This commit is contained in:
Shaun Kerr 2018-06-25 11:21:29 +12:00
vanhempi a1fb205b66
commit 7ef4f7fed8
9 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 106 lisäystä ja 75 poistoa

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
module Config where
import System.Random
import State
import Timestamp
import Packs
genesis :: Timestamp
genesis = Ts 29 09 1996
@ -13,14 +18,14 @@ initialRotation :: State
initialRotation = ((i, o), b, r)
i = createInRot [
lunar1, lunar2, lunar3, lunar4, lunar5, lunar6
, sansan1 , sansan2 , sansan3 , sansan4 , sansan5 , sansan6
, mumbad1 , mumbad2 , mumbad3 , mumbad4 , mumbad5 , mumbad6
Lunar1, Lunar2, Lunar3, Lunar4, Lunar5, Lunar6
, Sansan1 , Sansan2 , Sansan3 , Sansan4 , Sansan5 , Sansan6
, Mumbad1 , Mumbad2 , Mumbad3 , Mumbad4 , Mumbad5 , Mumbad6
o = createOutRot [
flash1 , flash2 , flash3 , flash4 , flash5 , flash6
, red1 , red2 , red3 , red4 , red5 , red6
, kitara1 , kitara2 , kitara3 , kitara4 , kitara5 , kitara6
Flash1 , Flash2 , Flash3 , Flash4 , Flash5 , Flash6
, Red1 , Red2 , Red3 , Red4 , Red5 , Red6
, Kitara1 , Kitara2 , Kitara3 , Kitara4 , Kitara5 , Kitara6
b = Bq [Just rr, Just td, Just dd, Just oc, Just hp, Just cc, Nothing]
b = Bq [Just Cc, Just Hp, Just Oc, Just Dd, Just Td, Just Rr, Nothing]
r = entropy

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@ -1,17 +1,27 @@
module Format where
import System.Random
import State
import Timestamp
import Config
currentFormat :: Timestamp -> State
currentFormat t = strictApplyN n nextFormat initialRotation
n = t `monthsSince` genesis
nextFormat :: State -> State
nextFormat (p, b, r) = (np, nb, nr)
ip = rotateOld p
(np, nr) = addNewPack . addNewPack (ip, r)
(np, nr) = (addNewPack . addNewPack) (ip, r)
nb = rotateBox b
legalOutRot :: [OutRot] -> [OutRot]
legalOutRot x = filter (\(Or _ n) -> n == 0) x
updatePackAge :: [OutRot] -> [OutRot]
updatePackAge p = map (\(Or s n) -> (Or s $ max 0 (n-1)) p
updatePackAge p = map (\(Or s n) -> (Or s $ max 0 (n-1))) p
setIllegal :: InRot -> OutRot
setIllegal (Ir n) = Or n 3
@ -23,7 +33,7 @@ rotateOld :: Pool -> Pool
rotateOld (i, o) = (ni, no)
ni = drop 2 i
no = o ++ dropped
no = (updatePackAge o) ++ dropped
dropped = map setIllegal (take 2 i)
addNewPack :: (Pool, StdGen) -> (Pool, StdGen)
@ -32,12 +42,13 @@ addNewPack ((i, o), r) = ((ni, no), nr)
lp = length $ legalOutRot o
(ip, nr) = randomR (0, lp-1) r
np = (legalOutRot o) !! ip
ni = i ++ (setLegal np)
ni = i ++ [(setLegal np)]
no = filter (\x -> x /= np) o
rotate :: Integer -> [a] -> [a]
rotate _ [] = []
rotate n xs = zipWith const (drop (fromIntegral n) (cycle xs)) xs
rotate n xs = take lxs . drop ((fromIntegral n) `mod` lxs) . cycle $ xs
lxs = length xs
rotateBox :: BoxQueue -> BoxQueue
rotateBox (Bq x) = Bq $ rotate 1 x

Main Executable file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
module Main where
import System.Random
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Maybe
import Packs
import State
import Format
import Timestamp
main :: IO ()
main = do
t <- getCurrentTime >>= return . toGregorian . utctDay
let ts = toTS t
let state = getCurrentRotation ts
let out = (printLegal state) ++ [""] ++ (printPreview $ getPreview ts state)
mapM_ putStrLn $ out
mapM_ putStrLn $ showState (currentFormat $ toTS t)
toTS :: (Integer, Int, Int) -> Timestamp
toTS (y,m,d) = Ts (fromIntegral d) (fromIntegral m) y
showState :: State -> [String]
showState ((i, o), (Bq b), _) =
"Legal Packs:\n" ++ concat (map (\(Ir n) -> " " ++ show n ++ "\n") i)
, "Legal Boxes:\n" ++ concat (map (\x -> " " ++ show x ++ "\n") (catMaybes $ tail b))
, "Rotated Packs:\n" ++ concat (map (\(Or n _) -> " " ++ show n ++ "\n") o)
, "Rotated Boxes:\n" ++ concat (map (\x -> " " ++ show x ++ "\n") (catMaybes $ [head b]))

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@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
module Packs where
data BigBox =
cc | hp | oc | dd | td | rr
Cc | Hp | Oc | Dd | Td | Rr deriving Eq
instance Show BigBox where
Show cc = "Creation and Control"
Show hp = "Honor and Profit"
Show oc = "Order and Chaos"
Show dd = "Data and Destiny"
Show td = "Terminal Directive"
Show rr = "Reign and Reverie"
show Cc = "Creation and Control"
show Hp = "Honor and Profit"
show Oc = "Order and Chaos"
show Dd = "Data and Destiny"
show Td = "Terminal Directive"
show Rr = "Reign and Reverie"
data DataPack =
lunar1 | lunar2 | lunar3 | lunar4 | lunar5 | lunar6
| sansan1 | sansan2 | sansan3 | sansan4 | sansan5 | sansan6
| mumbad1 | mumbad2 | mumbad3 | mumbad4 | mumbad5 | mumbad6
| flash1 | flash2 | flash3 | flash4 | flash5 | flash6
| red1 | red2 | red3 | red4 | red5 | red6
| kitara1 | kitara2 | kitara3 | kitara4 | kitara5 | kitara6
Lunar1 | Lunar2 | Lunar3 | Lunar4 | Lunar5 | Lunar6
| Sansan1 | Sansan2 | Sansan3 | Sansan4 | Sansan5 | Sansan6
| Mumbad1 | Mumbad2 | Mumbad3 | Mumbad4 | Mumbad5 | Mumbad6
| Flash1 | Flash2 | Flash3 | Flash4 | Flash5 | Flash6
| Red1 | Red2 | Red3 | Red4 | Red5 | Red6
| Kitara1 | Kitara2 | Kitara3 | Kitara4 | Kitara5 | Kitara6 deriving Eq
instance Show DataPack where
Show lunar1 = "Upstalk"
Show lunar2 = "The Spaces Between"
Show lunar3 = "First Contact"
Show lunar4 = "Up and Over"
Show lunar5 = "All That Remains"
Show lunar6 = "The Source"
Show sansan1 = "The Valley"
Show sansan2 = "Breaker Bay"
Show sansan3 = "Chrome City"
Show sansan4 = "The Underway"
Show sansan5 = "Old Hollywood"
Show sansan6 = "The Universe of Tomorrow"
Show mumbad1 = "Kala Ghoda"
Show mumbad2 = "Business First"
Show mumbad3 = "Democracy and Dogma"
Show mumbad4 = "Salsette Island"
Show mumbad5 = "The Liberated Mind"
Show mumbad6 = "Fear the Masses"
Show flash1 = "23 Seconds"
Show flash2 = "Blood Money"
Show flash3 = "Escalation"
Show flash4 = "Intervention"
Show flash5 = "Martial Law"
Show flash6 = "Quorum"
Show red1 = "Daedalus Complex"
Show red2 = "Station One"
Show red3 = "Earth's Scion"
Show red4 = "Blood and Water"
Show red5 = "Free Mars"
Show red6 = "Crimson Dust"
Show kitara1 = "Sovereign Sight"
Show kitara2 = "Down the White Nile"
Show kitara3 = "Council of the Crest"
Show kitara4 = "The Devil and the Dragon"
Show kitara5 = "Whispers in Nalubaale"
Show kitara6 = "Kampala Ascendent"
show Lunar1 = "Upstalk"
show Lunar2 = "The Spaces Between"
show Lunar3 = "First Contact"
show Lunar4 = "Up and Over"
show Lunar5 = "All That Remains"
show Lunar6 = "The Source"
show Sansan1 = "The Valley"
show Sansan2 = "Breaker Bay"
show Sansan3 = "Chrome City"
show Sansan4 = "The Underway"
show Sansan5 = "Old Hollywood"
show Sansan6 = "The Universe of Tomorrow"
show Mumbad1 = "Kala Ghoda"
show Mumbad2 = "Business First"
show Mumbad3 = "Democracy and Dogma"
show Mumbad4 = "Salsette Island"
show Mumbad5 = "The Liberated Mind"
show Mumbad6 = "Fear the Masses"
show Flash1 = "23 Seconds"
show Flash2 = "Blood Money"
show Flash3 = "Escalation"
show Flash4 = "Intervention"
show Flash5 = "Martial Law"
show Flash6 = "Quorum"
show Red1 = "Daedalus Complex"
show Red2 = "Station One"
show Red3 = "Earth's Scion"
show Red4 = "Blood and Water"
show Red5 = "Free Mars"
show Red6 = "Crimson Dust"
show Kitara1 = "Sovereign Sight"
show Kitara2 = "Down the White Nile"
show Kitara3 = "Council of the Crest"
show Kitara4 = "The Devil and the Dragon"
show Kitara5 = "Whispers in Nalubaale"
show Kitara6 = "Kampala Ascendent"

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@ -28,5 +28,3 @@ printPreview (Just (i, o, (Bb bi), (Bb bo))) = [
cleanDP = map (\(Dp n _) -> n)
printPreview Nothing = []
toTS :: (Integer, Int, Int) -> Timestamp
toTS (y,m,d) = Ts (fromIntegral d) (fromIntegral m) y

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@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
module State where
data Timestamp = Ts Integer Integer Integer
import System.Random
import Packs
type State = (Pool, BoxQueue, StdGen)
data InRot = Ir DataPack
data InRot = Ir DataPack deriving Show
data OutRot = Or DataPack Integer
instance Eq OutRot where
(Or d1 _) == (Or d2 _) = d1 == d2
data BoxQueue = Bq [Maybe BigBox]
type Pool = ([InRot], [OutRot])

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Timestamp where
data Timestamp = Ts Integer Integer Integer deriving Show
isPreviewSeason :: Timestamp -> Bool
isPreviewSeason (Ts x _ _) = x >= 20