seeing if it's easier to fork tA's nixos laptop config rather than make one from scratch (more or less).
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines

  1. { lib, pkgs, ... }: {
  2. #################################
  3. # user level home configuration #
  4. #################################
  5. # this file *should* contain:
  6. # * a list of programs i want
  7. # * definitions of any files i need in a certain place
  8. # * user specific program configuration
  9. #
  10. # this file should *not* contain:
  11. # * default program configuration that is not user specific
  12. imports = [
  13. ../../modules/bspwm/home.nix
  14. ../../modules/urxvt/home.nix
  15. ../../modules/picom/home.nix
  16. ../../modules/zsh/home.nix
  17. ../../modules/emacs/home.nix
  18. ./fonts/home.nix
  19. ./xresources.nix
  20. ];
  21. home = {
  22. # keyboard layout, v v important
  23. keyboard.layout = "dvorak";
  24. # packages that are needed
  25. packages = with pkgs; [
  26. # system stuff
  27. htop gotop
  28. neofetch scrot
  29. git
  30. zip p7zip
  31. tmux
  32. # essential things
  33. cowsay fortune
  34. # editors
  35. ta.vim
  36. libreoffice
  37. # web stuff
  38. elinks qutebrowser
  39. deluge
  40. profanity weechat
  41. youtube-dl
  42. # media
  43. aseprite
  44. calibre
  45. zathura
  46. mpv
  47. ncmpcpp
  48. texlive.combined.scheme-full
  49. # prog
  50. rgbds sameboy
  51. racket
  52. stack ghc
  53. idris idris2
  54. cargo rustc
  55. # games
  56. nethack crawl crawlTiles
  57. sgtpuzzles
  58. wesnoth openxcom
  59. manaplus
  60. minetest
  61. rftg
  62. superTux superTuxKart
  63. openttd
  64. freeciv unciv
  65. opentyrian
  66. freedink freedroidrpg
  67. freeorion
  68. openarena
  69. wine
  70. ];
  71. };
  72. }