Post-Cancellation, Pre-Nisei Netrunner Rotation
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Preview.hs 1.5KB

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6 years ago
  1. module Preview where
  2. import Data.List
  3. import Data.Maybe
  4. import Packs
  5. import State
  6. import Timestamp
  7. import Format
  8. type Preview = ([DataPack], [DataPack], Maybe BigBox, Maybe BigBox)
  9. changes :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
  10. changes x y = filter (\n -> not $ n `elem` y) x
  11. diffRot :: [InRot] -> [InRot] -> ([DataPack], [DataPack])
  12. diffRot c f = (packIn, packOut)
  13. where
  14. packIn = map clean $ changes f c
  15. packOut = map clean $ changes c f
  16. clean = (\(Ir n) -> n)
  17. getPreview :: Timestamp -> Maybe Preview
  18. getPreview n
  19. | isPreviewSeason n = Just $ (fst packsChange, snd packsChange, head b, head (rotate 1 b))
  20. | otherwise = Nothing
  21. where
  22. ((i,o), (Bq b), r) = currentFormat n
  23. packsChange = diffRot i ni
  24. ((ni,_),_,_) = nextFormat ((i,o),(Bq b),r)
  25. printLegal :: State -> [String]
  26. printLegal ((i,o),(Bq b),_) = [
  27. "===Evergreen:\nRevised Core Set x3"
  28. , "===Deluxes :\n" ++ (intercalate "\n" $ sort $ map show $ catMaybes (tail b))
  29. , "===Datapacks:\n" ++ (intercalate "\n" $ sort $ map show $ map (\(Ir n) -> n) i)
  30. ]
  31. printPreview :: Maybe Preview -> [String]
  32. printPreview (Just (i, o, bi, bo)) = [
  33. "===Upcoming Changes:"
  34. , ("===In :\n" ++ (intercalate "\n" $ (map show i) ++ (map show cbi)))
  35. , ("===Out:\n" ++ (intercalate "\n" $ (map show o) ++ (map show cbo)))
  36. ]
  37. where
  38. rmEmp = filter (/="")
  39. cbi = catMaybes [bi]
  40. cbo = catMaybes [bo]
  41. cleanDP = map (\(Or n _) -> n)
  42. printPreview Nothing = []