert
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun my/line-numbers-relative ()
(setq display-line-numbers 'relative))
(defun my/line-numbers-absolute ()
(setq display-line-numbers 'absolute))
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-entry-hook #'my/line-numbers-absolute)
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-exit-hook #'my/line-numbers-relative)
*** Undo Tree
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(add-hook 'evil-local-mode-hook 'turn-on-undo-tree-mode)
** Copilot
Add support for GitHub Copilot ([[*Copilot][keybinds]]).
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(use-package copilot
:commands (copilot-complete))
(defun my/copilot-complete ()
(defhydra my/hydra-copilot ()
("<return>" copilot-accept-completion "Accept" :color blue )
("<tab>" copilot-next-completion "Next" )
("<backtab>" copilot-previous-completion "Prev")
("<escape>" copilot-clear-overlay "Cancel" :color blue))
** Scratch
Use =lisp-interaction-mode= by default for the scratch buffer.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq doom-scratch-initial-major-mode 'lisp-interaction-mode)
** Abbreviations
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(use-package abbrev-mode
:hook text-mode)
(setq +abbrev-file (concat doom-user-dir "abbrevs.el"))
(setq abbrev-file-name +abbrev-file)
* Keybinds
** Unmaps
Unmap a bunch of the default keybindings.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
":" nil
"b" nil
"f" nil
"h" nil
"p" nil
"t" nil
"w" nil
"c" nil)
(map! :map evil-org-mode-map
:n "zc" nil)
** Global
*** Font Size
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Increase font size" :ni "C-=" #'text-scale-increase
:desc "Decrease font size" :ni "C--" #'text-scale-decrease
:desc "Reset font size" :ni "C-+" #'my/text-scale-reset)
(defun my/text-scale-reset ()
(text-scale-set 0))
*** Copilot
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Copilot" :i "C-?" #'my/copilot-complete)
*** LSP
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :map lsp-mode-map
:desc "Apply code action" :ni "C-/" #'lsp-execute-code-action
:desc "Show definitions" :ni "C-." #'+lookup/definition
:desc "Show references" :ni "C->" #'my/lsp/lookup-references
:desc "Jump backward" :ni "C-," #'better-jumper-jump-backward
:desc "Jump backward" :ni "C-<" #'better-jumper-jump-forward)
(defun my/lsp/lookup-references ()
(lsp-treemacs-references t))
*** Minibuffer
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :map minibuffer-mode-map
:desc "Next history" "C-j" #'next-history-element
:desc "Prev history" "C-k" #'previous-history-element)
*** Files
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Save file" "C-s" #'save-buffer)
*** Evil
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Scroll up" :ni "C-k" #'my/scroll-up
:desc "Scroll down" :ni "C-j" #'my/scroll-down
:desc "Scroll up bigly" :ni "C-S-k" #'my/scroll-up-bigly
:desc "Scroll down bigly" :ni "C-S-j" #'my/scroll-down-bigly
:desc "Jump forward" :n "C-o" #'my/jump-forward
:desc "Jump backward" :n "C-o" #'my/jump-backward
:desc "Search next" :n "n" #'my/search-next
:desc "Search prev" :n "N" #'my/search-prev
:desc "Forward paragraph" :n "}" #'my/forward-paragraph
:desc "Backward paragraph" :n "{" #'my/backward-paragraph
:desc "Forward section begin" :n "]]" #'my/forward-section-begin
:desc "Forward section end" :n "][" #'my/forward-section-end
:desc "Backward section begin" :n "[]" #'my/backward-section-begin
:desc "Backward section end" :n "[[" #'my/backward-section-end)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Undo tree visualizer" :n "U" #'undo-tree-visualize)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
:desc "Duplicate and comment line" :n "gC" #'my/duplicate-and-comment-line)
** Leader
*** Root
**** Eval
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:desc "M-x" "x" #'counsel-M-x
:desc "M-:" ";" #'pp-eval-expression)
**** Files
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:desc "Find file" "." #'counsel-find-file
:desc "Find dir" ">" #'+default/dired
:desc "Find in project" "SPC" #'+ivy/projectile-find-file
:desc "Find in project uncached" "C-SPC" #'my/projectile-find-file-nocache)
(defun my/projectile-find-file-nocache ()
(projectile-invalidate-cache nil)
**** Buffers
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:desc "Switch buffer" "," #'+vertico/switch-workspace-buffer
:desc "Switch all buffers" "<" #'consult-buffer)
**** Search
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:desc "Search online" "/" #'my/counsel-search)
*** b: Buffers
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("b" . "buffers")
:desc "Switch buffer" "b" #'consult-buffer
:desc "ibuffer" "i" #'ibuffer
:desc "Kill buffer" "d" #'kill-current-buffer
:desc "Kill all buffers" "D" #'doom/kill-all-buffers
:desc "Rename buffer" "r" #'my/rename-buffer)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/rename-buffer (name)
(interactive (list (read-string "Rename: " (buffer-name))))
(rename-buffer name))
*** c: Code
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("c" . "code")
:desc "Format region/buffer" "f" #'+format/region-or-buffer
:desc "Format imports" "F" #'lsp-organize-imports
:desc "Rename symbol" "r" #'lsp-rename
:desc "Show errors list" "x" #'+default/diagnostics
:desc "Show errors tree" "X" #'lsp-treemacs-errors-list
:desc "Show symbols tree" "s" #'lsp-treemacs-symbols
:desc "Visit lens" "l" #'lsp-avy-lens
:desc "Restart LSP" "q" #'lsp-restart-workspace)
*** f: Files
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("f" . "files")
:desc "Recent files" "r" #'consult-recent-file
:desc "Find file" "f" #'counsel-find-file
:desc "Find file as root" "u" #'doom/sudo-find-file
:desc "Find package" "p" #'counsel-find-library
:desc "Copy this file" "c" #'doom/copy-this-file
:desc "Delete this file" "d" #'doom/delete-this-file
:desc "Delete file" "D" #'delete-file
:desc "Move this file" "m" #'doom/move-this-file
:desc "Revert this file" "l" #'revert-buffer
:desc "Copy file path" "y" #'+default/yank-buffer-path
:desc "Copy project file path" "Y" #'+default/yank-buffer-path-relative-to-project
:desc "Open scratch" "x" #'doom/open-scratch-buffer)
**** a: Abbrevs
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("f a" . "abbrevs")
:desc "Edit abbrevs" "e" #'my/abbrev-edit
:desc "Reload abbrevs" "r" #'my/abbrev-reload
:desc "Add global abbrev" "a" #'my/abbrev-add-global
:desc "Add mode abbrev" "m" #'my/abbrev-add-mode)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/abbrev-edit ()
(find-file-other-window +abbrev-file))
(defun my/abbrev-reload ()
(read-abbrev-file +abbrev-file))
(defun my/abbrev-save ()
(write-abbrev-file +abbrev-file))
(defun my/abbrev-add-global ()
(call-interactively #'inverse-add-global-abbrev)
(defun my/abbrev-add-mode ()
(call-interactively #'inverse-add-mode-abbrev)
**** e: Emacs Files
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("f e" . "emacs")
:desc "Find in config" "f" #'doom/find-file-in-private-config
:desc "Reload config" "r" #'doom/reload
:desc "Edit config" "c" #'my/edit-config
:desc "Edit packages" "p" #'my/edit-packages
:desc "Edit env" "e" #'my/edit-env
:desc "Edit init" "i" #'my/edit-init)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/edit-config ()
(find-file (concat doom-user-dir "config.org")))
(defun my/edit-packages ()
(find-file (concat doom-user-dir "packages.el")))
(defun my/edit-init ()
(find-file (concat doom-user-dir "init.el")))
(defun my/edit-env ()
(find-file (concat doom-user-dir "env.el")))
Define a derived mode for editing the literate config so we can specify some
keybindings specific to =config.org=.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(define-derived-mode org-config-mode org-mode "Org config mode")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("config\\.org" . org-config-mode))
**** s: Snippets
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("f s" . "snippets")
:desc "Find snippet" "f" #'my/yas-find-snippet
:desc "New snippet" "n" #'yas/new-snippet
:desc "Edit snippet" "e" #'my/yas-edit-snippet
:desc "Describe snippets" "d" #'yas/describe-tables
:desc "Reload snippets" "r" #'yas/reload-all
:desc "Browse docs" "?" #'my/yas-browse-docs)
Add a command to open the YASnippet docs.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/yas-browse-docs ()
(browse-url "https://joaotavora.github.io/yasnippet"))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/yas-edit-snippet ()
(call-interactively #'yas/visit-snippet-file))
(defun my/yas-find-snippet ()
(counsel-find-file nil +snippets-dir))
*** h: Help
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("h" . "help")
:desc "Apropos" "/" #'consult-apropos
:desc "Apropos docs" "?" #'apropos-documentation
:desc "Help at point" "p" #'helpful-at-point
:desc "Help info" "h" #'info
:desc "Help for help" "H" #'help-for-help
:desc "Describe mode" "m" #'describe-mode
:desc "Describe minor modes" "M" #'doom/describe-active-minor-mode
:desc "Describe function" "f" #'counsel-describe-function
:desc "Describe function key" "F" #'where-is
:desc "Describe variable" "v" #'counsel-describe-variable
:desc "Describe custom variable" "V" #'doom/help-custom-variable
:desc "Describe command" "x" #'helpful-command
:desc "Describe key" "k" #'describe-key-briefly
:desc "Describe key fully" "K" #'describe-key
:desc "Describe char" "'" #'describe-char
:desc "Describe coding system" "\"" #'describe-coding-system
:desc "Describe input method" "i" #'describe-input-method
:desc "Emacs manual" "e" #'info-emacs-manual
:desc "ASCII table" "a" #'my/ascii-table
:desc "View messages" "e" #'view-echo-area-messages
:desc "View keystrokes" "l" #'view-lossage)
**** a: Ascii Table
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defface my/ascii-table-highlight-face
'((t (:foreground "pink")))
"Face for highlighting ASCII chars.")
(defun my/ascii-table ()
"Display basic ASCII table (0 thru 128)."
(pop-to-buffer "*ASCII*")
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(my/buffer-local-set-key "q" #'+popup/quit-window)
(setq lower32 '("nul" "soh" "stx" "etx" "eot" "enq" "ack" "bel"
"bs" "ht" "nl" "vt" "np" "cr" "so" "si"
"dle" "dc1" "dc2" "dc3" "dc4" "nak" "syn" "etb"
"can" "em" "sub" "esc" "fs" "gs" "rs" "us"))
(save-excursion (let ((i -1))
(insert " Hex Dec Char | Hex Dec Char | Hex Dec Char | Hex Dec Char\n")
(insert " ---------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------\n")
(while (< i 31)
(insert (format "%4x %4d %4s | %4x %4d %4s | %4x %4d %4s | %4x %4d %4s\n"
(setq i (+ 1 i)) i (elt lower32 i)
(setq i (+ 32 i)) i (single-key-description i)
(setq i (+ 32 i)) i (single-key-description i)
(setq i (+ 32 i)) i (single-key-description i)))
(overlay-put (make-overlay (- (point) 4) (- (point) 1)) 'face 'my/ascii-table-highlight-face)
(overlay-put (make-overlay (- (point) 22) (- (point) 19)) 'face 'my/ascii-table-highlight-face)
(overlay-put (make-overlay (- (point) 40) (- (point) 37)) 'face 'my/ascii-table-highlight-face)
(overlay-put (make-overlay (- (point) 58) (- (point) 55)) 'face 'my/ascii-table-highlight-face)
(setq i (- i 96))
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*ASCII"
:side 'right
:select t
:width 70)
**** d: Doom
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("h d" . "doom")
:desc "Doom manual" "d" #'doom/help
:desc "Doom FAQ" "f" #'doom/help-faq
:desc "Doom modules" "m" #'doom/help-modules
:desc "Doom news" "n" #'doom/help-news
:desc "Doom help search" "/" #'doom/help-search-headings
:desc "Doom version" "v" #'doom/version
:desc "Doom package configuration" "p" #'doom/help-package-config
:desc "Doom sandbox" "x" #'doom/sandbox)
*** l: Ligma
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("l" . "ligma")
:desc "Search" "s" #'ts/search
:desc "Sourcegraph search" "g" #'ts/sourcegraph-search
:desc "Sourcegraph browse" "G" #'ts/sourcegraph-browse)
*** TODO o: Open
*** p: Projects
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("p" . "projects")
:desc "Switch project" "p" #'my/projectile-switch-project
:desc "Add new project" "a" #'projectile-add-known-project
:desc "Remove project" "d" #'projectile-remove-known-project
:desc "Find in project root" "." #'counsel-projectile-find-file
:desc "Search in project" "/" #'+default/search-project
:desc "Invalidate project cache" "i" #'projectile-invalidate-cache
:desc "Run cmd in project root" "!" #'projectile-run-shell-command-in-root
:desc "Run async cmd in project root" "&" #'projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root)
(defun my/projectile-find-in-root ()
(counsel-find-file nil projectile-project-root))
*** t: Toggle
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix ("t" . "toggle")
;; Wrap
:desc "Auto Wrap" "a" #'auto-fill-mode
:desc "Wrap Indicator" "c" #'global-display-fill-column-indicator-mode
:desc "Wrap Column" "C" #'set-fill-column
:desc "Line Wrap" "w" #'visual-line-mode
;; Modes
:desc "Flycheck" "f" #'flycheck-mode
:desc "Keycast" "k" #'keycast-mode
;; Files
:desc "Read-only" "r" #'read-only-mode)
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/auto-fill-mode (cols)
*** w: Window
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :leader
:prefix-map ("w" . "window")
;; Navigation
:desc "Go..." "w" #'ace-window
:desc "Go left" "h" #'evil-window-left
:desc "Go down" "j" #'evil-window-down
:desc "Go up" "k" #'evil-window-up
:desc "Go right" "l" #'evil-window-right
:desc "Go other" "o" #'other-window
;; Layout
:desc "Move left" "H" #'+evil/window-move-left
:desc "Move down" "J" #'+evil/window-move-down
:desc "Move up" "K" #'+evil/window-move-up
:desc "Move right" "L" #'+evil/window-move-right
;; Splits
:desc "VSplit" "=" #'+evil/window-vsplit-and-follow
:desc "HSplit" "-" #'+evil/window-split-and-follow
:desc "Tear off" "t" #'tear-off-window
;; History
:desc "Undo" "u" #'winner-undo
:desc "Redo" "U" #'winner-redo
;; Misc
:desc "Resize..." "r" #'my/hydra-window-resize/body
:desc "Rotate..." "R" #'my/hydra-window-rotate/body
:desc "Balance" "b" #'balance-windows
;; Management
:desc "Kill window" "d" #'+workspace/close-window-or-workspace)
;; TODO: Maybe check out:
;; evil-window-mru
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq my/window-resize-step 3)
(defun my/window-increase-height ()
(evil-window-increase-height my/window-resize-step))
(defun my/window-decrease-height ()
(evil-window-decrease-height my/window-resize-step))
(defun my/window-increase-width ()
(evil-window-increase-width my/window-resize-step))
(defun my/window-decrease-width ()
(evil-window-decrease-width my/window-resize-step))
(defhydra my/hydra-window-resize ()
"Resize window"
("k" my/window-increase-height "++Height")
("j" my/window-decrease-height "--Height")
("h" my/window-decrease-width "--Width")
("l" my/window-increase-width "++Width")
("ESC" nil "Quit" :color blue))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defhydra my/hydra-window-rotate ()
"Rotate window"
("h" +evil/window-move-left "Move left")
("j" +evil/window-move-down "Move down")
("k" +evil/window-move-up "Move up")
("l" +evil/window-move-right "Move right")
("H" evil-window-move-far-left "Move far left")
("J" evil-window-rotate-downwards "Rotate Down")
("K" evil-window-rotate-upwards "Rotate Up")
("L" evil-window-move-far-right "Move far right"))
** Local Leader
*** Org Config
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :map org-config-mode-map
:v :desc "Eval Region" "e" #'eval-region
:n :desc "Eval Source" "e" #'my/org-config-eval-source)
(defun my/org-config-eval-source ()
*** Rust
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
;; (map! :map rustic-mode-map
;; :localleader
;; "b" nil
;; "t" nil)
;; (map! :map rustic-mode-map
;; :localleader
;; :desc "Edit Cargo.toml" "t" #'my/rust/edit-cargo-toml)
;; (map! :map rustic-mode-map
;; :leader
;; :prefix ("c" . "code")
;; :desc "Expand macro" "m" #'lsp-rust-analyzer-expand-macro
;; :desc "Open docs" "h" #'lsp-rust-analyzer-open-external-docs)
;; (map! :map rustic-mode-map
;; :localleader
;; :prefix ("b" . "build")
;; :desc "Build" "b" #'rustic-cargo-check
;; :desc "Check" "c" #'rustic-cargo-check
;; :desc "Debug" "d" #'my/rust/dap-hydra/body
;; :desc "Run" "r" #'rustic-cargo-run
;; :desc "Bench" "B" #'rustic-cargo-bench
;; :desc "Test current" "t" #'rustic-cargo-current-test
;; :desc "Test all" "T" #'rustic-cargo-test)
(map! :map rustic-mode-map
:desc "Pluralize import" "," #'my/rust/import-pluralize
:desc "Singularize import" "<backspace>" #'my/rust/import-singularize
:desc "Singularize import" "C-<backspace>" #'my/rust/import-c-singularize
:desc "Singularize import" "C-<delete>" #'my/rust/import-rev-singularize)
**** Debugging
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defhydra my/rust/dap-hydra (:color pink :hint nil :foreign-keys run)
^Stepping^ ^Switch^ ^Breakpoints^ ^Debug^ ^Eval
_n_: Next _ss_: Session _bb_: Toggle _dd_: Debug binary _ee_: Eval
_i_: Step in _st_: Thread _bd_: Delete _dr_: Restart debugging _es_: Eval thing at point
_o_: Step out _sf_: Stack frame _ba_: Add _ea_: Add expression
_c_: Continue _su_: Up stack frame _bc_: Set condition
_Q_: Disconnect _sd_: Down stack frame _bh_: Set hit count
_sl_: List locals _bl_: Set log message
_sb_: List breakpoints
_sS_: List sessions
("n" dap-next)
("i" dap-step-in)
("o" dap-step-out)
("c" dap-continue)
("r" dap-restart-frame)
("ss" dap-switch-session)
("st" dap-switch-thread)
("sf" dap-switch-stack-frame)
("su" dap-up-stack-frame)
("sd" dap-down-stack-frame)
("sl" dap-ui-locals)
("sb" dap-ui-breakpoints)
("sS" dap-ui-sessions)
("bb" dap-breakpoint-toggle)
("ba" dap-breakpoint-add)
("bd" dap-breakpoint-delete)
("bc" dap-breakpoint-condition)
("bh" dap-breakpoint-hit-condition)
("bl" dap-breakpoint-log-message)
("dd" my/rust/debug-binary)
("dr" dap-debug-restart)
("ee" dap-eval)
("ea" dap-ui-expressions-add)
("es" dap-eval-thing-at-point)
("q" nil "quit" :color blue)
("Q" dap-disconnect :color red))
**** Cargo.toml
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :map cargo-toml-mode-map
:desc "Add crate (semver)" "a" #'my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate-semver
:desc "Add crate (exact)" "A" #'my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate)
** Modes
*** Evil
**** z
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :prefix "z"
:desc "Kill buffer" :n "x" #'kill-current-buffer
:desc "Kill window" :n "c" #'+workspace/close-window-or-workspace)
**** g
**** [
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(map! :prefix "["
:desc "Start of fn" :n "f" #'beginning-of-defun)
(map! :prefix "]"
:desc "End of fn" :n "f" #'end-of-defun)
*** Dap
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
* Languages
** Rust
*** General
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(add-to-list 'projectile-globally-ignored-files "Cargo.lock")
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-server-display-inlay-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-closure-return-type-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-enable "skip_trivial")
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-lifetime-elision-hints-use-parameter-names nil)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-chaining-hints t)
(setq lsp-rust-analyzer-display-reborrow-hints t)
*** Editing
When editing a list of "use" imports, automatically add and remove braces when typing or removing commas
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(rx-let ((crate (or alphanumeric "_" "*")))
(setq my//rust/import-singular-rx
;; use foo::bar::baz;
(rx "use "
(+ (+ crate) "::")
(+ crate)
(? ";") line-end))
(setq my//rust/import-plural-rx
;; use foo::bar::baz::{qux::quo, };
(rx "use "
(+ (+ crate) "::")
"{" (* (+ crate) "::") (+ crate) "," (* whitespace) "}"
(? ";") line-end))
(setq my//rust/import-plural-rev-rx
;; use foo::bar::baz::{, qux::quo};
(rx "use "
(+ (+ crate) "::")
"{," (* whitespace) (* (+ crate) "::") (+ crate) "}"
(? ";") line-end)))
(defun my/rust/import-pluralize ()
"Convert a singular import into a brace-wrapped plural import."
(if (and
(my/line-match-p my//rust/import-singular-rx))
(vim! "ESC vb S} f} i,")
(insert ",")))
(defun my/rust/import-singularize ()
"Convert a brace-wrapped plural import into a singular import."
(if (and
(my/line-match-p my//rust/import-plural-rx))
(vim! "ESC l dF, ds} $i")
(evil-delete-backward-char-and-join 1)))
(defun my/rust/import-c-singularize ()
"Convert a brace-wrapped plural import into a singular import."
(if (and
(my/line-match-p my//rust/import-plural-rx))
(vim! "ESC l dF, ds} $i")
(backward-kill-word 1)))
(defun my/rust/import-rev-singularize ()
"Convert a brace-wrapped plural import into a singular import."
(if (and
(my/line-match-p my//rust/import-plural-rev-rx))
(vim! "ESC ds} dw $i")
(kill-word 1)))
*** Debugging
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/rust/debug-config (args)
`(:type "lldb-vscode"
;; `(:type "lldb"
:request "launch"
:dap-server-path ,(list (executable-find "lldb-vscode"))
;; :dap-server-path ,(list (executable-find "rust-lldb"))
;; use a::TestThin
;; (:MIMode "gdb"
;; :miDebuggerPath "gdb"
;; :stopAtEntry t
;; :externalConsole
;; :json-false
;; :type "cppdbg"
;; :request "launch"
;; :name "test test2"
;; :args ["test2" "--exact" "--nocapture"]
;; :cwd "/home/lain/Code/test/rust/debug"
;; :sourceLanguages ["rust"]
;; :program "/home/lain/Code/test/rust/debug/target/debug/deps/...")
;; (require 'dap-cpptools)
(defun my/rust/debug-binary (args)
(interactive "sArgs: ")
(let* ((root (projectile-project-root))
(name (projectile-project-name))
(target (concat root "target/debug/" name)))
;; (rustic-cargo-build)
`(:program ,target
:cwd ,root
:args ,(apply #'vector (split-string-and-unquote args)))))))
(defun my/rust/debug-lsp-runnable (runnable)
"Select and debug a RUNNABLE action."
(interactive (list (lsp-rust-analyzer--select-runnable)))
(-let (((&rust-analyzer:Runnable
:args (&rust-analyzer:RunnableArgs :cargo-args :workspace-root? :executable-args)
:label) runnable))
(pcase (aref cargo-args 0)
("run" (aset cargo-args 0 "build"))
("test" (when (-contains? (append cargo-args ()) "--no-run")
(cl-callf append cargo-args (list "--no-run")))))
(->> (append (list (executable-find "cargo"))
(list "--message-format=json"))
(s-join " ")
(-keep (lambda (s)
(condition-case nil
(-let* ((json-object-type 'plist)
((msg &as &plist :reason :executable) (json-read-from-string s)))
(when (and executable (string= "compiler-artifact" reason))
(lambda (artifact-spec)
(pcase artifact-spec
(`() (user-error "No compilation artifacts or obtaining the runnable artifacts failed"))
(`(,spec) spec)
(_ (user-error "Multiple compilation artifacts are not supported")))))
(list :name label
:args executable-args
:cwd workspace-root?
;; :sourceLanguages ["rust"]
:stopAtEntry t
:stopAtEntry :json-true
:externalConsole :json-false
(advice-add #'lsp-rust-analyzer-debug :override #'my/rust/debug-lsp-runnable)
*** Cargo.toml
Define a derived mode for =conf-toml-mode= so we can specify some
keybindings specific to =Cargo.toml= files.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(define-derived-mode cargo-toml-mode conf-toml-mode "Cargo.toml mode")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("Cargo\\.toml" . cargo-toml-mode))
Define a wrapper function for visiting the closest Cargo.toml in a new window.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/rust/edit-cargo-toml ()
Define a helper for pulling the latest versions of crates from crates.io
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :lexical t
(defun my/rust/get-latest-crate-version (crate callback)
(request! (format "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/%s/versions" crate)
(:type "GET" :parser 'json-read)
(lambda (data)
(let* ((versions (alist-get 'versions data))
(target (elt versions 0))
(num (alist-get 'num target)))
(funcall callback num)))
(lambda ()
(message "Crate not found: %s" crate))))
(defun my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate (crate)
"Insert `crate = version` with the latest available version of a crate."
(interactive "sCrate: ")
(lambda (version)
(insert (format "%s = \"%s\"" crate version)))))
(defun my/rust/cargo-toml-add-crate-semver (crate)
"Insert `crate = version` with the latest available version of a crate.
Use any semver compatible version with either the current major release,
or the minor release if the major version is still 0."
(interactive "sCrate: ")
(lambda (version)
(let* ((parts (split-string version "\\."))
(major (nth 0 parts))
(minor (nth 1 parts))
(patch (nth 2 parts))
(semver (if (equal major "0")
(format "%s.%s" major minor)
(format "%s" major))))
(insert (format "%s = \"%s\"" crate semver))))))
*** Lisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/rust/cargo-toml (&optional dir)
(path! (locate! "Cargo.toml" dir) "Cargo.toml"))
(defun my/rust/workspace-root (&optional dir)
(shell! "%s | jq -r '.workspace_root'"
(cargo! "metadata --no-deps --format-version 1" dir)))
(defun cargo! (cmd &optional dir)
(format "cargo %s --manifest-path \"%s\""
(my/rust/cargo-toml dir)))
** Go
*** Debugging
Setup: run =M-x dap-go-setup=
* Tools
** Org
** Projectile
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
;; (setq projectile-project-search-path
;; '("~/Code"))
(defun my/projectile-project-ignored-p (root)
(or (doom-project-ignored-p root)
(file-in-directory-p root "/opt/ts/fuse/artfs_mounts")
(file-in-directory-p root "/home/tsdist/vats_deployments")))
(setq projectile-ignored-project-function #'my/projectile-project-ignored-p)
(defun my/projectile-switch-project ()
;; Prune projects which no longer exist
(when (boundp 'projectile-known-projects)
(dolist (project projectile-known-projects)
(unless (file-directory-p project)
(projectile-remove-known-project project))))
(call-interactively #'counsel-projectile-switch-project))
** LSP
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq lsp-ui-doc-show-with-mouse t)
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable t)
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-segments '(symbols))
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/lsp-find-root (lsp--find-root-interactively &rest args)
(and (ts/repo/p)
(pcase (f-ext ($file) t)
(".rs" (my/rust/workspace-root))
(_ nil)))
(apply lsp--find-root-interactively args)))
(advice-add 'lsp--find-root-interactively :around #'my/lsp-find-root)
** Counsel Search
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun my/counsel-search ()
(unless (boundp 'my/kagi-found)
(:host "kagi.com") token
(if token
(setq my/kagi-found (if token t nil))
(setq counsel-search-engines-alist
,(format "https://kagi.com/search?token=%s&q=" token)
(setq counsel-search-engine 'kagi))
(warn "Token for kagi.com not found in authinfo. Falling back to default search engine."))))
(call-interactively #'counsel-search))
** Keycast
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! keycast
(define-minor-mode keycast-mode
"Show current command and its key binding in the mode line."
:global t
(if keycast-mode
(add-to-list 'global-mode-string '("" keycast-mode-line))
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'keycast--update t))
(setq global-mode-string (delete '("" keycast-mode-line) global-mode-string))
(remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'keycast--update))))
(dolist (input '(self-insert-command
(add-to-list 'keycast-substitute-alist `(,input nil)))
(dolist (event '(mouse-event-p
(add-to-list 'keycast-substitute-alist `(,event nil))))
** SourceGraph
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(use-package sourcegraph
:hook (prog-mode . sourcegraph-mode))
(setq sourcegraph-url "https://sourcegraph.app.twosigma.com")
** Rmsbolt
* Apps
** Emacs Everywhere
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(load! "lisp/emacs-everywhere.el")
(setq emacs-everywhere-paste-command '("xdotool" "key" "--clearmodifiers" "ctrl+v"))
(setq emacs-everywhere-frame-parameters
'((title . "Emacs Everywhere")
(width . 120)
(height . 36)))