Post-Cancellation, Pre-Nisei Netrunner Rotation
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36 lines

  1. <section class="rotation">
  2. <h2>Format for #{showMonth month} #{year}: <a href=#{nrdbFormat}>NRDB</a>
  3. <div class="flexboxcontainer">
  4. <div class="rotationLeft">
  5. <h3>Evergreen:
  6. <ul>
  7. <li>Revised Core Set x3
  8. <h3>Big Boxes:
  9. <ul>
  10. $forall bb <- bbout
  11. <li>#{bb}
  12. <div class="rotationRight">
  13. <h3>Data-packs:
  14. <ul>
  15. $forall dp <- dpout
  16. <li>#{dp}
  17. <h2>Upcoming Changes for #{showMonth nextMonth} #{year}:
  18. <div class="flexboxcontainer">
  19. $maybe (pin, pout, pbin, pbout) <- pr
  20. <div class="upcomingIn">
  21. <h3>In: <a href=#{nrdbIn}>NRDB</a>
  22. <ul>
  23. $maybe pbbin <- pbin
  24. <li>+ #{show pbbin}
  25. $forall indp <- pin
  26. <li>+ #{show indp}
  27. <div class="upcomingOut">
  28. <h3>Out: <a href=#{nrdbOut}>NRDB</a>
  29. <ul>
  30. $maybe pbbout <- pbout
  31. <li>- #{show pbbout}
  32. $forall outdp <- pout
  33. <li>- #{show outdp}
  34. $nothing
  35. <h3>Coming soon!