Browse Source

added more actors to demonstrate

Thorn Avery 4 years ago
2 changed files with 86 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +5
  2. +81

+ 5
- 0
src/animation.asm View File

@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@
SECTION "Actor STructs", WRAM0

dstruct Actor, Player
dstruct Actor, NPC01
dstruct Actor, NPC02
dstruct Actor, NPC03
dstruct Actor, NPC04
dstruct Actor, NPC05

SECTION "Animation Variables", HRAM

+ 81
- 1
src/entry.asm View File

@@ -43,6 +43,76 @@ Start:
ld a, LOW(ActorROM)
ld [Player_GFXData], a

ld a, 24
ld [NPC01_YPos], a
ld a, 24
ld [NPC01_XPos], a
ld a, 20
ld [NPC01_GFXCounter], a
xor a
ld [NPC01_GFXState], a
ld [NPC01_TileData], a
ld a, HIGH(ActorROM)
ld [NPC01_GFXData+1], a
ld a, LOW(ActorROM)
ld [NPC01_GFXData], a

ld a, 24
ld [NPC02_YPos], a
ld a, 48
ld [NPC02_XPos], a
ld a, 30
ld [NPC02_GFXCounter], a
xor a
ld [NPC02_GFXState], a
ld [NPC02_TileData], a
ld a, HIGH(ActorROM)
ld [NPC02_GFXData+1], a
ld a, LOW(ActorROM)
ld [NPC02_GFXData], a

ld a, 48
ld [NPC03_YPos], a
ld a, 48
ld [NPC03_XPos], a
ld a, 40
ld [NPC03_GFXCounter], a
xor a
ld [NPC03_GFXState], a
ld [NPC03_TileData], a
ld a, HIGH(ActorROM)
ld [NPC03_GFXData+1], a
ld a, LOW(ActorROM)
ld [NPC03_GFXData], a

ld a, 48
ld [NPC04_YPos], a
ld a, 24
ld [NPC04_XPos], a
ld a, 50
ld [NPC04_GFXCounter], a
xor a
ld [NPC04_GFXState], a
ld [NPC04_TileData], a
ld a, HIGH(ActorROM)
ld [NPC04_GFXData+1], a
ld a, LOW(ActorROM)
ld [NPC04_GFXData], a

ld a, 64
ld [NPC05_YPos], a
ld a, 64
ld [NPC05_XPos], a
ld a, 10
ld [NPC05_GFXCounter], a
xor a
ld [NPC05_GFXState], a
ld [NPC05_TileData], a
ld a, HIGH(ActorROM)
ld [NPC05_GFXData+1], a
ld a, LOW(ActorROM)
ld [NPC05_GFXData], a

ld [rLCDC], a

@@ -50,10 +120,20 @@ game_loop:
call Hide_OAM
call Read_Pad
call PC_Update
call Wait_VBlank
ld de, wShadowOAM
ld hl, Player
call RenderActor
ld hl, NPC01
call RenderActor
ld hl, NPC02
call RenderActor
ld hl, NPC03
call RenderActor
ld hl, NPC04
call RenderActor
ld hl, NPC05
call RenderActor
call Wait_VBlank
ld a, HIGH(wShadowOAM)
call hOAMDMA
jr game_loop
