Removed Ray namespace from Core...
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
with core, ray;
use ray;
package body core is
@ -14,9 +12,9 @@ package body core is
sound_count : integer := 0;
font_count : integer := 0;
type texture_data_array is array (natural range <>) of texture;
type sound_data_array is array (natural range <>) of sound;
type font_data_array is array (natural range <>) of font;
type texture_data_array is array (natural range <>) of ray.texture;
type sound_data_array is array (natural range <>) of ray.sound;
type font_data_array is array (natural range <>) of ray.font;
texture_array : access texture_data_array;
sound_array : access sound_data_array;
@ -107,7 +105,7 @@ package body core is
function random_integer (minimum, maximum : in integer) return integer is
return get_random (minimum, maximum);
return ray.get_random (minimum, maximum);
end random_integer;
@ -124,7 +122,7 @@ package body core is
function import_sprite (file_path : in string; frames, states : in integer) return sprite is
this : sprite;
texture_array (texture_count) := load_texture (c_string (file_path));
texture_array (texture_count) := ray.load_texture (c_string (file_path));
texture_count := texture_count + 1;
this.index := texture_count - 1;
@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ package body core is
function import_song (file_path : in string) return integer is
sound_array (sound_count) := load_sound (c_string (file_path));
sound_array (sound_count) := ray.load_sound (c_string (file_path));
sound_count := sound_count + 1;
@ -156,7 +154,7 @@ package body core is
function import_glyphs (file_path : in string; size, pad : in integer) return glyphs is
this : glyphs;
font_array (font_count) := load_font (c_string (file_path));
font_array (font_count) := ray.load_font (c_string (file_path));
font_count := font_count + 1;
this.index := font_count - 1;
@ -405,7 +403,7 @@ package body core is
--~uv => (float (u), float (v), float (width), float (height)),
--~view => (float (x), float (y)),
--~tint => (255, 255, 255, 255));
megadraw (data => texture_array (sprite),
ray.megadraw (data => texture_array (sprite),
uv => (float (u), float (v), float (width), float (height)),
view => (float (x), float (y), float (width) * zoom, float (height) * zoom),
origin => (0.0, 0.0),
@ -417,7 +415,7 @@ package body core is
procedure render_string (text : in string; x, y : in integer; colour : in colour_range; index, size, pad : in integer) is
draw_text (data => font_array (index),
ray.draw_text (data => font_array (index),
text => c_string (text),
view => (float ((32 - size) / 2 + x), float ((32 - size) / 2 + y)),
size => float (size),
@ -429,65 +427,65 @@ package body core is
procedure render_vector (x1, y1, x2, y2 : in integer) is
draw_line (x1, y1, x2, y2, (0, 0, 0, 255));
ray.draw_line (x1, y1, x2, y2, (0, 0, 0, 255));
end render_vector;
function window_width return integer is begin return get_screen_width; end window_width;
function window_height return integer is begin return get_screen_height; end window_height;
function window_width return integer is begin return ray.get_screen_width; end window_width;
function window_height return integer is begin return ray.get_screen_height; end window_height;
procedure initialize is
core.echo (core.comment, "Initializing core components...");
echo (comment, "Initializing core components...");
engine_active := true;
texture_array := new texture_data_array (0 .. 1600);
sound_array := new sound_data_array (0 .. 4);
font_array := new font_data_array (0 .. 4);
core.echo (core.ray_ada, "-- Setting trace log level to none (ignoring all default Raylib logs).");
set_trace_log_level (log_none);
core.echo (core.ray_ada, "-- Initializing Raylib window data...");
core.echo (core.ray_ada, "-- -- Window title : Chads of Might & Magic");
core.echo (core.ray_ada, "-- -- Window width : 1800");
core.echo (core.ray_ada, "-- -- Window height : 900");
open_window (1800, 900, "Chads of Might & Magic");
core.echo (core.ray_ada, "-- Initializing Raylib audio device data...");
echo (ray_ada, "-- Setting trace log level to none (ignoring all default Raylib logs).");
ray.set_trace_log_level (ray.log_none);
echo (ray_ada, "-- Initializing Raylib window data...");
echo (ray_ada, "-- -- Window title : Chads of Might & Magic");
echo (ray_ada, "-- -- Window width : 1800");
echo (ray_ada, "-- -- Window height : 900");
ray.open_window (1800, 900, "Chads of Might & Magic");
echo (ray_ada, "-- Initializing Raylib audio device data...");
randomization (25071997);
set_target_fps (60);
ray.randomization (25071997);
ray.set_target_fps (60);
hexagon_grid_sprite := import_sprite ("./sprite/ui/hexagon_grid_tile.png", 1, 1);
hexagon_fill_sprite := import_sprite ("./sprite/ui/hexagon_fill_tile.png", 1, 1);
core.echo (core.success, "Initialized core components.");
echo (success, "Initialized core components.");
end initialize;
procedure deinitialize is
core.echo (core.comment, "Deinitializing core components...");
echo (comment, "Deinitializing core components...");
engine_active := false;
core.echo (core.deport, "-- -- Unloading Raylib" & texture_count'image & " textures.");
core.echo (core.deport, "-- -- Unloading Raylib" & sound_count'image & " sounds.");
core.echo (core.deport, "-- -- Unloading Raylib" & font_count'image & " fonts.");
echo (deport, "-- -- Unloading Raylib" & texture_count'image & " textures.");
echo (deport, "-- -- Unloading Raylib" & sound_count'image & " sounds.");
echo (deport, "-- -- Unloading Raylib" & font_count'image & " fonts.");
for index in 0 .. texture_count - 1 loop unload_texture (texture_array (index)); end loop;
for index in 0 .. sound_count - 1 loop unload_sound (sound_array (index)); end loop;
for index in 0 .. font_count - 1 loop unload_font (font_array (index)); end loop;
for index in 0 .. texture_count - 1 loop ray.unload_texture (texture_array (index)); end loop;
for index in 0 .. sound_count - 1 loop ray.unload_sound (sound_array (index)); end loop;
for index in 0 .. font_count - 1 loop ray.unload_font (font_array (index)); end loop;
core.echo (core.ray_ada, "-- Deinitializing Raylib audio device data...");
echo (ray_ada, "-- Deinitializing Raylib audio device data...");
core.echo (core.ray_ada, "-- Deinitializing Raylib window data...");
echo (ray_ada, "-- Deinitializing Raylib window data...");
core.echo (core.success, "Deinitialized core components.");
echo (success, "Deinitialized core components.");
end deinitialize;
@ -499,23 +497,23 @@ package body core is
global_time := global_time mod (gameplay_framerate * animation_framerate);
gameplay_time := global_time mod (gameplay_framerate);
animation_time := global_time / (gameplay_framerate / animation_framerate);
framerate := integer (get_fps);
signal := get_key_pressed;
cursor.x := get_mouse_x;
cursor.y := get_mouse_y;
framerate := integer (ray.get_fps);
signal := ray.get_key_pressed;
cursor.x := ray.get_mouse_x;
cursor.y := ray.get_mouse_y;
if exit_key_is_pressed then
if ray.exit_key_is_pressed then
engine_active := false;
end if;
if mouse_button_is_pressed (mouse_button_left) then cursor_mode := 1; end if;
if mouse_button_is_pressed (mouse_button_right) then cursor_mode := 2; end if;
if mouse_button_is_pressed (mouse_button_middle) then cursor_mode := 3; end if;
if mouse_button_is_released (mouse_button_left) then cursor_mode := 0; end if;
if mouse_button_is_released (mouse_button_right) then cursor_mode := 0; end if;
if mouse_button_is_released (mouse_button_middle) then cursor_mode := 0; end if;
if ray.mouse_button_is_pressed (ray.mouse_button_left) then cursor_mode := 1; end if;
if ray.mouse_button_is_pressed (ray.mouse_button_right) then cursor_mode := 2; end if;
if ray.mouse_button_is_pressed (ray.mouse_button_middle) then cursor_mode := 3; end if;
if ray.mouse_button_is_released (ray.mouse_button_left) then cursor_mode := 0; end if;
if ray.mouse_button_is_released (ray.mouse_button_right) then cursor_mode := 0; end if;
if ray.mouse_button_is_released (ray.mouse_button_middle) then cursor_mode := 0; end if;
case signal is
when 48 .. 57 => signal_mode := signal - 48 + signal_code'pos (signal_0);
@ -540,21 +538,21 @@ package body core is
when others => signal_mode := signal_code'pos (signal_none);
end case;
clear_background ((50, 60, 70, 255));
ray.clear_background ((50, 60, 70, 255));
end synchronize;
procedure play_song (index : in integer) is begin play_sound (sound_array (index)); end play_song;
procedure stop_song (index : in integer) is begin stop_sound (sound_array (index)); end stop_song;
procedure play_song (index : in integer) is begin ray.play_sound (sound_array (index)); end play_song;
procedure stop_song (index : in integer) is begin ray.stop_sound (sound_array (index)); end stop_song;
procedure overlay is
draw_rectangle (0, 0, window_width, window_height, (0, 0, 0, 100));
ray.draw_rectangle (0, 0, window_width, window_height, (0, 0, 0, 100));
end overlay;
Reference in New Issue
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