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Thorn Avery 2019-10-24 15:27:48 +13:00
parent 8910d45d46
commit 1cb373f0e3
7 changed files with 316 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# Revision history for rf
## -- 2018-08-18
* First version, counting from when I got around to putting it on git.
## -- 2018-08-19
* Cleaned up the code a bit
## -- 2018-08-20
* Added CSS for Blockquotes
## -- 2018-08-23
* oh fuark i forgot to change the version. added robots.txt, favicons
## -- 2018-08-25
* cleaned up and commented. you happy now?
## -- 2018-09-04
* fixed up monad stuff to make recent page actually recent
## -- 2018-09-04
* cleaned up templating a little
## -- 2019-06-12
* cleaned up folder, changed license

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
title: Minimal
published: 2019-10-03
minimalism is a goal we should strive for. however, minimalism does not mean we need things to be clean, or chrome, or boring.
minimalism in food does not mean rice and beans for every meal, rather, whatever extravegent meal you want to make, as long as you strive for minimalism in the *ingredients*
processed food is an epidemic, and one thats hard to escape in this age. but every meal you make where you choose some base ingredients and combine them how you like, you're both eating healthier, and gaining a better understanding of **what** it is you're making.
and, of course, its the same with tech.
## dumb devices
what, exactly, do you need to use a computer for?
* browsing text from the internet / a personal library / documents
* listening to music, and viewing videos
* talking to people
* a bunch of other stuff thats just plaintext
thats really all there is, and all of it could be done in a simple interface, with simple components.
we dont need a million different chat clients, we just need one that has an open standard that works for a variety of different ui's that people want.
we dont need a multi-gigabyte document editor, we need a plaintext editor with support for basic diagrams, images and layout. nothing fancy, nothing complex, essentially just markdown or latex with some usability built in.
we dont need ai fuelled ui's for watching shitty videos, we dont need videos for listening to music.
it can all be cut down to the things we actually need, and then entwined in a system of a few parts that do their job well.
*this* is the dumb device id like. it can be smart in some senses, a focus on connected devices, with in-built encryption and a focus on smoothly implementing file synchronisation would go a long way
but all in all, it should be dumb, it should be simple, and it should work for us.
its time to declutter our lives, starting at the tech level, and going on from there.
## fin
component minimalism is a goal we should strive for. we can still have exciting things, we can still do what we want to do, we just need to use the simplest tools we can in order to do so.
from this we gain an understanding of how things work, we gain an appreciation for why they work, and we gain back the control of what we do.

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
title: Monopoly Sucks
published: 2019-09-15
`<apologies to people who like monopoly, no offense to ny'all>`
> but its an even shittier lifestyle
this rant is bought to you by my good friend [lumi]( who bought this to my attention, and ive been thinking about it all day.
short rant but it needs to be said.
## micro$oft winblows
it feels good that saying that phrase is old enough now to be retro, but it feels bad that we still need to say it.
microsoft is a shitty company, and windows basically has a literal monopoly on the market.
you might go on about apple, but really they're just as bad, and a completely different problem all together but today we're focussing our rage towards microsoft.
if you're on this website you're either:
* someone who hates microsoft
* someone who knows me irl
and therefore i probably dont need to go into great detail about why they suck, but heres a brief list:
* they actively prohibit peoples use of hardware that theyve paid for.
* they actively spread irrational fear about non-microsoft products to trick people into using them
* they actively capture massive amounts of user data, something that is ***literal spyware*** for their own benefits and profits, and give you a shittier, harder to use system if you dare opt out.
* they use exploitative marketing and misinformation to make people think they need more expensive machines than they do
* on top of that they just make really shitty and bloated software.
## who cares just dont use it
thank you, i dont.
but this is the topic of todays rant, even though i dont use it, i still, in some sense, have to support them, and i really hate that.
this rage should really be aimed at laptop manufacterers too, because for some reason its actually, what we in the business like to call:
> really ***really*** fuarking hard to buy laptops that dont have windows on them.
now, this is a mild inconvenience, but its a moral issue as well, because its undermining one of the core tennants of capitalism\*
by which of course, i mean magical capitalism that works like people say it should, and not the garbage we have today.
the one thing you hear all the time, that is actually somewhat decent advice for living in a corporate world
> if you dont like something, vote with your wallet!
and you know what, i would.
...if it was possible to buy laptops that didnt come with a mandatory pat on the back for microsoft.
and sure, i could find somewhere to buy a laptop that doesnt have a windows preinstalled, but its difficult, its hard, and more importantly.
it relies on me having the know-how on how to do that.
and sure, i do, but how many other people who are just learning about this sort of thing do?
how many people *dont* know about this sort of thing because all theyve ever known is that if you dont buy a mac, it has windows on it.
its disgusting, its unethical, its basically a monopoly, and im tired of paying the winblows tax just because microsoft feel the need to shove their fat mouth into everything they can get a hold of.
## fin
no fancy outro today, fuark microsoft, and fuark the tech sector for apparently not caring about literal monopolies we have everywhere. there are other monopolies in the tech sector but thats a rant for another time.
today, since i cant vote with my wallet, im voting with my mouth.

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
title: School's Not Cool
published: 2019-08-25
short post because putting effort into school sucks and im not about to start doing it now.
theres one thing that ive been hearing that really bothers me quite a bit, and thats schools doing the whole
`/me does that annoying fuarking nerd voice`
> accctttuaalllllyyy, we dont hate tech anymore were all cool tech people here
and something about *creating a brighter future* for all the kids whos only care about technology is fortnite or the latest lego star wars or whatever kids are doing.
and theyre "allowing" kids to do work on computers and encouraging "learning computer skills" and some other stuff i cant really say without profusely vomitting, even with ironic quotations.
## thats cool though
yeah it would be pretty cool, but schools are suddenly being **insanely** dumbass about implementing the entire thing, and i believe, in true techno-cult fashion that its harmful to the freedoms and developing brains of children and what not
yup yup its one of those
> please wont somebody think of the children
basically, rather than doing the simple thing of *allowing kids to bring computers*, and then getting them to idk, write things on the computer or something - they're forcing people to rent laptops from the government, and refusing to allow them to bring their own computers or have any say on the software being used on that laptop
## tA that sounds like something no-one cares about
ahh contre, i find it very hypocritical that they would do this, for a few reasons that hopefully arent completely stallman-esque.
### pa namcu
schools like to do everything they can to go on about how society is all good and namely how monopolies are really shitty, yet here they are quite literally *enforcing monopolies* of companies that *actively prey on their users*
and this is probably the worst thing because it just goes so deep.
all of a sudden, they're forcing people to use the adobe suite, a quite literal modern day monopoly, which preys on schools and users and other forms of education to get them to teach adobe in order to create a deadly
***you can only get hired if you use adobe*** loop
which of course is very good for adobes sales figures, and very bad for people who dont have a lot of money (like students, funnily enough) and people who care about improvements to software they will use daily, and people who want the freedom to use their own stuff.
on a slight tangent, adobe is also one hungry skami, and therefore people need to buy more powerful computers to run it, which again is **pretty bad** for people without a huge amount of money!
### re namcu
its removing peoples freedoms to support things they agree with.
all modern hardware sucks ass, because its made by companies that care more about either tracking users for their own profit gains, or more about creating ~~literal security flaws~~ "secure back doors" so that the government can intrude on even more aspects of your life without your permission, than they do about actually making decent hardware.
vote with your wallet you may say, yet these schools are removing that vote from people by requiring them to use a specific, pre-chosen model (if your school does the rent from the government thing)
blurgh is all i can say to that
### ci namcu
im bad at writing and this is just a rehash of point one, fuccen sue me.
by refusing to follow open standards, thus allowing students to make their own decisions on the software they use, thus not requiring expensive, freedom restricting licenses, and specific, freedom restricting hardware (also often expensive), all schools are doing is perpetuating this culture of ***thinking its acceptable***
and its also not even doing their job like surely, hear me out
> schools should be teaching students how to solve problems and learn things they need to know
> schools should teach a very specific way of doing things and fuark anybody who doesnt fit that mold
oh wait thats all schools ever do anyway `/me shrugs`
## fin
yeah all this does is force students into a singular way of thinking that does not help the industry for whatever they're learning, the students having the freedom to choose what they run, and also costs families a tonne of money on stuff they *could* be choosing alternatives for as long as schools let them.
its really disgusting and basically a literal monopoly but they dont care as long as adobe and intel and windows get money.

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
title: Slugs
published: 2019-10-23
> he leaves a trail of slime~
every morning for the last few weeks, i wake up, go to head out the door, and see a trail of slime.
the *slugs* are back.
some might be annoyed at this, glistening trails fuarking up the aesthetics of the carpet, but not me.
in *small* part because the flat is trash, and thus slime on the carpet isn't doing a **thing** to ruin the look of the carpet, in the same way that dents on a gaming computer dont actually ruin the already rock bottom appeal.
## trails
what do we have instead? a record of some lil-duders adventures each night.
sometimes they go for ages, snaking all around, under the doors, over the bins.
sometimes they even make it up the first stair.
as far as i can tell they always make it back outside again, but i could be wrong.
every morning i get to look forward to seeing how well the slugs have done, see how good they were, hope they got a little further.
## failure
isnt a thing. some days these slugs dont go as far, some days theres hardly any trail, or no trail at all.
im still proud of them though, they're probably doing something else neat.
and if they arent?
well i still remember the cool trails, the ones theyd be proud of.
it doesnt suddenly make those trails stop existing
## fin
i am no slug doctor, let that be known.
and to be perfectly honest, i dont even know if this is something that slugs do, maybe its snails or some weird bug or a kid playing a prank on us?
who knows, but id like to think its these slugs who for some reason want to draw cool patterns on my shitty flat carpet, and kudos to them.

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
title: SuperZeroes
published: 2019-09-15
superheroes arent real. Its something that hurts to think about sometimes, but its true.
super powered individuals may be, hopefully (or not, people suck after all) but the real ~~meat~~ mushroom and potatoes of this post is to do with the lesser powered heroes, its just harder to come up with a funny title for them.
this was inspired by someone who up until recently i would have considered a hero, or at least someone to look up to in certain ways, but not anymore.
this is going to be a bit of a short rant, you have been warned.
## war ship
celebrity worship is weird, and heroes are weird too.
if youre famous enough people seem to think that youre automatically a good person, and if youre a good person in some areas, people seem to think that means youre good in other areas also.
its odd, because if anyone you know in real life does something bad, or even something thats not bad but you disagree with, your first thought is something along the lines of
> what a dickhead
but for the people we look up to, we start to try and find ways to justify it, or claim that its not as bad for *some reason* but i think, we really shouldnt.
## outrage but a pun title
i feel outrage and callout culture in general is something thats not good, it creates divides between the people, it creates a feeling of
> if you fuck up once, thats it, you're done
which i feel is counter-intuitive to teaching people to be better people.
that is not a free pass to be forgiven for shitty things youve done, and that is not a free pass to have people automatically try to defend you regardless of whats happening.
## what about us?
back in primary school, i would look up to the older kids and think they were the biggest people in the world.
back in highschool, i would look up to the seniors and think they were the most grown up people ever.
when i was a kid, i used to think people at university were the smartest people in the world.
turns out i was wrong about all of them.
thats a little depressing, sure, but its also positive.
ive come to realise that in a lot of things, ive come to grow into a person i once would have looked up to and thought was the coolest person in the world.
i was wrong, but it means we're always growing.
there is no place for hero worship in a world where we can, and constantly are, learning new things every day, and striving to be better than we were before, and making sure we follow our own ethos to the best of our ability.
celebrity worship creates divides, it makes perfectly doable tasks seem like insurmountable chasms, because in order to do something we would *"have to be as smart as so and so"*, which is true, to an extent.
but we ***can*** be that smart, and we're not as far away as we think.
## fin
be your own heroes, strive to be the best you think you can be, rather than striving to be someone who already exists.
and remember, every time it turns out someone you thought was a hero, isnt.
thats just another time youve proven to yourself, that you're better than you ever thought you could be.

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