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25 lines

  1. let
  2. inherit (import <nixpkgs> {}) fetchFromGitHub;
  3. np = fetchFromGitHub {
  4. owner = "NixOS";
  5. repo = "nixpkgs";
  6. rev = "d7c0d9a7f83b7f80e08888c040ea8a2ab7ca5f71";
  7. sha256 = "0vb7ikjscrp2rw0dfw6pilxqpjm50l5qg2x2mn1vfh93dkl2aan7";
  8. };
  9. config = {
  10. packageOverrides = pkgs: rec {
  11. haskellPackages = pkgs.haskellPackages.override {
  12. overrides = haskellPackagesNew: haskellPackagesOld: rec {
  13. rf =
  14. haskellPackagesNew.callPackage ./default.nix { };
  15. };
  16. };
  17. };
  18. };
  19. pkgs = import np { inherit config; };
  20. in
  21. rec {
  22. inherit pkgs;
  23. rf = pkgs.haskellPackages.rf;
  24. }