Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Finished limiting Color to 4 bytes like Gott intended...

Ognjen Milan Robovic pirms 2 mēnešiem
2 mainītis faili ar 17 papildinājumiem un 134 dzēšanām
  1. +3
  2. +14

+ 3
- 0
raylib.ads Parādīt failu

@@ -601,6 +601,9 @@ package Raylib is
type Color_Range is range 0 .. 2**8 - 1;
type Index_Range is range 0 .. 2**16 - 1;

for Color_Range'Size use 8;
for Index_Range'Size use 16;

type Pointer is access all System.Address;

type Vector_2D is record

+ 14
- 134
window.adb Parādīt failu

@@ -1,110 +1,8 @@
--~with Raylib;
--~use Raylib;
with Raylib;
use Raylib;

procedure Window is

type colour_range is range 0 .. 2 ** 32 - 1;
--~type Rectangle is record x, y, width, height : float; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
--~type Vector_2D is record x, y : float; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
--~type Texture is record id : natural; width, height, mipmaps, format : integer; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
--~type Font is record baseSize, glyphCount, glyphPadding : integer; id : Texture; recs, glyphs : access integer; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;

type Vector_2D is record
X : Float := 0.0;
Y : Float := 0.0;
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

type Rectangle is record
X : Float := 0.0;
Y : Float := 0.0;
Width : Float := 0.0;
Height : Float := 0.0;
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

No_Rectangle : Rectangle;

type Texture is record
Id : Natural := 0;
Width : Integer := 0;
Height : Integer := 0;
Mipmaps : Integer := 1;
Format : Integer := 3;
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

No_Texture : Texture;

type Glyph_Info is record
Value : Integer := 0;
Offset_X : Integer := 0;
Offset_Y : Integer := 0;
Advance_X : Integer := 0;
Data : access Integer := null;
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

type Font is record
Base_Size : Integer := 0;
Glyph_Count : Integer := 0;
Glyph_Padding : Integer := 0;
Data : Texture := No_Texture;
Rectangles : access Rectangle := null;
Glyphs : access Glyph_Info := null;
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

procedure Open_Window (width, height : in integer; title : in string) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "InitWindow";
procedure Close_Window with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "CloseWindow";
procedure Begin_Drawing with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "BeginDrawing";
procedure End_Drawing with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "EndDrawing";
procedure Clear_Background (pallete : in colour_range) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "ClearBackground";
procedure Set_Target_FPS (framerate : in integer) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetTargetFPS";
function Window_Should_Close return Boolean with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "WindowShouldClose";
function Get_Screen_Width return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetScreenWidth";
function Get_Screen_Height return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetScreenHeight";
function Load_Texture (file_path : in string) return Texture with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "LoadTexture";
procedure Unload_Texture (data : in Texture) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "UnloadTexture";
--~procedure Draw_Texture_Pro (data : in Texture; s, d : in rectangle; o : in Vector_2D; rotation : in float; tint : in colour_range) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawTexturePro";
procedure Draw_Text_Pro (data : in Font; text : in string; p, o : in Vector_2D; r, t, s : in float; tint : in colour_range) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawTextPro";
procedure Draw_Line (x1, y1, x2, y2 : in integer; tint : in colour_range) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawLine";

type Color_Range is range 0 .. 2**8 - 1;
type Index_Range is range 0 .. 2**16 - 1;

type Color is record
R : Color_Range := 255;
G : Color_Range := 255;
B : Color_Range := 255;
A : Color_Range := 255;
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

White : constant Color := (255, 255, 255, 255);

procedure Draw_Texture_Pro (
Data : Texture := No_Texture;
Source : Rectangle := No_Rectangle;
Destination : Rectangle := No_Rectangle;
Origin : Vector_2D := (0.0, 0.0);
Rotation : Float := 0.0;
--~Tint : Colour_range := 16#FFFFFFFF#
Tint : Color := White
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "DrawTexturePro";

function Get_Font_Default return Font with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetFontDefault";

Text : String := "Heyo world!" & Character'Val (0);

Dragdown : Texture;
@@ -112,17 +10,11 @@ procedure Window is
X : Integer := 120;
Y : Integer := 120;

procedure Draw (Data : Texture) is
Draw_Texture_Pro (Data, (0.0, 0.0, 420.0, 420.0), (200.0, 0.0, 420.0, 420.0), (0.0, 0.0), 0.0, (240, 240, 240, 255));
--~Draw_Texture_Pro (Data, (0.0, 0.0, 420.0, 420.0), (200.0, 0.0, 420.0, 420.0), (0.0, 0.0), 0.0, 16#CCCCCCCC#);
end Draw;


Open_Window (720, 360, "Heyo Raylib!" & Character'Val (0));

--~Set_Exit_Key (Key_Q); -- Default is Key_Escape
Set_Exit_Key (Key_Q); -- Default is Key_Escape
Set_Target_FPS (72); -- Default is 60

Dragdown := Load_Texture ("./texture.png" & Character'Val (0));
@@ -132,30 +24,18 @@ begin
Clear_Background (16#FFFFCCFF#);
Clear_Background (Sky_Blue);
Draw_Texture (Dragdown, 100, 100, White);
Draw_Text_Pro (Get_Font_Default, Text, (90.0, 90.0), (9.0, 9.0), 0.0, 32.0, 4.0, Red);
Draw_FPS (60, 60);
Draw_Line (0, 0, 300, 300, Black);
Draw_Rectangle (120, 120, 30, 60, Blue);
--~Draw_Texture (Dragdown, (Get_Screen_Width - Dragdown.Width) / 2, (Get_Screen_Height - Dragdown.Height) / 2);
--~Draw_Texture (Dragdown, 100, 100, 16#FFFFFFFF#);
Draw_Texture_Pro (Dragdown, (0.0, 0.0, 420.0, 420.0), (200.0, 0.0, 420.0, 420.0), (0.0, 0.0), 0.0, White);
--~Draw_Texture_Pro (Dragdown, (0.0, 0.0, 420.0, 420.0), (100.0, 0.0, 42.0, 42.0), (0.0, 0.0), 0.0, 16#FFFFFFFF#);
Draw (Dragdown);
--~Data : Texture := No_Texture;
--~Source : Rectangle := No_Rectangle;
--~Destination : Rectangle := No_Rectangle;
--~Origin : Vector_2D := (0.0, 0.0);
--~Rotation : Float := 0.0;
--~Tint : Color := White
--~Draw_Text ("Heyo world!" & Character'Val (0), 30, 30, 32, 16#FFCCCCFF#);
--~Draw_Text (Text, 30, 30, 32, 16#FFCCCCFF#);
Draw_Text_Pro (Get_Font_Default, Text, (90.0, 90.0), (9.0, 9.0), 0.0, 32.0, 4.0, 16#FF2222FF#);
--~Draw_FPS (60, 60);
Draw_Line (0, 0, 300, 300, 16#FFCCCCFF#);
--~Draw_Rectangle (120, 120, 30, 60, 16#FFCCCCFF#);
--~Draw_FPS (X, Y);
--~if Is_Key_Pressed (Key_W) then Y := Y - 10; end if;
--~if Is_Key_Pressed (Key_S) then Y := Y + 10; end if;
--~if Is_Key_Pressed (Key_A) then X := X - 10; end if;
--~if Is_Key_Pressed (Key_D) then X := X + 10; end if;
if Is_Key_Pressed (Key_W) then Y := Y - 10; end if;
if Is_Key_Pressed (Key_S) then Y := Y + 10; end if;
if Is_Key_Pressed (Key_A) then X := X - 10; end if;
if Is_Key_Pressed (Key_D) then X := X + 10; end if;
end loop Main_Loop;

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