finished refactor, compiles and runs as before now
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ tA's Rules Engine for the Neon Genesis Evangelion Trading Card Game.
Currently only runs in GHCI
:load Connect.hs Print.hs Init.hs
import Print
import Init
:load Leads/Groups.hs ComBoard/Printer.hs ComBoard/Init.hs
import ComBoard.Printer
import ComBoard.Init
To print the representation of the initial board state
@ -17,32 +17,37 @@ To print the representation of the initial board state
printState initBS
`conHurt` and `conAttract` are currently the only implemented mechanics
`hurt` and `attract` are currently the only implemented main mechanics
printState $ conHurt Asuka Gendo $ conAttract Shinji Asuka initBS
printState $ (attract Ritsuko Misato)
. (hurt Shinji Gendo)
. (attract Asuka Shinji)
. (hurt Rei Ritsuko)
$ initBS
- Groups -
A ~ [ Shinji, Asuka ] <-> BCDE
B ~ [ Rei ] <-> AE
C ~ [ Misato ] <-> AD
D ~ [ Ritsuko ] <-> ACE
E ~ [ Gendo ] <-> ABD
A ~ [ Ritsuko, Misato ] <-> BD
B ~ [ Shinji, Asuka ] <-> ACD
C ~ [ Rei ] <-> BD
D ~ [ Gendo ] <-> ABC
- Downed -
~ Gendo
~ Ritsuko
- GameLog -
Shinji attracted Asuka, Asuka's group joined Shinji's group
Asuka hurt Gendo, Gendo is downed
Rei hurts Ritsuko, Ritsuko is downed!
Shinji attracts Asuka, both groups are joined
Shinji hurts Gendo, Gendo is downed!
Ritsuko attracts Misato, both groups are joined
### Dependencies
`Data.List` and `Data.Either`
`Data.List` and `Maybe (Data.Either)`
## Authors
@ -33,22 +33,22 @@ isDowned c bs = c `elem` d
-- Return true if character is not grouped
isAlone :: MainCharacter -> BoardState -> Bool
isAlone c bs = curFrens c g == []
isAlone c bs = curFrens c bs == []
where g = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) bs
-- Return true if X is adjacent to Y
isAdjacent :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> Bool
isAdjacent x y bs = y `elem` (getAdj x g)
isAdjacent x y bs = y `elem` (getAdj x bs)
where g = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) bs
-- All characters a X is adjacent to
getAdj :: MainCharacter -> BoardState -> [MainCharacter]
getAdj x bs = curFrens x g ++ (foldr (++) [] (adjGroups x g))
getAdj x bs = curFrens x bs ++ (foldr (++) [] (adjGroups x bs))
where g = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) bs
-- The characters currently grouped with x
curFrens :: MainCharacter -> BoardState -> [MainCharacter]
curFrens x bs = filter (/= x) $ charsGroup x g
curFrens x bs = filter (/= x) $ charsGroup x bs
where g = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) bs
-- The group that character x belongs to
@ -63,13 +63,12 @@ otherGroups x bs = filter (\y -> not $ x `elem` y) g
-- The groups a character is adaject to
adjGroups :: MainCharacter -> BoardState -> Groups
adjGroups x bs = filter (\y -> any (\z -> z `elem` adjFrens) y) (otherGroups x g)
adjGroups x bs = filter (\y -> any (\z -> z `elem` adjFrens) y) (otherGroups x bs)
adjFrens = uniq $ foldr (++) [] (map defFrens $ charsGroup x g)
adjFrens = uniq $ foldr (++) [] (map defFrens $ charsGroup x bs)
g = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) bs
-- The groups a group is adjacent to
neighborGroups :: Group -> BoardState -> Groups
neighborGroups g bs = uniq . concat $ map (\x -> adjGroups x gs) g
where g = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) bs
neighborGroups g bs = uniq . concat $ map (\x -> adjGroups x bs) g
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Cogs.Players where
-- ====
import ComBoard.Types
import Util
import Toolbox.Utils
-- Returns whether CardSym is in PlayerId's hand
isInHand :: CardSym -> PlayerId -> BoardState -> Bool
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ module ComBoard.Printer where
-- Prints the state of the ComBoard
-- ====
import Types
import Groups
import ComBoard.Types
import Cogs.Groups
import Data.List
printState :: BoardState -> IO ()
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ printState bs = do
(\(gid, x) -> [gid] ++ " ~ [ " ++ concatGroup x ++ " ] <-> "
(map fst $ filter (\(_,y) -> y `elem` (neighborGroups x groups)) zipGroups)
(map fst $ filter (\(_,y) -> y `elem` (neighborGroups x bs)) zipGroups)
) zipGroups
putStrLn " - Downed -"
mapM_ putStrLn $ map
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Cogs.Players
-- Sets the groups in NeoTokyo
setGroups :: Groups -> BoardState -> BoardState
setGroups gs bs = bs
{ bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo bs) { nsGroups = gs } }
{ bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo bs) { ntGroups = gs } }
-- Sets the downed in NeoTokyo
setDowned :: Downed -> BoardState -> BoardState
@ -24,8 +24,17 @@ setPlayerLib pl bs = bs { bsPlayerLib = pl }
-- Sets a players state
setPlayer :: PlayerId -> PlayerState -> BoardState -> BoardState
setPlayer pi ps bs = setPlayerLib $ map
(\(pid,state) -> if (pid == pi) then ps else state) pl
setPlayer pi ps bs = setPlayerLib (map
(\(pid,state) -> if (pid == pi) then (pid,ps) else (pid,state)) pl) bs
pl = (bsPlayerLib bs)
-- Adds a message to the game log
addGameMessage :: String -> BoardState -> BoardState
addGameMessage m bs = bs
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog bs) ++ [ Left m ] }
-- Adds an error to the game log
addGameError :: String -> BoardState -> BoardState
addGameError e bs = bs
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog bs) ++ [ Right e ] }
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
module Leads.Groups where
-- == Leads - Groups ==
-- Functions of type :: Arg1... -> BoardState -> BoardState
-- Changes state of groups
import ComBoard.Types
import Cogs.Groups
-- X hurts Y
conHurt :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
conHurt charX charY oldBoardState
| not $ isAdjacent charX charY oldGroups = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Right (show charX ++ " is not adjacent to " ++ show charY ++ ", could not hurt") ]
| isAlone charY oldGroups = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Left (show charX ++ " hurt " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is downed") ]
, bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState)
{ ntPutCards = filter (\x -> ((fst x) /= Left charX)) oldPut
, ntDowned = downChar charY oldDowned
| otherwise = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Left (show charX ++ " hurt " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " left their group") ]
, bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState)
{ ntGroups = removeFromGroup charY oldGroups }
oldDowned = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
oldGroups = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
oldPut = (ntPutCards . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
-- X attracts Y
conAttract :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
conAttract charX charY oldBoardState
| not $ isAdjacent charX charY oldGroups = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Right (show charX ++ " is not adjacent to " ++ show charY ++ ", could not attract") ]
| isDowned charX oldDowned = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Left (show charX ++ " attracted " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is ready") ]
, bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState)
{ ntDowned = readyChar charY oldDowned }
| otherwise = oldBoardState
{ bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState)
++ [ Left (show charX ++ " attracted " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ "'s group joined " ++ show charX ++ "'s group") ]
, bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState)
{ ntGroups = joinGroups charX charY oldGroups }
oldDowned = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
oldGroups = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState
@ -5,26 +5,28 @@ module Leads.Groups where
-- Changes state of groups
-- ====
import Cogs.Groups
import Leads.ComBoard
import ComBoard.Types
import Toolbox.Utils
-- Return the groups with C removed from its current group
removeFromGroup :: MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
removeFromGroup c bs = setGroups ( [c] : (groupMinusChar c) : (otherGroups c g) ) bs
removeFromGroup c bs = setGroups ( [c] : (groupMinusChar c) : (otherGroups c bs) ) bs
groupMinusChar x = curFrens x g
groupMinusChar x = curFrens x bs
g = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) bs
-- Return the groups with X grouped with Y
joinGroups :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
joinGroups x y bs
| x `elem` curFrens y g = bs
| otherwise = setGroups ((groupX ++ groupY) : (otherGroups x . otherGroups y) g) bs
| x `elem` curFrens y bs = bs
| otherwise = setGroups ((groupX ++ groupY) : ogs) bs
g = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) bs
groupX = charsGroup x g
groupY = charsGroup y g
groupX = charsGroup x bs
groupY = charsGroup y bs
ogs = otherGroups y (setGroups (otherGroups x bs) bs)
-- Return the Downed with the new character
downChar :: MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
@ -39,3 +41,25 @@ readyChar :: MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
readyChar c bs = setDowned (filter (/= c) d) bs
d = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) bs
-- Have character X attract Y
attract :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
attract charX charY bs
| charY `elem` d = (addGameMessage
(show charX ++ " attracts " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is readied!"))
. (readyChar charY) $ bs
| otherwise = (addGameMessage
(show charX ++ " attracts " ++ show charY ++ ", both groups are joined"))
. (joinGroups charX charY) $ bs
d = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) bs
-- Have character X hurt Y
hurt :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
hurt charX charY bs
| isAlone charY bs = (addGameMessage
(show charX ++ " hurts " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is downed!"))
. (downChar charY) {- . (removePut charY) -} $ bs
| otherwise = (addGameMessage
(show charX ++ " hurts " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is seperated"))
. (removeFromGroup charY) $ bs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Leads.Lines where
-- == Leads - Lines ==
-- Functions of type :: Arg1... -> BoardState -> BoardState
-- used to change state of line cards
-- ====
import ComBoard.Types
import Toolbox.Utils
Reference in New Issue
Block a user