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# Using block devices
The `blockdev.asm` part manage what we call "block devices", an abstraction over
something that we can read a byte to, write a byte to, optionally at arbitrary
A Collapse OS system can define up to `0xff` devices. Those definitions are made
in the glue code, so they are static.
Definition of block devices happen at include time. It would look like:
#include "blockdev.asm"
; List of devices
.dw sdcGetB, sdcPutB
That tells `blockdev` that we're going to set up one device, that its GetB and
PutB are the ones defined by `sdc.asm`.
If your block device is read-only or write-only, use dummy routines. `unsetZ`
is a good choice since it will return with the `Z` flag unset, indicating an
error (dummy methods aren't supposed to be called).
Each defined block device, in addition to its routine definition, holds a
seek pointer. This seek pointer is used in shell commands described below.
## Routine definitions
Parts that implement GetB and PutB do so in a loosely-coupled manner, but
they should try to adhere to the convention, that is:
**GetB**: Get the byte at position specified by `HL`. If it supports 32-bit
addressing, `DE` contains the high-order bytes. Return the result in
`A`. If there's an error (for example, address out of range), unset
`Z`. This routine is not expected to block. We expect the result to be
**PutB**: The opposite of GetB. Write the character in `A` at specified
position. `Z` unset on error.
## Shell usage
`apps/basic/blk.asm` supplies 4 shell commands that you can add to your shell.
See "Optional Modules/blk" in [the shell doc](../apps/basic/
### Example
Let's try an example: You glue yourself a Collapse OS with a mmap starting at
`0xe000` as your 4th device (like it is in the shell emulator). Here's what you
could do to copy memory around:
> m=0xe000
> 10 getc
> 20 poke m a
> 30 m=m+1
> 40 if m<0xe004 goto 10
> run
[enter "abcd"]
> bsel 3
> clear
> 10 getb
> 20 puth a
> run
61> run
62> run
63> run
64> bseek 2
> run
63> run