
Added unused sprites...

  1. +62
  2. +9
  3. +36
  4. +25
  5. +34

+ 62
- 58
chapter/chapter_0.c ファイルの表示

@@ -172,51 +172,51 @@ use it to interate the strings, while in "unlimited" versions, we iterate on poi
same results, you can use any of them.

int string_compare (char * string_0, char * string_1) {
fatal_failure (string_0 == NULL, "string_compare: Destination string is null pointer."); // This will be seen in next 5 functions too, we don't want NULL here.
fatal_failure (string_1 == NULL, "string_compare: Source string is null pointer.");
int string_compare (char * destination, char * source) {
fatal_failure (destination == NULL, "string_compare: Destination string is null pointer."); // This will be seen in next 5 functions too, we don't want NULL here.
fatal_failure (source == NULL, "string_compare: Source string is null pointer.");

for (; (* string_0 != CHARACTER_NULL) && (* string_1 != CHARACTER_NULL); ++string_0, ++string_1) { // We iterate until either string reaches the null character.
if (* string_0 != * string_1) { // In case that characters at the same offset are different:
return (FALSE); // > We return FALSE, 0, since strings aren't the same...
for (; (* destination != CHARACTER_NULL) && (* source != CHARACTER_NULL); ++destination, ++source) { // We iterate until either string reaches the null character.
if (* destination != * source) { // In case that characters at the same offset are different:
return (FALSE); // > We return FALSE, 0, since strings aren't the same...

if (* string_0 != * string_1) { // Now, we'll do one last termination check.
if (* destination != * source) { // Now, we'll do one last termination check.
return (FALSE);

return (TRUE); // Otherwise, strings are same, we return TRUE, 1.
return (TRUE); // Otherwise, strings are same, we return TRUE, 1.

char * string_copy (char * string_0, char * string_1) {
char * result = string_0; // We need to save pointer to destination string before changing it.
char * string_copy (char * destination, char * source) {
char * result = destination; // We need to save pointer to destination string before changing it.

fatal_failure (string_0 == NULL, "string_copy: Destination string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (string_1 == NULL, "string_copy: Source string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (destination == NULL, "string_copy: Destination string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (source == NULL, "string_copy: Source string is null pointer.");

for (; * string_1 != CHARACTER_NULL; ++string_0, ++string_1) { // This time and in next function, we iterate only source string.
* string_0 = * string_1; // And we assign character at the same offset to destination string (aka copy it).
for (; * source != CHARACTER_NULL; ++destination, ++source) { // This time and in next function, we iterate only source string.
* destination = * source; // And we assign character at the same offset to destination string (aka copy it).

* string_0 = CHARACTER_NULL; // Copying null termination, since the loop stopped on that condition.
* destination = CHARACTER_NULL; // Copying null termination, since the loop stopped on that condition.

return (result); // Lastly, we return the destination string, in order to be able to bind functions.
return (result); // Lastly we return the destination string, in order to be able to bind functions.

char * string_concatenate (char * string_0, char * string_1) {
char * result = string_0;
char * string_concatenate (char * destination, char * source) {
char * result = destination;

fatal_failure (string_0 == NULL, "string_concatenate: Destination string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (string_1 == NULL, "string_concatenate: Source string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (destination == NULL, "string_concatenate: Destination string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (source == NULL, "string_concatenate: Source string is null pointer.");

string_0 += string_length (string_0); // We'll first offset destination string to the end of it.
// Because we want to start copying from the end, aka concatenate it.
for (; * string_1 != CHARACTER_NULL; ++string_0, ++string_1) { // The rest of the function is same as string_copy, so:
* string_0 = * string_1; // We could even use it here, but that defies the purpose of learning now.
destination += string_length (destination); // We'll first offset destination string to the end of it.
// Because we want to start copying from the end, aka concatenate it.
for (; * source != CHARACTER_NULL; ++destination, ++source) { // The rest of the function is same as string_copy, so:
* destination = * source; // We could even use it here, but that defies the purpose of learning now.

* string_0 = CHARACTER_NULL; // Again, assign null termination.
* destination = CHARACTER_NULL; // Again, assign null termination.

return (result);
@@ -232,56 +232,54 @@ write comments for 'string_copy_limit', 'string_concatenate_limit' and 'string_r
current knowledge of C language.

int string_compare_limit (char * string_0, char * string_1, int limit) {
int string_compare_limit (char * destination, char * source, int limit) {
int offset;

fatal_failure (string_0 == NULL, "string_compare_limit: Destination string is null pointer."); // This is the new trend, check for unimportant things.
fatal_failure (string_1 == NULL, "string_compare_limit: Source string is null pointer."); // At least this isn't too verbose. I hope...
fatal_failure (destination == NULL, "string_compare_limit: Destination string is null pointer."); // This is the new trend, check for unimportant things.
fatal_failure (source == NULL, "string_compare_limit: Source string is null pointer."); // At least this isn't too verbose. I hope...

for (offset = 0; offset < limit; ++offset) { // Now, we'll iterate until 'limit' is reached, but it can overrun.
if (string_0 [offset] != string_1 [offset]) { // All said here applies to next two functions as well...
return (FALSE); // As soon as 2 characters mismatch, they're not same, we return FALSE.
for (offset = 0; offset < limit; ++offset) { // Now, we'll iterate until 'limit' is reached, but it can overrun.
if (destination [offset] != source [offset]) { // All said here applies to next two functions as well...
return (FALSE); // As soon as 2 characters mismatch, they're not same, we return FALSE.

return (TRUE); // Otherwise, we're reached the end, they're same, we return TRUE.
return (TRUE); // Otherwise, we're reached the end, they're same, we return TRUE.

char * string_copy_limit (char * string_0, char * string_1, int limit) {
char * string_copy_limit (char * destination, char * source, int limit) {
int offset;

fatal_failure (string_0 == NULL, "string_copy_limit: Destination string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (string_1 == NULL, "string_copy_limit: Source string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (destination == NULL, "string_copy_limit: Destination string is null pointer.");

if ((limit <= 0) || (string_1 == NULL)) {
return (string_0);
if ((limit <= 0) || (source == NULL)) {
return (destination);

for (offset = 0; offset < limit; ++offset) {
string_0 [offset] = string_1 [offset];
destination [offset] = source [offset];

return (string_0);
return (destination);

char * string_concatenate_limit (char * string_0, char * string_1, int limit) {
int offset, length_0, length_1;
char * string_concatenate_limit (char * destination, char * source, int limit) {
int offset, destination_length, source_length;

fatal_failure (string_0 == NULL, "string_concatenate_limit: Destination string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (string_1 == NULL, "string_concatenate_limit: Source string is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (destination == NULL, "string_concatenate_limit: Destination string is null pointer.");

if ((limit <= 0) || (string_1 == NULL)) {
return (string_0);
if ((limit <= 0) || (source == NULL)) {
return (destination);

length_0 = string_length (string_0);
length_1 = string_length (string_1);
destination_length = string_length (destination);
source_length = string_length (source);

for (offset = 0; (offset < length_1) && (offset < limit); ++offset) {
string_0 [length_0 + offset] = string_1 [offset];
for (offset = 0; (offset < source_length) && (offset < limit); ++offset) {
destination [destination_length + offset] = source [offset];

return (string_0);
return (destination);

char * string_reverse_limit (char * string, int limit) {
@@ -349,14 +347,17 @@ char * string_realign (char * string, int amount, char character) { //
Ignore what next two functions do, it's about memory management that we'll cover in later chapters.

int memory_compare (void * memory, void * source, int length) {
int memory_compare (void * destination, void * source, int length) {
int offset;

char * cast_0 = (char *) memory;
char * cast_0 = (char *) destination;
char * cast_1 = (char *) source;

fatal_failure (memory == NULL, "memory_compare: Memory is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (source == NULL, "memory_compare: Source is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (destination == NULL, "memory_compare: Memory is null pointer.");

if (source == NULL) {
return (FALSE);

for (offset = 0; offset != length; ++offset) {
if (cast_0 [offset] != cast_1 [offset]) {
@@ -367,14 +368,17 @@ int memory_compare (void * memory, void * source, int length) {
return (TRUE);

void memory_copy (void * memory, void * source, int length) {
void memory_copy (void * destination, void * source, int length) {
int offset;

char * cast_0 = (char *) memory;
char * cast_0 = (char *) destination;
char * cast_1 = (char *) source;

fatal_failure (memory == NULL, "memory_copy: Memory is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (source == NULL, "memory_copy: Source is null pointer.");
fatal_failure (destination == NULL, "memory_copy: Memory is null pointer.");

if (source == NULL) {

for (offset = 0; offset != length; ++offset) {
cast_0 [offset] = cast_1 [offset];

+ 9
- 9
chapter/chapter_0.h ファイルの表示

@@ -207,15 +207,15 @@ extern void * deallocate (void * data );

extern int string_length (char * string); // We deal with strings a lot in this program, so string functions will be more important than character functions from chapter one.

extern int string_compare (char * string_0, char * string_1); // See how nicely they align, right?
extern char * string_copy (char * string_0, char * string_1);
extern char * string_concatenate (char * string_0, char * string_1);
extern char * string_reverse (char * string); // Notice last function, we didn't align ');'...
extern int string_compare_limit (char * string_0, char * string_1, int limit); // These ones too, it's beautiful (in my opinion), tho some consider it useless.
extern char * string_copy_limit (char * string_0, char * string_1, int limit);
extern char * string_concatenate_limit (char * string_0, char * string_1, int limit);
extern char * string_reverse_limit (char * string, int limit); // And we align the last argument in this case, use whatever you prefer.
extern int string_compare (char * destination, char * source); // See how nicely they align, right?
extern char * string_copy (char * destination, char * source);
extern char * string_concatenate (char * destination, char * source);
extern char * string_reverse (char * string); // Notice last function, we didn't align ');'...
extern int string_compare_limit (char * destination, char * source, int limit); // These ones too, it's beautiful (in my opinion), tho some consider it useless.
extern char * string_copy_limit (char * destination, char * source, int limit);
extern char * string_concatenate_limit (char * destination, char * source, int limit);
extern char * string_reverse_limit (char * string, int limit); // And we align the last argument in this case, use whatever you prefer.

extern char * string_realign (char * string, int amount, char character); // This is a simple function that realigns a string to right, we'll use it way later ahead.

+ 36
- 41
chapter/chapter_5.c ファイルの表示

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ procedure_t game_clean_up (procedure_t) {

number_t randomize (number_t lower, number_t upper) {
return ((number_t) rand () % (upper - lower) + lower);
return ((number_t) rand () % (upper - lower + 1) + lower);

bundle_t * game_bundle (number_t minimum, number_t maximum, number_t current) {
@@ -64,6 +64,18 @@ symbol_t * game_symbol (number_t character, number_t colour, number_t effect) {
return (symbol);

sprite_t * game_sprite (number_t width, number_t height, memory_t data) {
sprite_t * sprite = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* sprite));

sprite->width = width;
sprite->height = height;
sprite->data = data;

game_free_memory (sprite);

return (sprite);

generator_t * game_generator (generate_t function) {
generator_t * generator = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* generator));

@@ -141,7 +153,7 @@ skill_t * game_skill (string_t name, bundle_t * points, ...) {
return (skill);

bot_t * game_bot (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bundle_t * mana, bundle_t * stamina) {
bot_t * game_bot (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, sprite_t * sprite, bundle_t * health, bundle_t * mana, bundle_t * stamina) {
bot_t * bot = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* bot));

string_copy ((bot->name = allocate (string_length (name) + 1)), name);
@@ -150,12 +162,14 @@ bot_t * game_bot (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bundle_t
bot->y = 0;

memory_copy ((bot->symbol = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* bot->symbol))), symbol, (number_t) sizeof (* symbol));
memory_copy ((bot->sprite = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* bot->sprite))), sprite, (number_t) sizeof (* sprite));
memory_copy ((bot->health = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* bot->health))), health, (number_t) sizeof (* health));
memory_copy ((bot->mana = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* bot->mana))), mana, (number_t) sizeof (* mana));
memory_copy ((bot->stamina = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* bot->stamina))), stamina, (number_t) sizeof (* stamina));

game_free_memory (bot->name);
game_free_memory (bot->symbol);
game_free_memory (bot->sprite);
game_free_memory (bot->health);
game_free_memory (bot->mana);
game_free_memory (bot->stamina);
@@ -164,7 +178,7 @@ bot_t * game_bot (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bundle_t
return (bot);

player_t * game_player (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bundle_t * mana, bundle_t * stamina, ...) {
player_t * game_player (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, sprite_t * sprite, bundle_t * health, bundle_t * mana, bundle_t * stamina, ...) {
va_list list;

player_t * player = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* player));
@@ -175,6 +189,7 @@ player_t * game_player (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bun
player->y = 3;

memory_copy ((player->symbol = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* player->symbol))), symbol, (number_t) sizeof (* symbol));
memory_copy ((player->sprite = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* player->sprite))), sprite, (number_t) sizeof (* sprite));
memory_copy ((player->health = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* player->health))), health, (number_t) sizeof (* health));
memory_copy ((player->mana = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* player->mana))), mana, (number_t) sizeof (* mana));
memory_copy ((player->stamina = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* player->stamina))), stamina, (number_t) sizeof (* stamina));
@@ -208,6 +223,7 @@ player_t * game_player (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bun

game_free_memory (player->name);
game_free_memory (player->symbol);
game_free_memory (player->sprite);
game_free_memory (player->health);
game_free_memory (player->mana);
game_free_memory (player->stamina);
@@ -218,18 +234,20 @@ player_t * game_player (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bun
return (player);

block_t * game_block (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, number_t collision, number_t override) {
block_t * game_block (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, sprite_t * sprite, number_t collision, number_t override) {
block_t * block = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* block));

string_copy ((block->name = allocate (string_length (name) + 1)), name);

memory_copy ((block->symbol = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* block->symbol))), symbol, (number_t) sizeof (* symbol));
memory_copy ((block->sprite = allocate ((number_t) sizeof (* block->sprite))), sprite, (number_t) sizeof (* sprite));

block->collision = collision;
block->override = override;

game_free_memory (block->name);
game_free_memory (block->symbol);
game_free_memory (block->sprite);
game_free_memory (block);

return (block);
@@ -269,46 +287,23 @@ world_t * game_world (number_t width, number_t height, ...) {
return (world);

procedure_t game_render_attribute (number_t x, number_t y, ...) {
va_list list;

va_start (list, y);

for (;; ++y) {
attribute_t * attribute = (attribute_t *) va_arg (list, void *);

if (attribute != NULL) {
curses_render_string (attribute->name, COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 0, y);
curses_render_string ("[ ", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 18, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->minimum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 20, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->current, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 24, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->maximum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 28, y);
curses_render_string (" ]", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 32, y);
} else break;

va_end (list);
procedure_t game_render_attribute (attribute_t * attribute, number_t x, number_t y) {
curses_render_string (attribute->name, COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 0, y);
curses_render_string ("[ ", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 18, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->minimum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 20, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->current, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 24, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (attribute->points->maximum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 28, y);
curses_render_string (" ]", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 32, y);

procedure_t game_render_skill (number_t x, number_t y, ...) {
va_list list;

va_start (list, y);

for (;; ++y) {
skill_t * skill = (skill_t *) va_arg (list, void *);

if (skill != NULL) {
curses_render_string (skill->name, COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 0, y);
curses_render_string ("[ ", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 18, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->minimum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 20, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->current, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 24, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->maximum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 28, y);
curses_render_string (" ]", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 32, y);
} else break;
procedure_t game_render_skill (skill_t * skill, number_t x, number_t y) {
curses_render_string (skill->name, COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 0, y);
curses_render_string ("[ ", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 18, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->minimum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 20, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->current, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_WHITE, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 24, y);
curses_render_string (format_to_string (skill->points->maximum, 0, 10, 4, ' '), COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, x + 28, y);
curses_render_string (" ]", COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, x + 32, y);

va_end (list);

procedure_t game_render_bot (bot_t * bot) {

+ 25
- 9
chapter/chapter_5.h ファイルの表示

@@ -39,13 +39,23 @@ typedef enum action_t {
} action_t;

typedef struct bundle_t {
number_t minimum, maximum, current;
number_t minimum;
number_t maximum;
number_t current;
} bundle_t;

typedef struct symbol_t {
number_t character, colour, effect;
number_t character;
number_t colour;
number_t effect;
} symbol_t;

typedef struct sprite_t {
number_t width;
number_t height;
memory_t data;
} sprite_t;

typedef struct attribute_t {
string_t name;
number_t positive_count;
@@ -68,6 +78,7 @@ typedef struct bot_t {
number_t x;
number_t y;
symbol_t * symbol;
sprite_t * sprite;
bundle_t * health;
bundle_t * mana;
bundle_t * stamina;
@@ -78,6 +89,7 @@ typedef struct player_t {
number_t x;
number_t y;
symbol_t * symbol;
sprite_t * sprite;
bundle_t * health;
bundle_t * mana;
bundle_t * stamina;
@@ -92,6 +104,7 @@ typedef struct block_t {
number_t collision;
number_t override;
symbol_t * symbol;
sprite_t * sprite;
} block_t;

typedef struct world_t {
@@ -110,27 +123,30 @@ extern procedure_t game_clean_up (procedure_t);

extern number_t randomize (number_t lower, number_t upper);

extern bundle_t * game_bundle (number_t minimum, number_t maximum, number_t current);
extern symbol_t * game_symbol (number_t character, number_t colour, number_t effect);
extern bundle_t * game_bundle (number_t minimum, number_t maximum, number_t current);
extern symbol_t * game_symbol (number_t character, number_t colour, number_t effect);
extern sprite_t * game_sprite (number_t width, number_t height, memory_t data);

extern generator_t * game_generator (generate_t generator);

extern attribute_t * game_attribute (string_t name, bundle_t * points, ...);
extern skill_t * game_skill (string_t name, bundle_t * points, ...);

extern bot_t * game_bot (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bundle_t * mana, bundle_t * stamina);
extern player_t * game_player (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, bundle_t * health, bundle_t * mana, bundle_t * stamina, ...);
extern bot_t * game_bot (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, sprite_t * sprite, bundle_t * health, bundle_t * mana, bundle_t * stamina);
extern player_t * game_player (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, sprite_t * sprite, bundle_t * health, bundle_t * mana, bundle_t * stamina, ...);

extern block_t * game_block (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, sprite_t * sprite, number_t collision, number_t override);

extern block_t * game_block (string_t name, symbol_t * symbol, number_t collision, number_t override);
extern world_t * game_world (number_t width, number_t height, ...);

extern procedure_t game_render_attribute (number_t x, number_t y, ...);
extern procedure_t game_render_skill (number_t x, number_t y, ...);
extern procedure_t game_render_attribute (attribute_t * attribute, number_t x, number_t y);
extern procedure_t game_render_skill (skill_t * skill, number_t x, number_t y);

extern procedure_t game_render_bot (bot_t * bot);
extern procedure_t game_render_player (player_t * player);

extern procedure_t game_render_block (block_t * block, number_t x, number_t y);

extern procedure_t game_render_world (world_t * world, number_t x, number_t y, number_t width, number_t height);


+ 34
- 28
chapter/chapter_6.c ファイルの表示

@@ -51,37 +51,30 @@ procedure_t play_game (procedure_t) {
generator_t * rectangle_fill = game_generator (generate_rectangle_fill_function);
generator_t * rectangle_line = game_generator (generate_rectangle_line_function);

//~attribute_t * strength = game_attribute ("Strength", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, -GAME_ACTION_CAMP, 0);
//~attribute_t * edurance = game_attribute ("Edurance", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_WALK, GAME_ACTION_CAMP, -GAME_ACTION_REST, 0);
//~attribute_t * wisdom = game_attribute ("Wisdom", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_CITE_RUNE, GAME_ACTION_CAST_CHARM, -GAME_ACTION_WALK, 0);
//~attribute_t * agility = game_attribute ("Agility", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_SHOOT_ARROW, GAME_ACTION_THROW_SPEAR, -GAME_ACTION_WAIT, 0);

skill_t * blades = game_skill ("Blades", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, 0);
skill_t * axes = game_skill ("Axes", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, 0);
skill_t * bows = game_skill ("Bows", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SHOOT_ARROW, 0);
skill_t * spears = game_skill ("Spears", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_THROW_SPEAR, 0);
skill_t * puppet_magic = game_skill ("Puppet Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SUMMON_PUPPET, 0);
skill_t * nature_magic = game_skill ("Nature Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CALL_NATURE, 0);
skill_t * rune_magic = game_skill ("Rune Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CITE_RUNE, 0);
skill_t * charm_magic = game_skill ("Charm Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CAST_CHARM, 0);

bot_t * goblin = game_bot ("Goblin", game_symbol ('g', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL), game_bundle (0, 11, 11), game_bundle (0, 3, 3), game_bundle (0, 23, 23));
bot_t * hob_goblin = game_bot ("Hob Goblin", game_symbol ('g', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD), game_bundle (0, 17, 17), game_bundle (0, 7, 7), game_bundle (0, 31, 31));
bot_t * orc = game_bot ("Orc", game_symbol ('G', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL), game_bundle (0, 23, 23), game_bundle (0, 5, 5), game_bundle (0, 47, 47));
bot_t * ogre = game_bot ("Ogre", game_symbol ('G', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD), game_bundle (0, 37, 37), game_bundle (0, 2, 2), game_bundle (0, 83, 83));

player_t * player = game_player ("Riri", game_symbol ('@', COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_BOLD), game_bundle (0, 29, 29), game_bundle (0, 3, 3), game_bundle (0, 37, 37),
//~strength, edurance, wisdom, agility, NULL,
bot_t * goblin = game_bot ("Goblin", game_symbol ('g', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL), NULL, game_bundle (0, 11, 11), game_bundle (0, 3, 3), game_bundle (0, 23, 23));
bot_t * hob_goblin = game_bot ("Hob Goblin", game_symbol ('g', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, game_bundle (0, 17, 17), game_bundle (0, 7, 7), game_bundle (0, 31, 31));
bot_t * orc = game_bot ("Orc", game_symbol ('G', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL), NULL, game_bundle (0, 23, 23), game_bundle (0, 5, 5), game_bundle (0, 47, 47));
bot_t * ogre = game_bot ("Ogre", game_symbol ('G', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, game_bundle (0, 37, 37), game_bundle (0, 2, 2), game_bundle (0, 83, 83));

player_t * player = game_player ("Riri", game_symbol ('@', COLOUR_CYAN, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, game_bundle (0, 29, 29), game_bundle (0, 3, 3), game_bundle (0, 37, 37),
game_attribute ("Strength", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, -GAME_ACTION_CAMP, 0),
game_attribute ("Edurance", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_WALK, GAME_ACTION_CAMP, -GAME_ACTION_REST, 0),
game_attribute ("Wisdom", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_CITE_RUNE, GAME_ACTION_CAST_CHARM, -GAME_ACTION_WALK, 0),
game_attribute ("Agility", game_bundle (1, 12, 0), GAME_ACTION_SHOOT_ARROW, GAME_ACTION_THROW_SPEAR, -GAME_ACTION_WAIT, 0),
blades, axes, bows, spears, puppet_magic, nature_magic, rune_magic, charm_magic, NULL);

block_t * grass = game_block ("Grass", game_symbol (',', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD), FALSE, FALSE);
block_t * stone_floor = game_block ("Stone Floor", game_symbol ('.', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD), FALSE, FALSE);
block_t * stone_wall = game_block ("Stone Wall", game_symbol ('#', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD), TRUE, FALSE);
game_skill ("Blades", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_BLADE, 0),
game_skill ("Axes", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SWING_AXE, 0),
game_skill ("Bows", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SHOOT_ARROW, 0),
game_skill ("Spears", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_THROW_SPEAR, 0),
game_skill ("Puppet Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_SUMMON_PUPPET, 0),
game_skill ("Nature Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CALL_NATURE, 0),
game_skill ("Rune Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CITE_RUNE, 0),
game_skill ("Charm Magic", game_bundle (10, 120, 0), GAME_ACTION_CAST_CHARM, 0),

block_t * grass = game_block ("Grass", game_symbol (',', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
block_t * stone_floor = game_block ("Stone Floor", game_symbol ('.', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, FALSE, FALSE);
block_t * stone_wall = game_block ("Stone Wall", game_symbol ('#', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD), NULL, TRUE, FALSE);

world_t * world = game_world (300, 100, full_fill, 0, 0, 0, 0, grass,
rectangle_fill, 5, 9, 2, 4, stone_floor,
@@ -93,6 +86,15 @@ procedure_t play_game (procedure_t) {
player->attributes [2]->points->current = 5;
player->attributes [3]->points->current = 3;

player->skills [0]->points->current = randomize (1, 10);
player->skills [1]->points->current = randomize (1, 10);
player->skills [2]->points->current = randomize (1, 10);
player->skills [3]->points->current = randomize (1, 10);
player->skills [4]->points->current = randomize (1, 10);
player->skills [5]->points->current = randomize (1, 10);
player->skills [6]->points->current = randomize (1, 10);
player->skills [7]->points->current = randomize (1, 10);

curses_configure ();

terminal_show_cursor (FALSE);
@@ -108,9 +110,13 @@ procedure_t play_game (procedure_t) {

game_render_player (player);

game_render_attribute (game_screen_offset, 1, player->attributes [0], player->attributes [1], player->attributes [2], player->attributes [3], NULL);
for (number_t attribute = 0; attribute < player->attribute_count; ++attribute) {
game_render_attribute (player->attributes [attribute], game_screen_offset, 1 + attribute);

game_render_skill (game_screen_offset, 6, blades, axes, bows, spears, puppet_magic, nature_magic, rune_magic, charm_magic, NULL);
for (number_t skill = 0; skill < player->skill_count; ++skill) {
game_render_skill (player->skills [skill], game_screen_offset, 6 + skill);

switch (curses_character) {
case SIGNAL_ARROW_UP: player->y -= 1; limit (& player->y, 0, world->height - 1); break;
