소스 검색

Notice for developers... Temporary...

Ognjen Milan Robovic 1 개월 전
1개의 변경된 파일23개의 추가작업 그리고 2개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +23

+ 23
- 2
README.md 파일 보기

@@ -1,6 +1,27 @@
# raylib-ada

Ada bindings for Raylib 5.1 library.
Ada bindings for Raylib 5.1 library, written and configured manually for the most part.

Important note for users:
- Currently, bindings are stable and finished, but being tested. When I test them, this notice will be removed.
- If you want to start writing an Ada program using these bindings, it's better to wait when testing is done!
- Variadic functions and function pointers were completely removed due to "language barrier"...
- Some function names and function arguments were renamed to follow pedantic naming style and Ada conventions.
- If you "Init" something, you "Deinit" it later, if you "Close" something, that means you "Opened" it...
- Also, if you "Alloc(ated)" something, you have to "Dealloc(ate) it later, not "Free" it, you didn't "Imprison" it.
- Sorry...
- There are examples, you can compile and run them, this is all still being tested...
- First of all, run 'sudo sh install.sh', then 'sh compile.sh' and see the results with 'ls' command. Thanks.

$ sh compile.sh

$ sudo sh install.sh

with Raylib;
@@ -8,7 +29,7 @@ use Raylib;

procedure Window is
Open_Window (720, 360, "Heyo Raylib!" & Character'Val (0));
Open_Window (720, 360, "Heyo Raylib!" & ASCII.NUL);
Main_Loop: loop
exit when Window_Should_Close;

불러오는 중...