Tested out new material code...

This commit is contained in:
Ognjen Milan Robovic 2024-06-14 11:18:16 -04:00
parent 0fc1c90019
commit 4d36dcb5da
3 changed files with 40 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ procedure main is
equipment.full_body => equipment.cyan_robe, equipment.full_body => equipment.cyan_robe,
others => equipment.none), others => equipment.none),
-- --
materials => ((material.apple, 1, 12), (material.skull, 1, 6), others => <>),
others => <> others => <>
); );
@ -239,7 +241,7 @@ begin
world.insert_chad (player); world.insert_chad (player);
world.insert_chad (opponent); world.insert_chad (opponent);
--~world.load ("heyo"); world.load ("heyo");
ui.active := ui.style'val (faction.enumeration'pos (chad.description (player.index).kind) + 1); ui.active := ui.style'val (faction.enumeration'pos (chad.description (player.index).kind) + 1);

View File

@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ package body world is
procedure compute_world_visibility_grid (offset : in core.vector); procedure compute_world_visibility_grid (offset : in core.vector);
procedure compute_world_frame (offset : in core.vector); procedure compute_world_frame (offset : in core.vector);
function view_chad_basics (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector; function view_chad_basics (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector;
function view_chad_points (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector; function view_chad_points (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector;
function view_chad_skills (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector; function view_chad_skills (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector;
function view_chad_equipment (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector; function view_chad_equipment (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector;
function view_chad_inventory (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector; function view_chad_inventory (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector;
procedure draw_tiles (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector); procedure draw_tiles (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure draw_landmarks (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector); procedure draw_landmarks (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
@ -493,37 +493,22 @@ package body world is
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure view_chad_information (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) is procedure view_chad_information (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) is
offset : constant integer := 8; offset : constant integer := 8;
width : constant integer := limit; height : constant integer := chad.view_height + 12 * core.icon + 3 * core.base + 2 * offset;
height : constant integer := chad.view_height + 11 * core.icon + 4 * core.base + 2 * offset;
side : constant integer := chad.view_width + attribute.count * core.icon;
-- --
orient : core.vector := (0, 0); orient : core.vector := (0, 0);
begin begin
ui.draw_frame (x, y, width, height); ui.draw_frame (x, y, width, height);
-- --
orient := orient + view_chad_basics (data, x + offset, y + offset, limit - 2 * offset); orient := orient + view_chad_basics (data, x + offset, y + offset, width - 2 * offset);
ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y, limit - 2 * offset); ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y, width - 2 * offset);
orient := orient + view_chad_points (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 1 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset); orient := orient + view_chad_points (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 1 * core.base, width - 2 * offset);
ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 1 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset); ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 1 * core.base, width - 2 * offset);
orient := orient + view_chad_equipment (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset); orient := orient + view_chad_equipment (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, width - 2 * offset);
orient := orient + view_chad_skills (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset); orient := orient + view_chad_skills (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, width - 2 * offset);
ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset); ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, width - 2 * offset);
orient := orient + view_chad_inventory (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 3 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset); orient := orient + view_chad_inventory (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 3 * core.base, width - 2 * offset);
--~at_y := at_y + 3 * core.icon;
--~ui.draw_separator (at_x, at_y, width - 2 * offset);
--~at_y := at_y + core.base;
--~for index in 0 .. 7 loop
--~review_unit_data := data.units (index).index;
--~ui.draw_icon_menu (at_x + index * core.icon, at_y, core.icon, 3 * core.icon, "--");
--~ui.draw_icon_menu (at_x + index * core.icon, at_y, core.icon, 3 * core.icon, unit.description (data.units (index).index).name.all, review_unit'access);
--~draw_unit (data.units (index).index, core.walk, at_x + index * core.icon + 8, at_y + 8, 1);
--~end loop;
end view_chad_information; end view_chad_information;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1151,66 +1136,66 @@ package body world is
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function view_chad_basics (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is function view_chad_basics (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector is
side : constant integer := chad.view_width + attribute.count * core.icon; side : constant integer := chad.view_width + attribute.count * core.icon;
begin begin
ui.draw_sprite (chad.view (data.index), chad.description (data.index).name.all, x, y, 0, review_chad'access); ui.draw_sprite (chad.view (data.index), chad.description (data.index).name.all, x, y, 0, review_chad'access);
-- --
ui.draw_text_box (x + chad.view_width, y, limit - chad.view_width, core.icon); ui.draw_text_box (x + chad.view_width, y, width - chad.view_width, core.icon);
ui.write (chad.description (data.index).name.all, x + chad.view_width + core.less, y + core.less); ui.write (chad.description (data.index).name.all, x + chad.view_width + core.less, y + core.less);
-- --
ui.draw_text (chad.description (data.index).title.all, x + side, y + 1 * core.icon, limit - side, core.icon, core.more); ui.draw_text (chad.description (data.index).title.all, x + side, y + 1 * core.icon, width - side, core.icon, core.more);
ui.draw_text ("Level" & data.level'image, x + side, y + 2 * core.icon, limit - side, core.icon, core.more); ui.draw_text ("Level" & data.level'image, x + side, y + 2 * core.icon, width - side, core.icon, core.more);
-- --
for index in attribute.enumeration loop for index in attribute.enumeration loop
ui.draw_icon (attribute.icon (index), attribute.description (index).text.all, x + chad.view_width + attribute.enumeration'pos (index) * core.icon, y + core.icon); ui.draw_icon (attribute.icon (index), attribute.description (index).text.all, x + chad.view_width + attribute.enumeration'pos (index) * core.icon, y + core.icon);
ui.draw_text (data.attributes (index).value'image, x + attribute.enumeration'pos (index) * core.icon + chad.view_width, y + 2 * core.icon, core.icon, core.icon, core.more); ui.draw_text (data.attributes (index).value'image, x + attribute.enumeration'pos (index) * core.icon + chad.view_width, y + 2 * core.icon, core.icon, core.icon, core.more);
end loop; end loop;
-- --
return (limit, chad.view_height); return (width, chad.view_height);
end view_chad_basics; end view_chad_basics;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function view_chad_points (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is function view_chad_points (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector is
begin begin
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 0 * core.icon + core.icon, limit, float (data.health.value) / float (data.health.limit), (127, 0, 0, 255)); ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 0 * core.icon + core.icon, width, float (data.health.value) / float (data.health.limit), (127, 0, 0, 255));
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 1 * core.icon + core.icon, limit, float (data.mana.value) / float (data.mana.limit), (0, 0, 127, 255)); ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 1 * core.icon + core.icon, width, float (data.mana.value) / float (data.mana.limit), (0, 0, 127, 255));
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 2 * core.icon + core.icon, limit, float (data.stamina.value) / float (data.stamina.limit), (0, 127, 0, 255)); ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 2 * core.icon + core.icon, width, float (data.stamina.value) / float (data.stamina.limit), (0, 127, 0, 255));
-- --
ui.write ("Health " & data.health.value'image & " /" & data.health.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 0 * core.icon + core.more, code => true); ui.write ("Health " & data.health.value'image & " /" & data.health.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 0 * core.icon + core.more, code => true);
ui.write ("Mana " & data.mana.value'image & " /" & data.mana.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 1 * core.icon + core.more, code => true); ui.write ("Mana " & data.mana.value'image & " /" & data.mana.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 1 * core.icon + core.more, code => true);
ui.write ("Stamina" & data.stamina.value'image & " /" & data.stamina.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 2 * core.icon + core.more, code => true); ui.write ("Stamina" & data.stamina.value'image & " /" & data.stamina.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 2 * core.icon + core.more, code => true);
-- --
return (limit, 3 * core.icon); return (width, 3 * core.icon);
end view_chad_points; end view_chad_points;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function view_chad_skills (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is function view_chad_skills (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector is
count : constant natural := skill.limit'last + 1; count : constant natural := skill.limit'last + 1;
width : constant natural := limit / 2; limit : constant natural := width / 2;
begin begin
for index in skill.limit loop for index in skill.limit loop
ui.draw_icon (data => skill.icon (data.skills (index).index), ui.draw_icon (data => skill.icon (data.skills (index).index),
text => skill.description (data.skills (index).index).text.all, text => skill.description (data.skills (index).index).text.all,
x => x + (index mod 2) * width, x => x + (index mod 2) * limit,
y => y + (index / 2) * core.icon); y => y + (index / 2) * core.icon);
-- --
ui.draw_text (text => skill.description (data.skills (index).index).name.all & data.skills (index).value'image, ui.draw_text (text => skill.description (data.skills (index).index).name.all & data.skills (index).value'image,
x => x + (index mod 2) * width + core.icon, x => x + (index mod 2) * limit + core.icon,
y => y + (index / 2) * core.icon, y => y + (index / 2) * core.icon,
width => width - core.icon, width => limit - core.icon,
height => core.icon, height => core.icon,
offset => core.more); offset => core.more);
end loop; end loop;
-- --
return (limit, (count / 2) * core.icon); return (width, (count / 2) * core.icon);
end view_chad_skills; end view_chad_skills;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function view_chad_equipment (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is function view_chad_equipment (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector is
count : constant natural := equipment.kind'pos (equipment.kind'last) + 1; count : constant natural := equipment.kind'pos (equipment.kind'last) + 1;
begin begin
for index in equipment.kind loop for index in equipment.kind loop
@ -1220,14 +1205,14 @@ package body world is
y => y); y => y);
end loop; end loop;
-- --
ui.draw_text ("Equipment", x + count * core.icon, y, limit - count * core.icon, core.icon, core.more); ui.draw_text ("Equipment", x + count * core.icon, y, width - count * core.icon, core.icon, core.more);
-- --
return (limit, core.icon); return (width, core.icon);
end view_chad_equipment; end view_chad_equipment;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function view_chad_inventory (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is function view_chad_inventory (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer) return core.vector is
begin begin
for index_y in 0 .. 3 loop for index_y in 0 .. 3 loop
for index_x in 0 .. 7 loop for index_x in 0 .. 7 loop
@ -1238,7 +1223,7 @@ package body world is
end loop; end loop;
end loop; end loop;
-- --
return (limit, 4 * core.icon); return (width, 4 * core.icon);
end view_chad_inventory; end view_chad_inventory;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ package world is
procedure review_unit; procedure review_unit;
procedure review_chad; procedure review_chad;
procedure view_chad_information (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer); procedure view_chad_information (data : in chad.information; x, y, width : in integer);
procedure make (index : in biome.enumeration; width, height, landmark_limit, location_limit, construction_limit, equipment_limit, unit_limit, chad_limit : in natural); procedure make (index : in biome.enumeration; width, height, landmark_limit, location_limit, construction_limit, equipment_limit, unit_limit, chad_limit : in natural);