My work for Hoon 101. Will remain private until the class is over.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

19 lines

  1. |%
  2. +$ effect (pair bone syscall)
  3. +$ syscall [%wait path @da]
  4. --
  5. |_ [bowl:gall ~]
  6. ++ poke-noun
  7. |= t=@da
  8. ?: (lth t now)
  9. !!
  10. ^+ [*(list effect) +>.$]
  11. :_ +>.$ :_ ~
  12. [ost %wait /egg-timer t]
  13. ++ wake
  14. |= [=wire error=(unit tang)]
  15. ^+ [*(list effect) +>.$]
  16. ~& "Timer went off!"
  17. [~ +>.$]
  18. --