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-- Copyright (c) 2024 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
with core, attribute, skill, resource, material, faction, equipment, unit;
package chad is
type enumeration is (
ada, richard, ognjen, wouter, john, marina
type definition is record
name : access string;
title : access string;
kind : faction.enumeration;
bonus_attribute : attribute.enumeration;
bonus_skill : skill.enumeration;
bonus_resource : resource.enumeration;
end record;
type information is record
index : enumeration := ada;
state : core.animation := core.idle;
level : natural := 1;
x : integer := 0;
y : integer := 0;
health : core.point := (12, 12);
mana : core.point := (12, 12);
stamina : core.point := (12, 12);
attributes : attribute.points := attribute.default;
skills : skill.points := (others => (others => <>));
resources : resource.points := resource.default;
materials : material.points := (others => (others => <>));
equipments : equipment.equip_array := equipment.default;
end record;
type informations is array (natural range <>) of information;
-- Knight Cleric Ranger Druid Alchemist Wizard Heretic Demoniac Necromancer Death-Knight Overlord Warlock Barbarian Battlemage Beast-Tamer Witch
count : constant natural := enumeration'pos (enumeration'last) + 1;
description : constant array (enumeration) of definition := (
ada => (new string'("Ada Augusta King"), new string'("Guardian"), faction.fairy, attribute.defense, skill.diplomacy, resource.metal),
richard => (new string'("Richard Martin Stallman"), new string'("Prophet"), faction.dwarf, attribute.offense, skill.leadership, resource.wood),
ognjen => (new string'("Ognjen Milan Robovic"), new string'("Wanderer"), faction.kobold, attribute.stamina, skill.archery, resource.leather),
wouter => (new string'("Wouter van Oortmerssen"), new string'("Battlemage"), faction.gnoll, attribute.speed, skill.medicine, resource.stone),
john => (new string'("John Warner Backus"), new string'("Sorcerer"), faction.goblin, attribute.wisdom, skill.sorcery, resource.gem),
marina => (new string'("Marina Ann Hantzis"), new string'("Necromancer"), faction.imp, attribute.reach, skill.necromancy, resource.gold)
view_width : constant integer := 64;
view_height : constant integer := 96;
game : array (enumeration) of core.sprite;
view : array (enumeration) of core.sprite;
end chad;