tA's crappy blog
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. # Regular Flolloping
  2. tA's Blog, currently hosted at [Regular Flolloping](https://regularflolloping.com)
  3. ## Getting Started
  4. What you need to get the generator up and running.
  5. ### Prerequisites
  6. Built using Nix.
  7. Nix can be installed with:
  8. ```
  9. curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
  10. ```
  11. ### Dependencies
  12. `imagemagick` is required for the favicons.
  13. ### Installing
  14. Enter the build environment
  15. ```
  16. nix-shell --attr env rf.nix
  17. ```
  18. Compile the generator
  19. ```
  20. nix-build rf.nix
  21. ```
  22. Generate the site
  23. ```
  24. ./result/site clean
  25. ./result/site build
  26. ```
  27. And test it out
  28. ```
  29. ./result/site watch
  30. ```
  31. The site will now be avaliable at `localhost:8000`
  32. ## Deployment
  33. Site will be completely static, so simply point your server to the `_site` directory
  34. ## Built With
  35. * [Hakyll](https://jaspervdj.be) - The web framework used
  36. * [hakyll-favicon](https://github.com/elaye/hakyll-favicon) - Thanks Elie!
  37. * [Nix](https://nixos.org) - Package Management
  38. * [Cabal](https://cabal.readthedocs.io) - Build System
  39. ## Versioning
  40. Is very airy fairy and mainly based on what I think constitutes major / minor updates.
  41. ## Authors
  42. * **Shaun Kerr** - [tA](https://github.com/techieAgnostic)
  43. ## License
  44. This project is licensed under the BSD3 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details
  45. ## Acknowledgments
  46. * Hakyll for having an incredible default, of which ~~90% was kept~~ i gutted for a crappy light on dark style
  47. * Elie Génard for their favicon library, very easy to use.
  48. * Douglas Adam's for providing the name
  49. * You, for reading this :)