2024-02-15 21:03:09 -05:00
with core, ui;
use ui;
package body ui is
2024-03-13 14:07:17 -04:00
procedure select_text_box (text : in string; x, y, width, height : in integer) is
if core.cursor_x > x and core.cursor_x < x + width
and core.cursor_y > y and core.cursor_y < y + height then
core.write_text_box (text);
--~core.write_text_box ("");
end if;
end select_text_box;
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procedure draw (index : in codex; x, y : in integer) is
core.draw (sprite (active, index), x, y);
end draw;
procedure crop (index : in codex; x, y, u, v, width, height : in integer) is
core.crop (sprite (active, index), x, y, u, v, width, height);
end crop;
procedure draw_horizontally (index : in codex; x, y, width : in integer) is
2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
base : constant integer := sprite (active, index).width;
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2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
for move in 0 .. width / base - 1
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2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
draw (index, x + move * base, y);
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end loop;
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crop (index, x + (width / base) * base, y, 0, 0, width mod base, sprite (active, index).height);
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end draw_horizontally;
procedure draw_vertically (index : in codex; x, y, height : in integer) is
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base : constant integer := sprite (active, index).height;
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2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
for move in 0 .. height / base - 1
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2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
draw (index, x, y + move * base);
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end loop;
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crop (index, x, y + (height / base) * base, 0, 0, sprite (active, index).width, height mod base);
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end draw_vertically;
procedure draw_background (index : in codex; x, y, width, height : in integer) is
2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
base_width : integer := sprite (active, index).width;
base_height : integer := sprite (active, index).height;
crop_width : integer := width mod base_width;
crop_height : integer := height mod base_height;
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2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
for move_y in 0 .. height / base_height - 1
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2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
for move_x in 0 .. width / base_width - 1
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2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
draw (index, x + move_x * base_width, y + move_y * base_height);
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end loop;
2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
crop (index, x + width - crop_width, y + move_y * base_height, 0, 0, crop_width, base_height);
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end loop;
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for move_x in 0 .. width / base_width - 1
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2024-02-18 10:21:56 -05:00
crop (index, x + move_x * base_width, y + height - crop_height, 0, 0, base_width, crop_height);
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end loop;
crop (index, x + width - crop_width, y + height - crop_height, 0, 0, crop_width, crop_height);
end draw_background;
2024-03-10 16:41:31 -04:00
procedure configure is
procedure load_ui (index : in style; folder_path : in string) is
for this in codex
sprite (index, this) := core.load_sprite ("./sprite/ui/" & folder_path & core.lowercase (codex'image (this)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
end load_ui;
2024-03-11 08:42:25 -04:00
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring UI components...");
2024-03-10 16:41:31 -04:00
load_ui (default, "default/");
load_ui (steam, "steam/");
end configure;
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procedure draw_icon (description : in string; x, y : in integer) is
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2024-03-13 14:07:17 -04:00
draw (icon, x, y);
select_text_box (description, x, y, core.icon, core.icon);
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end draw_icon;
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procedure draw_overicon (description : in string; x, y : in integer) is
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2024-03-13 14:07:17 -04:00
draw (overicon, x, y);
select_text_box (description, x, y, core.icon, core.icon);
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end draw_overicon;
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2024-03-13 14:07:17 -04:00
procedure draw_text_box (x, y, width, height : in integer) is
offset : constant integer := sprite (active, text_middle).width;
draw_background (text_middle, x + offset, y + offset, width - 2 * offset, height - 2 * offset);
draw_horizontally (text_upper, x + offset, y, width - 2 * offset);
draw_horizontally (text_lower, x + offset, y + height - offset, width - 2 * offset);
draw_vertically (text_left, x, y + offset, height - 2 * offset);
draw_vertically (text_right, x + width - offset, y + offset, height - 2 * offset);
draw (text_upper_left, x, y);
draw (text_upper_right, x + width - offset, y);
draw (text_lower_left, x, y + height - offset);
draw (text_lower_right, x + width - offset, y + height - offset);
core.write (core.read_text_box, x + offset, y + offset, 16#999999#);
end draw_text_box;
procedure draw_frame (description : in string; x, y, width, height : in integer) is
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offset_x : constant integer := sprite (active, frame_middle).width;
offset_y : constant integer := sprite (active, frame_middle).height;
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if height < core.icon or width < core.icon then
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end if;
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2024-02-15 21:03:09 -05:00
draw_background (frame_middle, x + offset_x, y + offset_y, width - 2 * offset_x, height - 2 * offset_y);
draw_horizontally (frame_upper, x + offset_x, y, width - 2 * offset_x);
draw_horizontally (frame_lower, x + offset_x, y + height - offset_y, width - 2 * offset_x);
draw_vertically (frame_left, x, y + offset_y, height - 2 * offset_y);
draw_vertically (frame_right, x + width - offset_x, y + offset_y, height - 2 * offset_y);
draw (frame_upper_left, x, y);
draw (frame_upper_right, x + width - sprite (active, frame_upper_right).width, y);
draw (frame_lower_left, x, y + height - sprite (active, frame_lower_left).height);
draw (frame_lower_right, x + width - sprite (active, frame_lower_right).width, y + height - sprite (active, frame_lower_right).height);
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select_text_box (description, x, y, width, height);
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end draw_frame;
2024-02-16 14:58:54 -05:00
procedure draw_title_bar (x, y, width : in integer; title : in string) is
middle_width : constant integer := width - sprite (active, title_bar_left).width - sprite (active, title_bar_right).width;
draw (title_bar_left, x, y - sprite (active, title_bar_left).height);
draw (title_bar_right, x + middle_width + sprite (active, title_bar_left).width, y - sprite (active, title_bar_right).height);
draw_horizontally (title_bar_middle, x + sprite (active, title_bar_left).width, y - sprite (active, title_bar_middle).height, middle_width);
2024-03-10 16:41:31 -04:00
core.write (title, x + sprite (active, title_bar_left).width - 12, y - sprite (active, title_bar_middle).height + 24, 16#C9952D#);
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end draw_title_bar;
2024-02-19 21:52:43 -05:00
procedure draw_scroll_bar (x, y, height : in integer; offset : in integer) is
middle_height : constant integer := height - sprite (active, scroll_bar_upper).height - sprite (active, scroll_bar_lower).height;
draw (scroll_bar_upper, x, y);
draw (scroll_bar_lower, x, y + middle_height + sprite (active, scroll_bar_upper).height);
draw_vertically (scroll_bar_middle, x, y + sprite (active, scroll_bar_upper).height, middle_height);
end draw_scroll_bar;
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procedure draw_menu (x, y, width, height : in integer; background : in boolean) is
offset : constant integer := sprite (active, none).width;
if width < sprite (active, corner_upper_left).width + sprite (active, corner_upper_right).width
or width < sprite (active, corner_lower_left).width + sprite (active, corner_lower_right).width
or height < sprite (active, corner_upper_left).height + sprite (active, corner_lower_left).height
or height < sprite (active, corner_upper_right).height + sprite (active, corner_lower_right).height
then return;
end if;
if background then
draw_background (main_background, x + offset, y + offset, width - 2 * offset, height - 2 * offset);
end if;
upper : constant integer := width - sprite (active, corner_upper_left).width - sprite (active, corner_upper_right).width;
lower : constant integer := width - sprite (active, corner_lower_left).width - sprite (active, corner_lower_right).width;
left : constant integer := height - sprite (active, corner_upper_left).height - sprite (active, corner_lower_left).height;
right : constant integer := height - sprite (active, corner_upper_right).height - sprite (active, corner_lower_right).height;
draw_horizontally (border_upper, x + sprite (active, corner_upper_left).width, y, upper);
draw_horizontally (border_lower, x + sprite (active, corner_lower_left).width, y + height - sprite (active, border_lower).height, lower);
draw_vertically (border_left, x, y + sprite (active, corner_upper_left).height, left);
draw_vertically (border_right, x + width - sprite (active, border_right).width, y + sprite (active, corner_upper_right).height, right);
draw (corner_upper_left, x, y);
draw (corner_upper_right, x + width - sprite (active, corner_upper_right).width, y);
draw (corner_lower_left, x, y + height - sprite (active, corner_lower_left).height);
draw (corner_lower_right, x + width - sprite (active, corner_lower_right).width, y + height - sprite (active, corner_lower_right).height);
end draw_menu;
procedure draw_tiny_menu (x, y, width, height : in integer; background : in boolean) is
offset : constant integer := sprite (active, none).width;
if width < sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_left).width + sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_right).width
or width < sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_left).width + sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_right).width
or height < sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_left).height + sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_left).height
or height < sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_right).height + sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_right).height
then return;
end if;
if background then
draw_background (main_background, x + offset, y + offset, width - 2 * offset, height - 2 * offset);
end if;
upper : constant integer := width - sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_left).width - sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_right).width;
lower : constant integer := width - sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_left).width - sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_right).width;
left : constant integer := height - sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_left).height - sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_left).height;
right : constant integer := height - sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_right).height - sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_right).height;
draw_horizontally (tiny_border_upper, x + sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_left).width, y, upper);
draw_horizontally (tiny_border_lower, x + sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_left).width, y + height - sprite (active, tiny_border_lower).height, lower);
draw_vertically (tiny_border_left, x, y + sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_left).height, left);
draw_vertically (tiny_border_right, x + width - sprite (active, tiny_border_right).width, y + sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_right).height, right);
draw (tiny_corner_upper_left, x, y);
draw (tiny_corner_upper_right, x + width - sprite (active, tiny_corner_upper_right).width, y);
draw (tiny_corner_lower_left, x, y + height - sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_left).height);
draw (tiny_corner_lower_right, x + width - sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_right).width, y + height - sprite (active, tiny_corner_lower_right).height);
end draw_tiny_menu;
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procedure draw_icon_menu (description : in string; x, y, width, height : in integer) is
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offset_x : constant integer := sprite (active, icon_upper_left).width;
offset_y : constant integer := sprite (active, icon_upper_left).height;
if height < 2 * sprite (active, icon_upper_left).height or width < 2 * sprite (active, icon_upper_left).width then
end if;
draw_horizontally (icon_upper, x + offset_x, y, width - 2 * offset_x);
draw_horizontally (icon_lower, x + offset_x, y + height - offset_y, width - 2 * offset_x);
draw_vertically (icon_left, x, y + offset_y, height - 2 * offset_y);
draw_vertically (icon_right, x + width - offset_x, y + offset_y, height - 2 * offset_y);
draw (icon_upper_left, x, y);
draw (icon_upper_right, x + width - sprite (active, icon_upper_right).width, y);
draw (icon_lower_left, x, y + height - sprite (active, icon_lower_left).height);
draw (icon_lower_right, x + width - sprite (active, icon_lower_right).width, y + height - sprite (active, icon_lower_right).height);
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select_text_box (description, x, y, width, height);
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end draw_icon_menu;
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end ui;