More updates, refactoring very soon...
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,13 +24,6 @@ package body attribute is
procedure draw (index : in codex; x, y : in integer) is
core.draw (sprite (index), x, y);
end draw;
procedure menu (x, y : in integer; center : in boolean) is
offset : constant integer := 16;
width : constant integer := 180 + 2 * offset;
@ -43,8 +36,7 @@ package body attribute is
for index in codex
ui.draw_icon (trait (index).text, move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
draw (index, move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
ui.draw_icon (sprite (index), trait (index).text, move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
ui.write (trait (index).name, move_x + offset + core.icon, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
end loop;
end menu;
@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ package attribute is
procedure configure;
procedure draw (index : in codex; x, y : in integer);
procedure menu (x, y : in integer; center : in boolean);
@ -2,101 +2,14 @@
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
with core;
with core, ray;
use ray;
package body core is
type color_range is range 0 .. 2 ** 8 - 1;
type logical is new boolean;
for logical'size use 32;
for color_range'size use 8;
type trace_log_level is (
log_all, log_trace, log_debug, log_info, log_warning, log_error,
log_fatal, log_none
) with convention => c;
type mouse_button is (
mouse_button_left, mouse_button_right, mouse_button_middle, mouse_button_side, mouse_button_extra, mouse_button_forward,
) with convention => c;
type vessel is record x, y : float; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type color is record r, g, b, a : color_range; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type rectangle is record x ,y, width, height : float; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type texture is record id : natural; width, height, mipmaps, format : integer; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type font is record base, count, pad : integer; data : texture; r : access rectangle; non : access natural; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type stream is record buffer, processor : access natural; rate, size, channels : natural; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type sound is record data : stream; frame : natural; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
procedure open_window (width, height : integer; title : string) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "InitWindow";
procedure close_window with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "CloseWindow";
procedure open_audio_device with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "InitAudioDevice";
procedure close_audio_device with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "CloseAudioDevice";
procedure set_exit_key (key : integer) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetExitKey";
function exit_key_is_pressed return logical with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "WindowShouldClose";
function get_key_pressed return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetKeyPressed";
function mouse_button_is_pressed (button : mouse_button) return logical with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "IsMouseButtonPressed";
function mouse_button_is_released (button : mouse_button) return logical with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "IsMouseButtonReleased";
function get_mouse_x return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetMouseX";
function get_mouse_y return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetMouseY";
function get_mouse_vessel return vessel with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetMousePosition";
function get_screen_width return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetScreenWidth";
function get_screen_height return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetScreenHeight";
procedure clear_background (tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "ClearBackground";
procedure begin_drawing with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "BeginDrawing";
procedure end_drawing with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "EndDrawing";
procedure set_target_fps (fps : integer) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetTargetFPS";
function get_fps return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetFPS";
procedure randomization (seed : natural) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetRandomSeed";
function get_random (minimum, maximum : integer) return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetRandomValue";
procedure take_screenshot (path : string := "screenshot.png") with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "TakeScreenshot";
procedure set_trace_log_level (level : trace_log_level) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetTraceLogLevel";
function load_texture (path : string) return texture with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "LoadTexture";
function load_sound (path : string) return sound with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "LoadSound";
function load_font (path : string) return font with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "LoadFont";
procedure unload_texture (data : texture) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "UnloadTexture";
procedure unload_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "UnloadSound";
procedure unload_font (data : font) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "UnloadFont";
procedure draw_line (x0, y0, x1, y1 : integer; tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawLine";
procedure draw_rectangle (x, y, width, height : integer; tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawRectangle";
procedure draw_image (data : texture; uv : rectangle; view : vessel; tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawTextureRec";
procedure draw_text (data : font; text : string; view : vessel; size, pad : float; tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawTextEx";
procedure play_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "PlaySound";
procedure stop_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "StopSound";
procedure pause_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "PauseSound";
procedure resume_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "ResumeSound";
procedure megadraw (
data : texture;
uv : rectangle;
view : rectangle;
origin : vessel;
rotate : float;
tint : color
) with
import => true,
convention => c,
external_name => "DrawTexturePro";
texture_count : integer := 0;
sound_count : integer := 0;
font_count : integer := 0;
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
with ada.text_io, ada.strings.unbounded, interfaces.c;
use ada.text_io, ada.strings.unbounded, interfaces.c;
with ada.text_io, ada.strings.unbounded;
use ada.text_io, ada.strings.unbounded;
package core is
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2024 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
with interfaces.c;
use interfaces.c;
package ray is
type color_range is range 0 .. 2 ** 8 - 1;
type logical is new boolean;
for logical'size use 32;
for color_range'size use 8;
type trace_log_level is (
log_all, log_trace, log_debug, log_info, log_warning, log_error,
log_fatal, log_none
) with convention => c;
type mouse_button is (
mouse_button_left, mouse_button_right, mouse_button_middle, mouse_button_side, mouse_button_extra, mouse_button_forward,
) with convention => c;
type vessel is record x, y : float; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type color is record r, g, b, a : color_range; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type rectangle is record x ,y, width, height : float; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type texture is record id : natural; width, height, mipmaps, format : integer; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type font is record base, count, pad : integer; data : texture; r : access rectangle; non : access natural; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type stream is record buffer, processor : access natural; rate, size, channels : natural; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
type sound is record data : stream; frame : natural; end record with convention => c_pass_by_copy;
procedure open_window (width, height : integer; title : string) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "InitWindow";
procedure close_window with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "CloseWindow";
procedure open_audio_device with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "InitAudioDevice";
procedure close_audio_device with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "CloseAudioDevice";
procedure set_exit_key (key : integer) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetExitKey";
function exit_key_is_pressed return logical with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "WindowShouldClose";
function get_key_pressed return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetKeyPressed";
function mouse_button_is_pressed (button : mouse_button) return logical with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "IsMouseButtonPressed";
function mouse_button_is_released (button : mouse_button) return logical with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "IsMouseButtonReleased";
function get_mouse_x return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetMouseX";
function get_mouse_y return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetMouseY";
function get_mouse_vessel return vessel with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetMousePosition";
function get_screen_width return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetScreenWidth";
function get_screen_height return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetScreenHeight";
procedure clear_background (tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "ClearBackground";
procedure begin_drawing with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "BeginDrawing";
procedure end_drawing with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "EndDrawing";
procedure set_target_fps (fps : integer) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetTargetFPS";
function get_fps return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetFPS";
procedure randomization (seed : natural) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetRandomSeed";
function get_random (minimum, maximum : integer) return integer with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "GetRandomValue";
procedure take_screenshot (path : string := "screenshot.png") with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "TakeScreenshot";
procedure set_trace_log_level (level : trace_log_level) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "SetTraceLogLevel";
function load_texture (path : string) return texture with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "LoadTexture";
function load_sound (path : string) return sound with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "LoadSound";
function load_font (path : string) return font with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "LoadFont";
procedure unload_texture (data : texture) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "UnloadTexture";
procedure unload_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "UnloadSound";
procedure unload_font (data : font) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "UnloadFont";
procedure draw_line (x0, y0, x1, y1 : integer; tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawLine";
procedure draw_rectangle (x, y, width, height : integer; tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawRectangle";
procedure draw_image (data : texture; uv : rectangle; view : vessel; tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawTextureRec";
procedure draw_text (data : font; text : string; view : vessel; size, pad : float; tint : color) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "DrawTextEx";
procedure play_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "PlaySound";
procedure stop_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "StopSound";
procedure pause_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "PauseSound";
procedure resume_sound (data : sound) with import => true, convention => c, external_name => "ResumeSound";
procedure megadraw (
data : texture;
uv : rectangle;
view : rectangle;
origin : vessel;
rotate : float;
tint : color
) with
import => true,
convention => c,
external_name => "DrawTexturePro";
end ray;
@ -24,13 +24,6 @@ package body resource is
procedure draw (index : in codex; x, y : in integer) is
core.draw (sprite (index), x, y);
end draw;
procedure menu (x, y : in integer; center : in boolean) is
offset : constant integer := 16;
width : constant integer := 180 + 2 * offset;
@ -43,8 +36,7 @@ package body resource is
for index in codex
ui.draw_icon (trait (index).text, move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
draw (index, move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
ui.draw_icon (sprite (index), trait (index).text, move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
ui.write (trait (index).name, move_x + offset + core.icon, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
end loop;
end menu;
@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ package resource is
procedure configure;
procedure draw (index : in codex; x, y : in integer);
procedure menu (x, y : in integer; center : in boolean);
@ -24,13 +24,6 @@ package body skill is
procedure draw (index : in codex; x, y : in integer) is
core.draw (sprite (index), x, y);
end draw;
procedure menu (x, y : in integer; center : in boolean) is
column : constant integer := 2;
offset : constant integer := 16;
@ -44,8 +37,7 @@ package body skill is
for index in codex
ui.draw_icon (trait (index).text, move_x + 216 * (codex'pos (index) mod column) + offset, move_y + core.icon * (codex'pos (index) / column) + offset);
draw (index, move_x + 216 * (codex'pos (index) mod column) + offset, move_y + core.icon * (codex'pos (index) / column) + offset);
ui.draw_icon (sprite (index), trait (index).text, move_x + 216 * (codex'pos (index) mod column) + offset, move_y + core.icon * (codex'pos (index) / column) + offset);
ui.write (trait (index).name, move_x + 216 * (codex'pos (index) mod column) + offset + core.icon, move_y + core.icon * (codex'pos (index) / column) + offset);
end loop;
end menu;
@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ package skill is
procedure configure;
procedure draw (index : in codex; x, y : in integer);
procedure menu (x, y : in integer; center : in boolean);
@ -112,10 +112,15 @@ package body ui is
procedure draw_icon (description : in string; x, y : in integer) is
procedure draw_icon (data : in core.sprite; description : in string; x, y : in integer) is
draw (icon, x, y);
select_text_box (description, x, y, core.icon, core.icon);
core.zoom := 1.0;
core.draw (data, x, y);
core.zoom := 2.0;
end draw_icon;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ package ui is
procedure configure;
procedure draw_icon (description : in string; x, y : in integer);
procedure draw_icon (data : in core.sprite; description : in string; x, y : in integer);
procedure draw_overicon (description : in string; x, y : in integer);
procedure draw_text_box (x, y, width, height : in integer);
@ -95,15 +95,14 @@ package body unit is
view (index, move_x + offset, move_y + offset);
for data in attribute.codex
move := attribute.codex'pos (data) * core.icon;
ui.draw_icon (attribute.trait (data).text, move_x + view_width + 12 + offset, move_y + offset + move);
attribute.draw (data, move_x + view_width + 12 + offset, move_y + offset + move);
ui.write (trait (index).attributes (data)'image, move_x + view_width + 12 + offset + core.icon, move_y + offset + move);
end loop;
--~for data in attribute.codex
--~move := attribute.codex'pos (data) * core.icon;
--~ui.draw_icon (attribute.sprite (data), attribute.trait (data).text, move_x + view_width + 12 + offset, move_y + offset + move);
--~ui.write (trait (index).attributes (data)'image, move_x + view_width + 12 + offset + core.icon, move_y + offset + move);
--~end loop;
for animate in animation
Reference in New Issue
Block a user