2018-10-17 11:30:33 +13:00

60 lines
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module Timestamp where
- Timestamp Module
- Functions related to getting and using timestamps.
- Shaun Kerr
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Format
-- Internal Date Representation
data Timestamp = Ts Integer Integer Integer deriving Show
-- Previews Start on the 20th
isPreviewSeason :: Timestamp -> Bool
isPreviewSeason (Ts x _ _) = x >= 20
-- True // False if first date is in the future
-- relative to the second date.
inFuture :: Timestamp -> Timestamp -> Bool
inFuture (Ts d1 m1 y1) (Ts d2 m2 y2)
| y1 /= y2 = y1 > y2
| m1 /= m2 = m1 > m2
| d1 /= d2 = d1 > d2
| otherwise = False
-- How many months in the future the first date is
-- relative from the second date.
-- returns 0 otherwise.
monthsSince :: Timestamp -> Timestamp -> Integer
monthsSince (Ts d1 m1 y1) (Ts d2 m2 y2)
| t1 `inFuture` t2 = (12 * (y1 - y2)) + (m1 - m2)
| otherwise = 0
t1 = Ts d1 m1 y1
t2 = Ts d2 m2 y2
-- Helper, format Integer representation to Timestamp
toTS :: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Timestamp
toTS (y,m,d) = Ts d m y
-- IO Function, get the current date as a [Char]
getCurrentTime :: IO [Char]
getCurrentTime = getZonedTime
>>= return . (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y %m %d")
-- Helper, format the [Char] as triple Integer
fmtCurrentTime :: [Char] -> (Integer, Integer, Integer)
fmtCurrentTime n = (\[a,b,c] -> (a,b,c)) iTime
iTime = map (\x -> read x :: Integer) $ words n
-- Hide away some ugly steps. Not sure we ever
-- use the other two so can probably compact this.
getTimestamp :: [Char] -> Timestamp
getTimestamp x = toTS . fmtCurrentTime $ x