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Automation event functions...

Ognjen Milan Robovic před 1 měsícem
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 46 přidání a 33 odebrání
  1. +46

+ 46
- 33 Zobrazit soubor

@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ package Raylib is
procedure Open_Window (
Width : Integer := 640;
Height : Integer := 480;
Title : String := ""
Title : String := "Raylib-Ada" & Character'Val (0)
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
@@ -1789,45 +1789,58 @@ package Raylib is
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "DecodeDataBase64";

--~function AutomationEventList LoadAutomationEventList (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "LoadAutomationEventList";
function Load_Automation_Event_List (
File_Name : String := ""
) return Automation_Event_List with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "LoadAutomationEventList";

--~procedure UnloadAutomationEventList (AutomationEventList *list) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "UnloadAutomationEventList";
procedure Unload_Automation_Event_List (
Data : access Automation_Event_List := null
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "UnloadAutomationEventList";

--~function bool ExportAutomationEventList (AutomationEventList list, const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "ExportAutomationEventList";
function Export_Automation_Event_List (
Data : Automation_Event_List := No_Automation_Event_List;
File_Name : String := ""
) return Logical with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "ExportAutomationEventList";

--~procedure SetAutomationEventList (AutomationEventList *list) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "SetAutomationEventList";
procedure Set_Automation_Event_List (
Data : access Automation_Event_List := null
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "SetAutomationEventList";

--~procedure SetAutomationEventBaseFrame (int frame) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "SetAutomationEventBaseFrame";
procedure Set_Automation_Event_Base_Frame (
Frame : Integer := 0
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "SetAutomationEventBaseFrame";

--~procedure StartAutomationEventRecording (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "StartAutomationEventRecording";
procedure Start_Automation_Event_Recording with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "StartAutomationEventRecording";

--~procedure StopAutomationEventRecording (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "StopAutomationEventRecording";
procedure Stop_Automation_Event_Recording with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "StopAutomationEventRecording";

--~procedure PlayAutomationEvent (AutomationEvent event) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "PlayAutomationEvent";
procedure Play_Automation_Event (
Event : Automation_Event := No_Automation_Event
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "PlayAutomationEvent";

function Is_Key_Pressed (
Key : Keyboard_Key := Key_Null

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