support for adjacency

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Thorn Avery 2019-05-15 18:56:43 +12:00
parent 2e367ba36f
commit 64a03fbe3e

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@ -40,18 +40,20 @@ otherGroups x nt = filter (\g -> not $ x `elem` g) nt
getAdj :: MainCharacter -> NeoTokyo -> [MainCharacter]
getAdj x nt = curFrens x nt ++ (foldr (++) [] (adjGroups x nt))
-- Hurt character x
hurt :: MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
hurt x (nt,d)
| x `elem` d = if (curFrens x nt == [])
-- X hurts Y (only if adjacent)
hurt :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
hurt x y (nt,d)
| not $ y `elem` (getAdj x nt) = (nt,d)
| y `elem` d = if (curFrens y nt == [])
then (nt, d)
else ([x] : (groupMinusChar x) : (otherGroups x nt), d)
| otherwise = (nt, x:d)
else ([y] : (groupMinusChar y) : (otherGroups y nt), d)
| otherwise = (nt, y:d)
groupMinusChar x = (filter (/= x) $ charsGroup x nt)
groupMinusChar y = (filter (/= y) $ charsGroup y nt)
-- Attract X and Y
-- Attract X and Y (only if adjacent)
attract :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState
attract x y (nt,d)
| not $ y `elem` (getAdj x nt) = (nt,d)
| x `elem` d = (nt, (filter (/= x) d))
| otherwise = ((uniq (charsGroup x nt ++ charsGroup y nt)) : (otherGroups y (otherGroups x nt)), d)