Ada bindings for Raylib 5.1 library.
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24 lines

  1. with Raylib;
  2. use Raylib;
  3. procedure Preview is
  4. Map : Texture := No_Texture;
  5. begin
  6. Open_Window (1280, 720, "Pandemos Empire" & ASCII.NUL);
  7. --
  8. Map := Load_Texture ("./example/resource/pandemos.png" & ASCII.NUL);
  9. --
  10. while not Window_Should_Close
  11. loop
  12. Begin_Drawing;
  13. Draw_Texture (Map);
  14. End_Drawing;
  15. end loop;
  16. --
  17. Unload_Texture (Map);
  18. --
  19. Close_Window;
  20. end Preview;