This commit is contained in:
@ -1,33 +1,52 @@
module Connect where
import Types
import Util
import Groups
-- Passes state for X to hurt Y
conHurt :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
conHurt charX charY oldBS
| isDowned charX oldDowned = oldBoardState
conHurt charX charY oldBoardState
| not $ isAdjacent charX charY oldGroups = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ $ Right GameError (charX ++ " is downed, could not hurt " ++ charY)
| (isAdjacent . not) charX charY oldGroups = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ $ Right GameError (charX ++ " is not adjacent to " ++ charY ++ ", could not hurt")
++ [ Right (show charX ++ " is not adjacent to " ++ show charY ++ ", could not hurt") ]
| isAlone charX oldGroups = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ $ Left GameLine (charX ++ " hurt " ++ charY ++ ", " ++ charY ++ " is downed")
++ [ Left (show charX ++ " hurt " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is downed") ]
, bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState)
{ ntPutCards = filter (\x -> filter ((snd x) /= Just charX)) oldPut
, ntDowned = (charY:oldDowned)
{ ntPutCards = filter (\x -> ((fst x) /= Left charX)) oldPut
, ntDowned = downChar charY oldDowned
| otherwise = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ $ Left GameLine (charX ++ " hurt " ++ charY ++ ", " ++ charY ++ " left their group")
++ [ Left (show charX ++ " hurt " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " left their group") ]
, bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState)
{ ntGroups = removeFromGroup charY oldGroups }
oldDowned = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) oldBS
oldGroups = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) oldBS
oldPut = (ntPutCards . bsNeoTokyo) oldBS
oldDowned = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
oldGroups = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
oldPut = (ntPutCards . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
conAttract :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
conAttract charX charY oldBoardState
| not $ isAdjacent charX charY oldGroups = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Right (show charX ++ " is not adjacent to " ++ show charY ++ ", could not attract") ]
| isAlone charX oldGroups = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Left (show charX ++ " attracted " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is ready") ]
, bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState)
{ ntDowned = readyChar charY oldDowned }
| otherwise = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Left (show charX ++ " attracted " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ "'s group joined " ++ show charX ++ "'s group") ]
, bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState)
{ ntGroups = joinGroups charX charY oldGroups }
oldDowned = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
oldGroups = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ isAlone c g = curFrens c g == []
-- Return true if X is adjacent to Y
isAdjacent :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> Groups -> Bool
isAdjacent x y g = y `elem` $ getAdj x g
isAdjacent x y g = y `elem` (getAdj x g)
-- All characters a X is adjacent to
getAdj :: MainCharacter -> Groups -> [MainCharacter]
@ -51,25 +51,30 @@ adjGroups x g = filter (\y -> any (\z -> z `elem` adjFrens) y) (otherGroups x g)
-- Return the groups with C removed from its current group
removeFromGroup :: MainCharacter -> Groups -> Groups
removeFromGroup c g = ( [c] : (groupMinusChar c) : (otherGroups y g) )
removeFromGroup c g = ( [c] : (groupMinusChar c) : (otherGroups c g) )
groupMinusChar x = curFrens x g
-- Return the groups with X grouped with Y
joinGroups :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> Groups -> Groups
joinGroups x y g
| x `elem` curFrens y g = g
| otherwise = (groupX ++ groupY) : (otherGroups x g)
groupX = charsGroup x g
groupY = charsGroup y g
-- Return the Downed with the new character
downChar :: MainCharacter -> Downed -> Downed
downChar c d
| c `elem` d = d
| otherwise = (c : d)
-- Return the Downed minus the chosen character
readyChar :: MainCharacter -> Downed -> Downed
readyChar c d = filter (/= c) d
-- X hurts Y (only if adjacent)
hurt :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
hurt x y (nt,d)
| not $ y `elem` (getAdj x nt) = (nt,d)
| otherwise = hurt' x y (nt,d)
-- X hurts Y (no restrictions)
hurt' :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
hurt' x y (nt,d)
| y `elem` d = if (curFrens y nt == [])
then (nt, d)
else ([y] : (groupMinusChar y) : (otherGroups y nt), d)
| otherwise = (nt, y:d)
groupMinusChar y = (filter (/= y) $ charsGroup y nt)
-- Attract X and Y (only if adjacent)
attract :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
attract x y (nt,d)
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
module Init where
import Types
import Cards
p1 :: Player
p1 = ("Shaun", [S01_Shinji, S02_Asuka, S02_Asuka, S04_Misato, S05_Ritsuko, S06_Gendo], [])
p2 :: Player
p2 = ("James", [S01_Shinji, S03_Rei, S03_Rei, S04_Misato], [])
bs1 :: BoardState
bs1 = BoardState
{ bsNeoTokyo =
( [[Shinji], [Asuka], [Rei], [Misato], [Ritsuko], [Gendo]]
, [UnitZero, UnitOne, UnitTwo]
, []
, []
, []
, bsPlayerLib =
[ (1, p1)
, (2, p2)
, bsActivePlayers = [1, 2]
, bsPriorityPlayer = 1
, bsCardStack = []
, bsCardLib = gCardLib
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module State where
import Types
defCharsFaction :: Faction -> MainCharacter
defCharsFaction Blue = Shinji
defCharsFaction Red = Asuka
@ -7,28 +9,3 @@ defCharsFaction White = Rei
defCharsFaction Green = Misato
defCharsFaction Yellow = Ritsuko
defCharsFaction Black = Gendo
numPut :: Either MainCharacter MainEva -> PutCards -> Integer
numPut c p = toInteger $ length $ filter (\x -> (fst x) == c) p
removeHand :: CardSym -> Player -> Either Player GameError
removeHand c p@(n, h, d)
| not $ c `elem` h = Right "Card not in hand"
| otherwise = Left (n, nh, nd)
nh = rmFirstMatch h (== c)
nd = (c:d)
playChar :: Player -> CardSym -> BoardState -> Either BoardState GameError
playChar p@(on, oh, od) c ob@(cl, ps, d, pc)
| ciType (getCardInfo c cl) /= Character = Right "Not a character"
| numPut (Left targetChar) pc >= 2 = Right "Too many put cards"
| targetChar `elem` d = Right "Character is down"
| isRight np = Right $ unwrapRight np
| otherwise = Left $ (cl, (unwrapLeft np):(rmFirstMatch ps (\(n, _, _) -> n == on)), d, npc)
targetChar = defCharsFaction $ ciFaction (getCardInfo c cl)
np = removeHand c p
npc = (Left targetChar, c):pc
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
module Types where
import Cards
data MainCharacter = Shinji | Asuka | Rei | Misato | Ritsuko | Gendo deriving (Show, Eq)
data MainEva = UnitZero | UnitOne | UnitTwo deriving (Show, Eq)
data Angel = Sachiel | Shamshel | Ramiel | Gaghiel | Israfel | Sandalphon | Matariel | Sahaquiel | Ireul | Leliel | Bardiel | Zeruel | Arael | Armisael | Kaworu | Man | Lilith | Adam
@ -11,17 +9,18 @@ type CardLib = [(CardSym, CardInfo)]
type Downed = [MainCharacter]
type PutCards = [(Either MainCharacter MainEva, CardSym)]
type CardStack = [(PlayerId, CardSym)]
type NeoTokyo =
data NeoTokyo = NeoTokyo
{ ntGroups :: Groups
, ntEvas :: Evas
, ntAngels :: Angels
, ntPutCards :: PutCards
, ntDowned :: Downed
type Evas = [MainEvas]
type Evas = [MainEva]
type Group = [MainCharacter]
type Groups = [Group]
type Angels = [Angel]
type BoardState =
data BoardState = BoardState
{ bsNeoTokyo :: NeoTokyo
, bsPlayerLib :: PlayerLib
, bsActivePlayers :: ActivePlayers
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ uniq x = reverse $ go x []
go (c:cs) al = if (c `elem` al) then (go cs al) else (go cs (c:al))
-- Return the first item that f returns true for
getFirstMatch :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
getFirstMatch :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> Maybe a
getFirstMatch [] _ = Nothing
getFirstMatch (l:ls) f
| f l = l
| f l = Just l
| otherwise = getFirstMatch ls f
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