
1447 lines
72 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2024 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
package body world is
lake_count : constant natural := 6;
target : core.vector := (-1, -1);
dark : core.sprite;
border_upper : core.sprite;
border_lower : core.sprite;
border_left : core.sprite;
border_right : core.sprite;
corner_upper_left : core.sprite;
corner_upper_right : core.sprite;
corner_lower_left : core.sprite;
corner_lower_right : core.sprite;
arrow_target : core.sprite;
arrow_upper : core.sprite;
arrow_lower : core.sprite;
arrow_left : core.sprite;
arrow_right : core.sprite;
arrow_upper_left : core.sprite;
arrow_upper_right : core.sprite;
arrow_lower_left : core.sprite;
arrow_lower_right : core.sprite;
procedure generate_lake (x, y : in integer; size : in natural);
procedure compute_world_visibility_grid (offset : in core.vector);
procedure compute_world_frame (offset : in core.vector);
function view_chad_basics (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector;
function view_chad_points (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector;
function view_chad_skills (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector;
function view_chad_equipment (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector;
function view_chad_inventory (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector;
procedure draw_tiles (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure draw_landmarks (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure draw_locations (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure draw_constructions (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure draw_equipments (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure draw_units (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure draw_chads (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure draw_alternative (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector);
procedure compute_earth_to_water_transition;
procedure configure is
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring world components...");
for index in biome.enumeration loop
biome.tiles (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/biome/" & core.lowercase (index'image) & ".png", 4, 1);
end loop;
dark := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/dark.png", 1, 1);
border_upper := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/frame/border_upper.png", 1, 1);
border_lower := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/frame/border_lower.png", 1, 1);
border_left := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/frame/border_left.png", 1, 1);
border_right := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/frame/border_right.png", 1, 1);
corner_upper_left := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/frame/corner_upper_left.png", 1, 1);
corner_upper_right := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/frame/corner_upper_right.png", 1, 1);
corner_lower_left := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/frame/corner_lower_left.png", 1, 1);
corner_lower_right := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/frame/corner_lower_right.png", 1, 1);
arrow_target := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/target.png", 1, 1);
arrow_upper := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/upper.png", 1, 1);
arrow_lower := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/lower.png", 1, 1);
arrow_left := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/left.png", 1, 1);
arrow_right := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/right.png", 1, 1);
arrow_upper_left := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/upper_left.png", 1, 1);
arrow_upper_right := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/upper_right.png", 1, 1);
arrow_lower_left := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/lower_left.png", 1, 1);
arrow_lower_right := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/world/arrow/lower_right.png", 1, 1);
for index in landmark.enumeration loop
landmark.game (index) := core.import_sprite (file_path => core.folder & "/game/landmark/" & core.lowercase (index'image) & ".png",
frames => landmark.description (index).frames,
states => 1);
end loop;
for index in location.enumeration loop
location.game (index) := core.import_sprite (file_path => core.folder & "/game/location/" & core.lowercase (index'image) & ".png",
frames => location.description (index).frames,
states => 2);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & attribute.count'image & " attribute components...");
for index in attribute.enumeration loop
attribute.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/attribute/" & core.lowercase (attribute.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & skill.count'image & " skill components...");
for index in skill.enumeration loop
skill.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/skill/" & core.lowercase (skill.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & resource.count'image & " resource components...");
for index in resource.enumeration loop
resource.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/resource/" & core.lowercase (resource.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & magic.count'image & " magic components...");
for index in magic.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (magic.school'image (magic.description (index).kind));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (magic.enumeration'image (index));
magic.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/magic/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & material.count'image & " material components...");
for index in material.enumeration loop
material.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/material/" & core.lowercase (material.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & equipment.count'image & " equipment components...");
for index in equipment.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.kind'image (equipment.description (index).slot));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.enumeration'image (index));
equipment.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/equipment/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 4, 6);
equipment.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/equipment/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
for index in equipment.kind loop
declare file : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.kind'image (index));
equipment.slot (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/engine/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & unit.count'image & " unit components...");
for index in faction.enumeration loop
unit.base (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/unit/" & core.lowercase (faction.enumeration'image (index)) & "/base.png", 4, 6);
end loop;
for index in unit.enumeration loop
unit.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/unit/" & core.lowercase (unit.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
unit.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/unit/" & core.lowercase (unit.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & deity.count'image & " deity components...");
for index in deity.enumeration loop
deity.sprite (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/deity/" & deity.enumeration'image (index) & ".png", 4, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & construction.count'image & " construction components...");
for index in construction.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (faction.enumeration'image (construction.description (index).kind));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (construction.enumeration'image (index));
frames : constant integer := construction.description (index).frames;
construction.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/construction/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", frames, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & chad.count'image & " chad components...");
for index in chad.enumeration loop
chad.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/chad/" & core.lowercase (chad.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 4, 6);
chad.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/chad/" & core.lowercase (chad.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
end configure;
function equipment_valid (data : in equipment.enumeration) return boolean is
return equipment.enumeration'pos (data) /= equipment.error;
end equipment_valid;
function random_landmark return landmark.information is
this : landmark.information;
this.index := landmark.enumeration'val (core.random (0, landmark.count - 1));
this.x := core.random (6, map.width - 6);
this.y := core.random (6, map.height - 6);
if map.clips (this.x, this.y) then
goto repeat_landmark_generation;
end if;
return this;
end random_landmark;
function random_location return location.information is
this : location.information;
this.index := location.enumeration'val (core.random (0, location.count - 1));
this.used := false;
this.x := core.random (6, map.width - 6);
this.y := core.random (6, map.height - 6);
if map.clips (this.x, this.y) then
goto repeat_location_generation;
end if;
return this;
end random_location;
function random_construction return construction.information is
this : construction.information;
this.index := construction.enumeration'val (core.random (0, construction.count - 1));
this.x := core.random (6, map.width - 6);
this.y := core.random (6, map.height - 6);
if map.clips (this.x, this.y) then
goto repeat_construction_generation;
end if;
return this;
end random_construction;
function random_equipment return equipment.information is
this : equipment.information;
this.index := equipment.enumeration'val (core.random (0, equipment.count - 1));
this.x := core.random (0, map.width - 1);
this.y := core.random (0, map.height - 1);
if map.clips (this.x, this.y) then
goto repeat_equipment_generation;
end if;
return this;
end random_equipment;
function random_unit return unit.information is
this : unit.information;
this.index := unit.enumeration'val (core.random (1, unit.count - 1)); -- none
this.state := core.idle;
this.health := (12, 12);
this.mana := (12, 12);
this.stamina := (12, 12);
this.x := core.random (0, map.width - 1);
this.y := core.random (0, map.height - 1);
if map.clips (this.x, this.y) then
goto repeat_unit_generation;
end if;
return this;
end random_unit;
procedure insert_landmark (data : in landmark.information) is
this : constant natural := map.landmark_count.value + 1;
core.echo_when (map.landmark_count.value = map.landmark_count.limit, core.failure, "Can't add new landmark, limit reached.");
core.increment (map.landmark_count.value);
map.landmarks (this) := data;
if landmark.description (map.landmarks (this).index).clip then
for x in 0 .. landmark.game (map.landmarks (this).index).width / core.base - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. landmark.game (map.landmarks (this).index).height / core.base - 1 loop
map.clips (map.landmarks (this).x + x, map.landmarks (this).y + y) := true;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end insert_landmark;
procedure insert_location (data : in location.information) is
this : constant natural := map.location_count.value + 1;
core.echo_when (map.location_count.value = map.location_count.limit, core.failure, "Can't add new location, limit reached.");
core.increment (map.location_count.value);
map.locations (this) := data;
if location.description (map.locations (this).index).clip then
for x in 0 .. location.game (map.locations (this).index).width / core.base - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. location.game (map.locations (this).index).height / core.base - 1 loop
map.clips (map.locations (this).x + x, map.locations (this).y + y) := true;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end insert_location;
procedure insert_construction (data : in construction.information) is
this : constant natural := map.construction_count.value + 1;
core.echo_when (map.construction_count.value = map.construction_count.limit, core.failure, "Can't add new construction, limit reached.");
core.increment (map.construction_count.value);
map.constructions (map.construction_count.value) := data;
declare reach_x : constant natural := construction.game (map.constructions (this).index).width / core.base;
reach_y : constant natural := construction.game (map.constructions (this).index).height / core.base;
for x in 0 .. reach_x - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. reach_y - 1 loop
map.clips (map.constructions (this).x + x, map.constructions (this).y + y) := true;
end loop;
end loop;
end insert_construction;
procedure insert_equipment (data : in equipment.information) is
core.echo_when (map.equipment_count.value = map.equipment_count.limit, core.failure, "Can't add new equipment, limit reached.");
core.increment (map.equipment_count.value);
map.equipments (map.equipment_count.value) := data;
end insert_equipment;
procedure insert_unit (data : in unit.information) is
core.echo_when (map.unit_count.value = map.unit_count.limit, core.failure, "Can't add new unit, limit reached.");
core.increment (map.unit_count.value);
map.units (map.unit_count.value) := data;
end insert_unit;
procedure insert_chad (data : in chad.information) is
core.echo_when (map.chad_count.value = map.chad_count.limit, core.failure, "Can't add new chad, limit reached.");
core.increment (map.chad_count.value);
map.chads (map.chad_count.value) := data;
end insert_chad;
procedure draw_landmark (data : in landmark.enumeration; x, y, factor : in integer) is
core.draw (landmark.game (data), x, y, factor => factor);
if core.cursor_inside (x, y, landmark.game (data).width * factor, landmark.game (data).height * factor) and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_middle then
ui.draw_text (landmark.description (data).name.all, core.cursor.x + core.icon, core.cursor.y, border => 10);
end if;
end draw_landmark;
procedure draw_location (data : in location.enumeration; used : in boolean; x, y, factor : in integer) is
core.draw (location.game (data), x, y, state => core.animation'val (boolean'pos (used)), factor => factor);
if core.cursor_inside (x, y, location.game (data).width * factor, location.game (data).height * factor) and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_middle then
ui.draw_text (location.description (data).name.all, core.cursor.x + core.icon, core.cursor.y, border => 10);
end if;
end draw_location;
procedure draw_construction (data : in construction.enumeration; x, y, factor : in integer) is
core.draw (construction.game (data), x, y, factor => factor);
if core.cursor_inside (x, y, construction.game (data).width * factor, construction.game (data).height * factor) and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_middle then
ui.draw_text (construction.description (data).name.all, core.cursor.x + core.icon, core.cursor.y, border => 10);
end if;
end draw_construction;
procedure draw_equipment (data : in equipment.enumeration; x, y, factor : in integer) is
core.draw (equipment.game (data), x, y, state => core.idle, factor => factor);
if core.cursor_inside (x, y, equipment.game (data).width * factor, equipment.game (data).height * factor) and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_middle then
ui.draw_text (equipment.description (data).name.all, core.cursor.x + core.icon, core.cursor.y, border => 10);
end if;
end draw_equipment;
procedure draw_unit (data : in unit.enumeration; state : in core.animation; x, y, factor : in integer) is
core.draw (unit.base (unit.description (data).kind), x, y, state => state, factor => factor);
for kind in equipment.kind loop
core.draw (equipment.game (unit.description (data).equipments (kind)), x, y, state => state, factor => factor);
end loop;
if core.cursor_inside (x, y, core.base * factor, core.base * factor) and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_middle then
ui.draw_text (unit.description (data).name.all, core.cursor.x + core.icon, core.cursor.y, border => 10);
end if;
end draw_unit;
procedure draw_chad (data : in chad.information; state : in core.animation; x, y, factor : in integer) is
core.draw (chad.game (data.index), x, y, state => state, factor => factor);
for kind in equipment.kind loop
core.draw (equipment.game (data.equipments (kind)), x, y, state => state, factor => factor);
end loop;
end draw_chad;
procedure review_unit is
data : unit.definition := unit.description (review_unit_data);
from : faction.definition := faction.description (data.kind);
offset : constant integer := 8;
boxy : constant natural := 3 * ui.monoheight + 2 * core.more;
width : constant integer := chad.view_width + 3 * 2 * core.icon + 2 * offset;
height : constant integer := chad.view_height + 8 * core.icon + 2 * core.base + boxy + 2 * offset;
if unit.enumeration'pos (review_unit_data) = unit.enumeration'pos (unit.none) then return; end if;
ui.draw_frame (core.center_x (width), core.center_y (height), width, height);
ui.draw_sprite (unit.view (review_unit_data), data.name.all, core.center_x (width) + offset, core.center_y (height) + offset, 0);
ui.write (data.name.all, core.center_x (width) + offset + unit.view_width + core.less, core.center_y (height) + offset + core.less);
for index in attribute.enumeration loop
ui.draw_icon_and_text (data => attribute.icon (index),
text => data.attributes (index)'image,
x => core.center_x (width) + offset + unit.view_width + (attribute.enumeration'pos (index) / 2) * 2 * core.icon,
y => core.center_y (height) + offset + core.icon + core.icon * (attribute.enumeration'pos (index) mod 2),
width => 2 * core.icon);
end loop;
ui.draw_separator (core.center_x (width) + offset, core.center_y (height) + offset + unit.view_height, width - 2 * offset);
ui.draw_text (text => "Hiring fee:" & data.hiring_fee'image & core.line_feed &
"Weekly fee:" & data.weekly_fee'image & core.line_feed &
"Battle fee:" & data.battle_fee'image,
x => core.center_x (width) + offset,
y => core.center_y (height) + offset + unit.view_height + core.base,
width => width - 2 * (offset + core.more),
border => core.more);
ui.draw_separator (core.center_x (width) + offset, core.center_y (height) + offset + unit.view_height + core.base + boxy, width - 2 * offset);
for index in equipment.kind loop
ui.draw_icon_and_text (data => (if equipment_valid (data.equipments (index)) then equipment.icon (data.equipments (index)) else equipment.slot (index)),
text => equipment.description (data.equipments (index)).name.all,
x => core.center_x (width) + offset,
y => core.center_y (height) + offset + unit.view_height + 2 * core.base + boxy + equipment.kind'pos (index) * (core.icon),
width => width - 2 * offset);
end loop;
end review_unit;
procedure review_chad is
end review_chad;
procedure view_chad_information (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) is
offset : constant integer := 8;
width : constant integer := limit;
height : constant integer := chad.view_height + 11 * core.icon + 4 * core.base + 2 * offset;
side : constant integer := chad.view_width + attribute.count * core.icon;
orient : core.vector := (0, 0);
ui.draw_frame (x, y, width, height);
orient := orient + view_chad_basics (data, x + offset, y + offset, limit - 2 * offset);
ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y, limit - 2 * offset);
orient := orient + view_chad_points (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 1 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset);
ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 1 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset);
orient := orient + view_chad_equipment (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset);
orient := orient + view_chad_skills (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset);
ui.draw_separator ( x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 2 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset);
orient := orient + view_chad_inventory (data, x + offset, y + offset + orient.y + 3 * core.base, limit - 2 * offset);
--~at_y := at_y + 3 * core.icon;
--~ui.draw_separator (at_x, at_y, width - 2 * offset);
--~at_y := at_y + core.base;
--~for index in 0 .. 7 loop
--~review_unit_data := data.units (index).index;
--~ui.draw_icon_menu (at_x + index * core.icon, at_y, core.icon, 3 * core.icon, "--");
--~ui.draw_icon_menu (at_x + index * core.icon, at_y, core.icon, 3 * core.icon, unit.description (data.units (index).index).name.all, review_unit'access);
--~draw_unit (data.units (index).index, core.walk, at_x + index * core.icon + 8, at_y + 8, 1);
--~end loop;
end view_chad_information;
procedure make (index : in biome.enumeration; width, height, landmark_limit, location_limit, construction_limit, equipment_limit, unit_limit, chad_limit : in natural) is
core.echo (core.comment, "-- Procedurally generating new map...");
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Map type : " & index'image);
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Map width :" & width'image);
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Map height :" & height'image);
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Landmark count :" & landmark_limit'image);
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Location count :" & location_limit'image);
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Construction count :" & construction_limit'image);
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Equipment count :" & equipment_limit'image);
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Unit count :" & unit_limit'image);
core.echo (core.comment, "-- -- Chad count :" & chad_limit'image);
map.kind := index;
map.width := width;
map.height := height;
map.landmark_count := (0, landmark_limit);
map.location_count := (0, location_limit);
map.construction_count := (0, construction_limit);
map.equipment_count := (0, equipment_limit);
map.unit_count := (0, unit_limit);
map.chad_count := (0, chad_limit);
map.tiles := new integer_matrix (0 .. map.width - 1, 0 .. map.height - 1);
map.clips := new boolean_matrix (0 .. map.width - 1, 0 .. map.height - 1);
map.views := new boolean_matrix (0 .. map.width - 1, 0 .. map.height - 1);
map.landmarks := new landmark.informations (1 .. landmark_limit);
map.locations := new location.informations (1 .. location_limit);
map.constructions := new construction.informations (1 .. construction_limit);
map.equipments := new equipment.informations (1 .. equipment_limit);
map.units := new unit.informations (1 .. unit_limit);
map.chads := new chad.informations (1 .. chad_limit);
for x in 0 .. width - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. height - 1 loop
map.tiles (x, y) := (if core.random (0, 17) > 3 then core.random (0, 5) else core.random (0, 17));
map.clips (x, y) := false;
map.views (x, y) := false;
end loop;
end loop;
for this in 1 .. lake_count loop
generate_lake (x => core.random (23, map.width - 23),
y => core.random (23, map.height - 23),
size => core.random (7, 19));
end loop;
for x in 0 .. width - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. height - 1 loop
if map.tiles (x, y) > 17 then
map.clips (x, y) := true;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
for index in 1 .. landmark_limit loop insert_landmark (random_landmark); end loop;
for index in 1 .. location_limit loop insert_location (random_location); end loop;
for index in 1 .. construction_limit loop insert_construction (random_construction); end loop;
for index in 1 .. equipment_limit loop insert_equipment (random_equipment); end loop;
for index in 1 .. unit_limit loop insert_unit (random_unit); end loop;
core.echo (core.success, "Finished procedurally generating new map.");
end make;
procedure save (file_name : in string) is
file : core.io.file_type;
core.io.create (file, core.io.out_file, core.folder & "/map/" & file_name);
core.io.write (file, biome.enumeration'pos (map.kind));
core.io.write (file, map.width);
core.io.write (file, map.height);
core.save_point (file, map.landmark_count);
core.save_point (file, map.location_count);
core.save_point (file, map.construction_count);
core.save_point (file, map.equipment_count);
core.save_point (file, map.unit_count);
core.save_point (file, map.chad_count);
for x in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
core.io.write (file, map.tiles (x, y));
core.io.write (file, boolean'pos (map.clips (x, y)));
core.io.write (file, boolean'pos (map.views (x, y)));
end loop;
end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.landmark_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, landmark.enumeration'pos (map.landmarks (index).index)); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, location.enumeration'pos (map.locations (index).index)); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.construction_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, construction.enumeration'pos (map.constructions (index).index)); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.equipment_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, equipment.enumeration'pos (map.equipments (index).index)); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, unit.enumeration'pos (map.units (index).index)); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, boolean'pos (map.locations (index).used)); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop
core.io.write (file, core.animation'pos (map.units (index).state));
core.save_point (file, map.units (index).health);
core.save_point (file, map.units (index).mana);
core.save_point (file, map.units (index).stamina);
end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.landmark_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.landmarks (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.landmark_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.landmarks (index).y); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.locations (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.locations (index).y); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.construction_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.constructions (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.construction_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.constructions (index).y); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.equipment_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.equipments (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.equipment_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.equipments (index).y); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.units (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.units (index).y); end loop;
for chad_index in 1 .. map.chad_count.limit loop
core.io.write (file, chad.enumeration'pos (map.chads (chad_index).index));
core.io.write (file, core.animation'pos (map.chads (chad_index).state));
core.io.write (file, map.chads (chad_index).x);
core.io.write (file, map.chads (chad_index).y);
core.save_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).health);
core.save_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).mana);
core.save_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).stamina);
for index in attribute.enumeration loop core.save_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).attributes (index)); end loop;
for index in resource.enumeration loop core.save_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).resources (index)); end loop;
for index in skill.limit loop core.io.write (file, skill.enumeration'pos (map.chads (chad_index).skills (index).index)); end loop;
for index in skill.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.chads (chad_index).skills (index).value); end loop;
for index in skill.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.chads (chad_index).skills (index).limit); end loop;
for index in material.limit loop core.io.write (file, material.enumeration'pos (map.chads (chad_index).materials (index).index)); end loop;
for index in material.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.chads (chad_index).materials (index).value); end loop;
for index in material.limit loop core.io.write (file, map.chads (chad_index).materials (index).limit); end loop;
for kind in equipment.kind loop
core.io.write (file, equipment.enumeration'pos (map.chads (chad_index).equipments (kind)));
end loop;
--~core.io.write (file, map.chads (chad_index).item_count);
--~if map.chads (chad_index).item_count > 0 then
--~for index in 0 .. map.chads (chad_index).item_count - 1 loop
--~core.io.write (file, equipment.enumeration'pos (map.chads (chad_index).items (index)));
--~end loop;
--~end if;
end loop;
core.io.close (file);
core.echo (core.success, "Saved current map as '" & file_name & "'.");
end save;
procedure load (file_name : in string) is
file : core.io.file_type;
this : integer;
core.io.open (file, core.io.in_file, core.folder & "/map/" & file_name);
core.io.read (file, this); map.kind := biome.enumeration'val (this);
core.io.read (file, map.width);
core.io.read (file, map.height);
core.load_point (file, map.landmark_count);
core.load_point (file, map.location_count);
core.load_point (file, map.construction_count);
core.load_point (file, map.equipment_count);
core.load_point (file, map.unit_count);
core.load_point (file, map.chad_count);
for x in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
core.io.read (file, map.tiles (x, y));
core.io.read (file, this); map.clips (x, y) := boolean'val (this);
core.io.read (file, this); map.views (x, y) := boolean'val (this);
end loop;
end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.landmark_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, this); map.landmarks (index).index := landmark.enumeration'val (this); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, this); map.locations (index).index := location.enumeration'val (this); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.construction_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, this); map.constructions (index).index := construction.enumeration'val (this); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.equipment_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, this); map.equipments (index).index := equipment.enumeration'val (this); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, this); map.units (index).index := unit.enumeration'val (this); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, this); map.locations (index).used := boolean'val (this); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop
core.io.read (file, this); map.units (index).state := core.animation'val (this);
core.load_point (file, map.units (index).health);
core.load_point (file, map.units (index).mana);
core.load_point (file, map.units (index).stamina);
end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.landmark_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.landmarks (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.landmark_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.landmarks (index).y); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.locations (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.locations (index).y); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.construction_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.constructions (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.construction_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.constructions (index).y); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.equipment_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.equipments (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.equipment_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.equipments (index).y); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.units (index).x); end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.units (index).y); end loop;
for chad_index in 1 .. map.chad_count.limit loop
core.io.read (file, this); map.chads (chad_index).index := chad.enumeration'val (this);
core.io.read (file, this); map.chads (chad_index).state := core.animation'val (this);
core.io.read (file, map.chads (chad_index).x);
core.io.read (file, map.chads (chad_index).y);
core.load_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).health);
core.load_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).mana);
core.load_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).stamina);
for index in attribute.enumeration loop core.load_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).attributes (index)); end loop;
for index in resource.enumeration loop core.load_point (file, map.chads (chad_index).resources (index)); end loop;
for index in skill.limit loop core.io.read (file, this); map.chads (chad_index).skills (index).index := skill.enumeration'val (this); end loop;
for index in skill.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.chads (chad_index).skills (index).value); end loop;
for index in skill.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.chads (chad_index).skills (index).limit); end loop;
for index in material.limit loop core.io.read (file, this); map.chads (chad_index).materials (index).index := material.enumeration'val (this); end loop;
for index in material.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.chads (chad_index).materials (index).value); end loop;
for index in material.limit loop core.io.read (file, map.chads (chad_index).materials (index).limit); end loop;
for kind in equipment.kind loop
core.io.read (file, this); map.chads (chad_index).equipments (kind) := equipment.enumeration'val (this);
end loop;
--~core.io.read (file, map.chads (chad_index).item_count);
--~if map.chads (chad_index).item_count > 0 then
--~for index in 0 .. map.chads (chad_index).item_count - 1 loop
--~core.io.read (file, this); map.chads (chad_index).items (index) := equipment.enumeration'val (this);
--~end loop;
--~end if;
end loop;
core.io.close (file);
core.echo (core.success, "Loaded map from file '" & file_name & "'.");
end load;
procedure draw is
offset : core.vector := ((core.window_width - core.base) / 2, (core.window_height - core.base) / 2);
view_from : core.vector := (core.camera.x - core.window_width / core.base / core.zoom / 2, core.camera.y - core.window_height / core.base / core.zoom / 2);
view_to : core.vector := (core.window_width / core.base / core.zoom, core.window_height / core.base / core.zoom);
core.clip (view_from.x, 0, map.width - 1);
core.clip (view_from.y, 0, map.height - 1);
core.clip (view_to.x, 0, map.width - 1);
core.clip (view_to.y, 0, map.height - 1);
compute_world_visibility_grid (offset);
compute_world_frame (offset);
draw_tiles (offset, view_from, view_to);
draw_landmarks (offset, view_from, view_to);
draw_locations (offset, view_from, view_to);
draw_constructions (offset, view_from, view_to);
draw_equipments (offset, view_from, view_to);
draw_units (offset, view_from, view_to);
draw_chads (offset, view_from, view_to);
draw_alternative (offset, view_from, view_to);
end draw;
procedure mapshot (file_path : in string) is
if not map_is_revealed then
core.echo (core.warning, "You need to reveal entire map in order to make a mapshot.");
end if;
core.create_image (map.width * core.base, map.height * core.base);
for vertical in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
for horizontal in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
core.render_image (data => biome.tiles (map.kind),
x => horizontal * core.base,
y => vertical * core.base,
u => core.base * map.tiles (horizontal, vertical),
v => 0,
width => core.base,
height => core.base);
end loop;
end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.landmark_count.limit loop
core.render_image (data => landmark.game (map.landmarks (index).index),
x => map.landmarks (index).x * core.base,
y => map.landmarks (index).y * core.base,
u => 0,
v => 0,
width => landmark.game (map.landmarks (index).index).width,
height => landmark.game (map.landmarks (index).index).height);
end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop
core.render_image (data => location.game (map.locations (index).index),
x => map.locations (index).x * core.base,
y => map.locations (index).y * core.base,
u => 0,
v => 0,
width => location.game (map.locations (index).index).width,
height => location.game (map.locations (index).index).height);
end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.construction_count.limit loop
core.render_image (data => construction.game (map.constructions (index).index),
x => map.constructions (index).x * core.base,
y => map.constructions (index).y * core.base,
u => 0,
v => 0,
width => construction.game (map.constructions (index).index).width,
height => construction.game (map.constructions (index).index).height);
end loop;
for index in 1 .. map.equipment_count.limit loop
core.render_image (data => equipment.game (map.equipments (index).index),
x => map.equipments (index).x * core.base,
y => map.equipments (index).y * core.base,
u => 0,
v => 0,
width => equipment.game (map.equipments (index).index).width,
height => equipment.game (map.equipments (index).index).height);
end loop;
core.export_image (file_path);
core.echo (core.success, "Exported current world mapshot.");
end mapshot;
function map_is_revealed return boolean is
for x in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
if map.views (x, y) = false then
return false;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return true;
end map_is_revealed;
procedure reveal_map is
for x in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
for y in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
map.views (x, y) := true;
end loop;
end loop;
end reveal_map;
procedure restore_points is
map.chads (1).health.value := map.chads (1).health.limit;
map.chads (1).mana.value := map.chads (1).mana.limit;
map.chads (1).stamina.value := map.chads (1).stamina.limit;
end restore_points;
procedure increase_attributes is
for index in attribute.enumeration loop
map.chads (1).attributes (index) := map.chads (1).attributes (index) + 1;
end loop;
end increase_attributes;
procedure increase_resources is
for index in resource.enumeration loop
map.chads (1).resources (index) := map.chads (1).resources (index) + 10;
end loop;
end increase_resources;
procedure player_up is
if map.chads (1).stamina.value = 0 then return; end if;
core.decrement (map.chads (1).y);
core.clip (map.chads (1).y, 0, map.height - 1);
map.chads (1).stamina := map.chads (1).stamina - 1;
if map.clips (map.chads (1).x, map.chads (1).y) then
core.increment (map.chads (1).y);
if map.chads (1).stamina.value > 0 then
map.chads (1).stamina := map.chads (1).stamina + 1;
end if;
end if;
end player_up;
procedure player_down is
if map.chads (1).stamina.value = 0 then return; end if;
core.increment (map.chads (1).y);
core.clip (map.chads (1).y, 0, map.height - 1);
map.chads (1).stamina := map.chads (1).stamina - 1;
if map.clips (map.chads (1).x, map.chads (1).y) then
core.decrement (map.chads (1).y);
if map.chads (1).stamina.value > 0 then
map.chads (1).stamina := map.chads (1).stamina + 1;
end if;
end if;
end player_down;
procedure player_left is
if map.chads (1).stamina.value = 0 then return; end if;
core.decrement (map.chads (1).x);
core.clip (map.chads (1).x, 0, map.width - 1);
map.chads (1).stamina := map.chads (1).stamina - 1;
if map.clips (map.chads (1).x, map.chads (1).y) then
core.increment (map.chads (1).x);
if map.chads (1).stamina.value > 0 then
map.chads (1).stamina := map.chads (1).stamina + 1;
end if;
end if;
end player_left;
procedure player_right is
if map.chads (1).stamina.value = 0 then return; end if;
core.increment (map.chads (1).x);
core.clip (map.chads (1).x, 0, map.width - 1);
map.chads (1).stamina := map.chads (1).stamina - 1;
if map.clips (map.chads (1).x, map.chads (1).y) then
core.decrement (map.chads (1).x);
if map.chads (1).stamina.value > 0 then
map.chads (1).stamina := map.chads (1).stamina + 1;
end if;
end if;
end player_right;
procedure generate_lake (x, y : in integer; size : in natural) is
starts, length : integer;
for offset_x in -size / 2 .. size / 2 loop
starts := core.random (0, abs offset_x);
length := core.random (size / 2, size - starts);
for repeat in 0 .. 1 loop
for offset_y in starts .. starts + length loop
map.tiles (x + 2 * offset_x + repeat, y + offset_y) := core.random (18, 23);
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
end generate_lake;
procedure draw_tiles (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector) is
step : core.vector := core.camera;
size : constant integer := core.base * core.zoom;
hits : natural := 0;
for vertical in view_from.y .. view_from.y + view_to.y loop
exit when vertical > map.height - 1;
for horizontal in view_from.x .. view_from.x + view_to.x loop
exit when horizontal > map.width - 1;
if map.views (horizontal, vertical) then
core.draw (data => biome.tiles (map.kind),
x => offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * size,
y => offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * size,
u => core.base * map.tiles (horizontal, vertical),
v => core.base * (core.animation_time mod biome.tiles (map.kind).frames),
width => core.base,
height => core.base,
ignore => true);
if core.cursor_inside (x => offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * size,
y => offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * size,
width => size,
height => size)
and core.cursor_inside (x => core.window_width / 2 - 6 * size,
y => core.window_height / 2 - 6 * size,
width => 12 * size,
height => 12 * size)
and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_left -- shit
and not ui.prioritize then
target.x := horizontal;
target.y := vertical;
core.cursor_mode := core.cursor_none;
end if;
if core.cursor_inside (x => offset.x + (target.x - core.camera.x) * size,
y => offset.y + (target.y - core.camera.y) * size,
width => size,
height => size)
and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_left
and not ui.prioritize then
world.map.chads (1).x := horizontal + 1;
world.map.chads (1).y := vertical;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
if target.x /= -1 and target.y /= -1 then
step := core.camera;
hits := 0;
core.draw (data => arrow_target,
x => offset.x + (target.x - core.camera.x) * size,
y => offset.y + (target.y - core.camera.y) * size,
factor => core.zoom);
exit when (step.x = target.x - 1 and step.y = target.y - 1) or (hits = 6);
if step.x < target.x and step.y < target.y then
core.draw (arrow_lower_right, offset.x + (step.x + 1 - core.camera.x) * size, offset.y + (step.y + 1 - core.camera.y) * size, factor => core.zoom);
step.x := step.x + 1;
step.y := step.y + 1;
elsif step.x > target.x and step.y < target.y then
core.draw (arrow_lower_left, offset.x + (step.x - 1 - core.camera.x) * size, offset.y + (step.y + 1 - core.camera.y) * size, factor => core.zoom);
step.x := step.x - 1;
step.y := step.y + 1;
elsif step.x = target.x and step.y < target.y then
core.draw (arrow_lower, offset.x + (step.x - core.camera.x) * size, offset.y + (step.y + 1 - core.camera.y) * size, factor => core.zoom);
step.y := step.y + 1;
elsif step.x < target.x and step.y = target.y then
core.draw (arrow_right, offset.x + (step.x + 1 - core.camera.x) * size, offset.y + (step.y - core.camera.y) * size, factor => core.zoom);
step.x := step.x + 1;
elsif step.x > target.x and step.y = target.y then
core.draw (arrow_left, offset.x + (step.x - 1 - core.camera.x) * size, offset.y + (step.y - core.camera.y) * size, factor => core.zoom);
step.x := step.x - 1;
elsif step.x < target.x and step.y > target.y then
core.draw (arrow_upper_right, offset.x + (step.x + 1 - core.camera.x) * size, offset.y + (step.y - 1 - core.camera.y) * size, factor => core.zoom);
step.x := step.x + 1;
step.y := step.y - 1;
elsif step.x > target.x and step.y > target.y then
core.draw (arrow_upper_left, offset.x + (step.x - 1 - core.camera.x) * size, offset.y + (step.y - 1 - core.camera.y) * size, factor => core.zoom);
step.x := step.x - 1;
step.y := step.y - 1;
elsif step.x = target.x and step.y > target.y then
core.draw (arrow_upper, offset.x + (step.x - core.camera.x) * size, offset.y + (step.y - 1 - core.camera.y) * size, factor => core.zoom);
step.y := step.y - 1;
end if;
hits := hits + 1;
end loop;
end if;
end draw_tiles;
procedure compute_world_visibility_grid (offset : in core.vector) is
for vertical in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
exit when offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom > core.window_height;
for horizontal in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
exit when offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom > core.window_width;
if not ((horizontal - core.camera.x) ** 2 + (vertical - core.camera.y) ** 2 > map.chads (1).attributes (attribute.reach).value * 64) then
map.views (horizontal, vertical) := true;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end compute_world_visibility_grid;
procedure compute_world_frame (offset : in core.vector) is
x : constant integer := core.base * core.zoom * (-1 - core.camera.x) + offset.x;
y : constant integer := core.base * core.zoom * (-1 - core.camera.y) + offset.y;
width : constant integer := core.base * core.zoom * (map.width + 2);
height : constant integer := core.base * core.zoom * (map.height + 2);
core.draw_horizontally (border_upper, x + core.base * core.zoom, y, width - 2 * core.base * core.zoom, core.zoom);
core.draw_horizontally (border_lower, x + core.base * core.zoom, y - core.base * core.zoom + height, width - 2 * core.base * core.zoom, core.zoom);
core.draw_vertically (border_left, x, y + core.base * core.zoom, height - 2 * core.base * core.zoom, core.zoom);
core.draw_vertically (border_right, x - core.base * core.zoom + width, y + core.base * core.zoom, height - 2 * core.base * core.zoom, core.zoom);
core.draw (corner_upper_left, x, y, factor => core.zoom);
core.draw (corner_upper_right, x - core.base * core.zoom + width, y, factor => core.zoom);
core.draw (corner_lower_left, x, y - core.base * core.zoom + height, factor => core.zoom);
core.draw (corner_lower_right, x - core.base * core.zoom + width, y - core.base * core.zoom + height, factor => core.zoom);
end compute_world_frame;
function view_chad_basics (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is
side : constant integer := chad.view_width + attribute.count * core.icon;
ui.draw_sprite (chad.view (data.index), chad.description (data.index).name.all, x, y, 0, review_chad'access);
ui.draw_text_box (x + chad.view_width, y, limit - chad.view_width, core.icon);
ui.write (chad.description (data.index).name.all, x + chad.view_width + core.less, y + core.less);
ui.draw_text (chad.description (data.index).title.all, x + side, y + 1 * core.icon, limit - side, core.icon, core.more);
ui.draw_text ("Level" & data.level'image, x + side, y + 2 * core.icon, limit - side, core.icon, core.more);
for index in attribute.enumeration loop
ui.draw_icon (attribute.icon (index), attribute.description (index).text.all, x + chad.view_width + attribute.enumeration'pos (index) * core.icon, y + core.icon);
ui.draw_text (data.attributes (index).value'image, x + attribute.enumeration'pos (index) * core.icon + chad.view_width, y + 2 * core.icon, core.icon, core.icon, core.more);
end loop;
return (limit, chad.view_height);
end view_chad_basics;
function view_chad_points (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 0 * core.icon + core.icon, limit, float (data.health.value) / float (data.health.limit), (127, 0, 0, 255));
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 1 * core.icon + core.icon, limit, float (data.mana.value) / float (data.mana.limit), (0, 0, 127, 255));
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x, y + 2 * core.icon + core.icon, limit, float (data.stamina.value) / float (data.stamina.limit), (0, 127, 0, 255));
ui.write ("Health " & data.health.value'image & " /" & data.health.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 0 * core.icon + core.more, code => true);
ui.write ("Mana " & data.mana.value'image & " /" & data.mana.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 1 * core.icon + core.more, code => true);
ui.write ("Stamina" & data.stamina.value'image & " /" & data.stamina.limit'image, x + core.icon, y + 2 * core.icon + core.more, code => true);
return (limit, 3 * core.icon);
end view_chad_points;
function view_chad_skills (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is
count : constant natural := skill.limit'last + 1;
width : constant natural := limit / 2;
for index in skill.limit loop
ui.draw_icon (data => skill.icon (data.skills (index).index),
text => skill.description (data.skills (index).index).text.all,
x => x + (index mod 2) * width,
y => y + (index / 2) * core.icon);
ui.draw_text (text => skill.description (data.skills (index).index).name.all & data.skills (index).value'image,
x => x + (index mod 2) * width + core.icon,
y => y + (index / 2) * core.icon,
width => width - core.icon,
height => core.icon,
offset => core.more);
end loop;
return (limit, (count / 2) * core.icon);
end view_chad_skills;
function view_chad_equipment (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is
count : constant natural := equipment.kind'pos (equipment.kind'last) + 1;
for index in equipment.kind loop
ui.draw_overicon (data => (if equipment_valid (data.equipments (index)) then equipment.icon (data.equipments (index)) else equipment.slot (index)),
text => (if equipment_valid (data.equipments (index)) then equipment.description (data.equipments (index)).name.all else "--"),
x => x + equipment.kind'pos (index) * core.icon,
y => y);
end loop;
ui.draw_text ("Equipment", x + count * core.icon, y, limit - count * core.icon, core.icon, core.more);
return (limit, core.icon);
end view_chad_equipment;
function view_chad_inventory (data : in chad.information; x, y, limit : in integer) return core.vector is
for index_y in 0 .. 3 loop
for index_x in 0 .. 7 loop
ui.draw_icon (data => material.icon (data.materials (8 * index_y + index_x).index),
text => material.description (data.materials (8 * index_y + index_x).index).name.all,
x => x + index_x * core.icon,
y => y + index_y * core.icon);
end loop;
end loop;
return (limit, 4 * core.icon);
end view_chad_inventory;
procedure draw_landmarks (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector) is
for index in 1 .. map.landmark_count.limit loop
if map.views (map.landmarks (index).x, map.landmarks (index).y)
and map.landmarks (index).x > view_from.x and map.landmarks (index).x < view_from.x + view_to.x
and map.landmarks (index).y > view_from.y and map.landmarks (index).y < view_from.y + view_to.y then
draw_landmark (data => map.landmarks (index).index,
x => offset.x + (map.landmarks (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (map.landmarks (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
factor => core.zoom);
end if;
end loop;
end draw_landmarks;
procedure draw_locations (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector) is
for index in 1 .. map.location_count.limit loop
if map.views (map.locations (index).x, map.locations (index).y)
and map.locations (index).x > view_from.x and map.locations (index).x < view_from.x + view_to.x
and map.locations (index).y > view_from.y and map.locations (index).y < view_from.y + view_to.y then
draw_location (data => map.locations (index).index,
used => map.locations (index).used,
x => offset.x + (map.locations (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (map.locations (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
factor => core.zoom);
if core.camera.x > map.locations (index).x - 2
and core.camera.x < map.locations (index).x + 1 + location.game (map.locations (index).index).width / core.base
and core.camera.y > map.locations (index).y - 2
and core.camera.y < map.locations (index).y + 1 + location.game (map.locations (index).index).height / core.base
and map.locations (index).used = false
and core.signal_mode = core.signal_e
and not ui.prioritize then
declare player : chad.information renames world.map.chads (1);
data : effect.information := location.description (map.locations (index).index).evoke;
attribute_index : attribute.enumeration;
--~skill_index : skill.enumeration;
resource_index : resource.enumeration;
--~material_index : material.enumeration;
case data.kind is
when effect.idle => null;
when effect.modify_attribute => attribute_index := attribute.enumeration'val (data.modifier);
player.attributes (attribute_index) := player.attributes (attribute_index) + data.amount;
ui.echo ("Player " & (if data.amount < 0 then "lost" else "gained") & integer'image (abs data.amount) & " "
& attribute.description (attribute_index).name.all & " attribute points.");
--~when effect.modify_skill => skill_index := skill.enumeration'val (data.modifier);
--~player.skills (skill_index) := player.skills (skill_index) + data.amount;
--~ui.echo ("Player " & (if data.amount < 0 then "lost" else "gained") & integer'image (abs data.amount) & " "
--~& skill.description (skill_index).name.all & " skill points.");
when effect.modify_resource => resource_index := resource.enumeration'val (data.modifier);
player.resources (resource_index) := player.resources (resource_index) + data.amount;
ui.echo ("Player " & (if data.amount < 0 then "lost" else "gained") & integer'image (abs data.amount) & " "
& resource.description (resource_index).name.all & " resource points.");
--~when effect.modify_material => material_index := material.enumeration'val (data.modifier);
--~player.materials (material_index) := player.materials (material_index) + data.amount;
--~ui.echo ("+" & data.amount'image & " " & material.description (material_index).name.all);
when others => null;
end case;
map.locations (index).used := true;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end draw_locations;
procedure draw_constructions (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector) is
for index in 1 .. map.construction_count.limit loop
if map.views (map.constructions (index).x, map.constructions (index).y)
and map.constructions (index).x > view_from.x and map.constructions (index).x < view_from.x + view_to.x
and map.constructions (index).y > view_from.y and map.constructions (index).y < view_from.y + view_to.y then
draw_construction (data => map.constructions (index).index,
x => offset.x + (map.constructions (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (map.constructions (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
factor => core.zoom);
end if;
end loop;
end draw_constructions;
procedure draw_equipments (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector) is
for index in 1 .. map.equipment_count.limit loop
if map.views (map.equipments (index).x, map.equipments (index).y)
and map.equipments (index).x > view_from.x and map.equipments (index).x < view_from.x + view_to.x
and map.equipments (index).y > view_from.y and map.equipments (index).y < view_from.y + view_to.y then
draw_equipment (data => map.equipments (index).index,
x => offset.x + (map.equipments (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (map.equipments (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
factor => core.zoom);
--~if map.equipments (index).x = core.camera.x and map.equipments (index).y = core.camera.y then
--~if map.chads (1).item_count < chad.item_limit and equipment_valid (map.equipments (index).index) then
--~map.chads (1).items (map.chads (1).item_count) := map.equipments (index).index;
--~core.increment (map.chads (1).item_count);
--~map.equipments (index).index := equipment.none;
--~end if;
--~end if;
end if;
end loop;
end draw_equipments;
procedure draw_units (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector) is
for index in 1 .. map.unit_count.limit loop
if map.views (map.units (index).x, map.units (index).y)
and map.units (index).x > view_from.x and map.units (index).x < view_from.x + view_to.x
and map.units (index).y > view_from.y and map.units (index).y < view_from.y + view_to.y then
draw_unit (data => map.units (index).index,
state => core.idle,
x => offset.x + (map.units (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (map.units (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
factor => core.zoom);
end if;
end loop;
end draw_units;
procedure draw_chads (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector) is
for index in 1 .. map.chad_count.value loop
if map.views (map.chads (index).x, map.chads (index).y) then
draw_chad (data => map.chads (index),
state => map.chads (index).state,
x => offset.x + (map.chads (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (map.chads (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
factor => core.zoom);
end if;
end loop;
end draw_chads;
procedure draw_alternative (offset, view_from, view_to : in core.vector) is
for vertical in view_from.y .. view_from.y + view_to.y loop
exit when vertical > map.height - 1;
for horizontal in view_from.x .. view_from.x + view_to.x loop
exit when horizontal > map.width - 1;
if (horizontal - core.camera.x) ** 2 + (vertical - core.camera.y) ** 2 > map.chads (1).attributes (attribute.reach).value * 32 then
core.draw (data => dark,
x => offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end draw_alternative;
procedure compute_earth_to_water_transition is
matrix : array (0 .. 1, 0 .. 1) of natural;
for x in 1 .. map.width - 2 loop
for y in 1 .. map.height - 2 loop
matrix (0, 0) := boolean'pos (map.tiles (x - 1, y - 1) not in 18 .. 23);
matrix (1, 0) := boolean'pos (map.tiles (x, y - 1) not in 18 .. 23);
matrix (0, 1) := boolean'pos (map.tiles (x - 1, y ) not in 18 .. 23);
matrix (1, 1) := boolean'pos (map.tiles (x, y ) not in 18 .. 23);
if map.tiles (x, y) not in 18 .. 23 and map.tiles (x, y + 1) in 18 .. 23 then map.tiles (x, y ) := 24; end if;
if map.tiles (x, y) in 18 .. 23 and map.tiles (x, y + 1) not in 18 .. 23 then map.tiles (x, y + 1) := 25; end if;
if map.tiles (x, y) not in 18 .. 23 and map.tiles (x + 1, y ) in 18 .. 23 then map.tiles (x, y ) := 26; end if;
if map.tiles (x, y) in 18 .. 23 and map.tiles (x + 1, y ) not in 18 .. 23 then map.tiles (x + 1, y ) := 27; end if;
if matrix = ((1, 1), (1, 0)) then map.tiles (x - 1, y - 1) := 28;
elsif matrix = ((1, 0), (1, 1)) then map.tiles (x, y - 1) := 29;
elsif matrix = ((1, 1), (0, 1)) then map.tiles (x - 1, y ) := 30;
elsif matrix = ((0, 1), (1, 1)) then map.tiles (x, y ) := 31;
elsif matrix = ((0, 0), (0, 1)) then map.tiles (x, y ) := 32;
elsif matrix = ((0, 1), (0, 0)) then map.tiles (x - 1, y ) := 33;
elsif matrix = ((0, 0), (1, 0)) then map.tiles (x, y - 1) := 34;
elsif matrix = ((1, 0), (0, 0)) then map.tiles (x - 1, y - 1) := 35;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end compute_earth_to_water_transition;
end world;