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Collision functions...

Ognjen Milan Robovic il y a 2 mois
1 fichiers modifiés avec 84 ajouts et 44 suppressions
  1. +84

+ 84
- 44 Voir le fichier

@@ -748,6 +748,8 @@ package Raylib is
Direction : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

No_Ray : Ray;

type Ray_Collision is record
Hit : Logical := False;
Distance : Float := 0.0;
@@ -755,11 +757,15 @@ package Raylib is
Normal : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

No_Ray_Collision : Ray_Collision;

type Bounding_Box is record
Min : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Max : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
end record with Convention => C_Pass_By_Copy;

No_Bounding_Box : Bounding_Box;

type Wave is record
Frame_Count : Natural := 0;
Sample_Rate : Natural := 0;
@@ -3727,45 +3733,79 @@ package Raylib is
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";

--~function bool CheckCollisionSpheres (Vector3 center1, float radius1, Vector3 center2, float radius2) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Check_Collision_Spheres (
Center_1 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Radius_1 : Float := 0.0;
Center_2 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Radius_2 : Float := 0.0
) return Logical with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "CheckCollisionSpheres";

--~function bool CheckCollisionBoxes (BoundingBox box1, BoundingBox box2) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Check_Collision_Boxes (
Box_1 : Bounding_Box := No_Bounding_Box;
Box_2 : Bounding_Box := No_Bounding_Box
) return Logical with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "CheckCollisionBoxes";

--~function bool CheckCollisionBoxSphere (BoundingBox box, Vector3 center, float radius) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Check_Collision_Box_Sphere (
Box : Bounding_Box := No_Bounding_Box;
Center : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Radius : Float := 0.0
) return Logical with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "CheckCollisionBoxSphere";

--~function RayCollision GetRayCollisionSphere (Ray ray, Vector3 center, float radius) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Ray_Collision_Sphere (
Hit : Ray := No_Ray;
Center : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Radius : Float := 0.0
) return Ray_Collision with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetRayCollisionSphere";

--~function RayCollision GetRayCollisionBox (Ray ray, BoundingBox box) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Ray_Collision_Box (
Hit : Ray := No_Ray;
Box : Bounding_Box := No_Bounding_Box
) return Ray_Collision with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetRayCollisionBox";

--~function RayCollision GetRayCollisionMesh (Ray ray, Mesh mesh, Matrix transform) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Ray_Collision_Mesh (
Hit : Ray := No_Ray;
Data : Mesh := No_Mesh;
Transform : Matrix_4D := Id_Matrix
) return Ray_Collision with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetRayCollisionMesh";

--~function RayCollision GetRayCollisionTriangle (Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Ray_Collision_Triangle (
Hit : Ray := No_Ray;
Point_1 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Point_2 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Point_3 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
) return Ray_Collision with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetRayCollisionTriangle";

--~function RayCollision GetRayCollisionQuad (Ray ray, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Ray_Collision_Quad (
Hit : Ray := No_Ray;
Point_1 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Point_2 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Point_3 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Point_4 : Vector_3D := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
) return Ray_Collision with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetRayCollisionQuad";

--~typedef void (*AudioCallback) (void *bufferData, unsigned int frames) with
--~Import => True,
@@ -3782,20 +3822,20 @@ package Raylib is
Convention => C,
External_Name => "CloseAudioDevice";

--~function bool IsAudioDeviceReady (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Is_Audio_Device_Ready return Logical with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "IsAudioDeviceReady";

--~procedure SetMasterVolume (float volume) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Set_Master_Volume (Volume : Float := 1.0) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "SetMasterVolume";

--~function float GetMasterVolume (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Master_Volume return Float with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetMasterVolume";

--~function Wave LoadWave (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
