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.gitignore 291B

5 years ago
5 years ago
  1. dist
  2. dist-*
  3. cabal-dev
  4. *.o
  5. *.hi
  6. *.chi
  7. *.chs.h
  8. *.dyn_o
  9. *.dyn_hi
  10. .hpc
  11. .hsenv
  12. .cabal-sandbox/
  13. cabal.sandbox.config
  14. *.prof
  15. *.aux
  16. *.hp
  17. *.eventlog
  18. .stack-work/
  19. cabal.project.local
  20. cabal.project.local~
  21. .HTF/
  22. .ghc.environment.*
  23. _site/
  24. _cache/
  25. Makefile
  26. result
  27. _gopherhole
  28. _store/
  29. _output/
  30. _tmp/
  31. input