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Even more functions...

Ognjen Milan Robovic 2 months ago
1 changed files with 158 additions and 123 deletions
  1. +158

+ 158
- 123 View File

@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ package Raylib is
for Logical'Size use 32;

type Config_Flags is (
@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ package Raylib is
) with Convention => C;

for Config_Flags use (
Flag_None => 16#00000000#,
Flag_Fullscreen_Mode => 16#00000002#,
Flag_Window_Resizable => 16#00000004#,
Flag_Window_Undecorated => 16#00000008#,
@@ -1539,9 +1541,7 @@ package Raylib is
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetWorldToScreen2D";

procedure Set_Target_FPS (
FPS : Integer := 60
) with
@@ -1549,316 +1549,351 @@ package Raylib is
Convention => C,
External_Name => "SetTargetFPS";

--~function float GetFrameTime (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Frame_Time return Float with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetFrameTime";

--~function double GetTime (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Time return Long_Float with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetTime";

--~function int GetFPS (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_FPS return Integer with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetFPS";

--~procedure SwapScreenBuffer (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Swap_Screen_Buffer with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "SwapScreenBuffer";

--~procedure PollInputEvents (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Poll_Input_Events with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "PollInputEvents";

--~procedure WaitTime (double seconds) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Wait_Time (
Seconds : Long_Float := 0.0
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "WaitTime";

--~procedure SetRandomSeed (unsigned int seed) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Set_Random_Seed (
Seed : Natural := 16#0EADBEEF#
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "SetRandomSeed";

--~function int GetRandomValue (int min, int max) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Get_Random_Value (
Min : Integer := 0;
Max : Integer := 255
) return Integer with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "GetRandomValue";

--~function int *LoadRandomSequence (unsigned int count, int min, int max) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Load_Random_Sequence (
Count : Natural := 0;
Min : Integer := 0;
Max : Integer := 0
) return access Integer with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "LoadRandomSequence";

--~procedure UnloadRandomSequence (int *sequence) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Unload_Random_Sequence (
Sequence : access Integer := null
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "UnloadRandomSequence";

--~procedure TakeScreenshot (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Take_Screenshot (
File_Name : String := "Screenshot.png"
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "TakeScreenshot";

--~procedure SetConfigFlags (unsigned int flags) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Set_Config_Flags (
Flags : Config_Flags := Flag_None
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "SetConfigFlags";

--~procedure OpenURL (const char *url) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Open_URL (
URL : String := ""
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "OpenURL";

--~procedure TraceLog (int logLevel, const char *text, ...) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "TraceLog";

--~procedure SetTraceLogLevel (int logLevel) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Set_Trace_Log_Level (
Level : Trace_Log_Level := Log_All
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "SetTraceLogLevel";

--~procedure *MemAlloc (unsigned int size) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Allocate (
Size : Natural := 0
) return Pointer with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "MemAlloc";

--~procedure *MemRealloc (void *ptr, unsigned int size) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Reallocate (
Data : Pointer := null;
Size : Natural := 0
) return Pointer with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "MemRealloc";

--~procedure MemFree (void *ptr) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Deallocate (
Data : Pointer := null
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "MemFree";

--~procedure SetTraceLogCallback (TraceLogCallback callback) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SetTraceLogCallback";

--~procedure SetLoadFileDataCallback (LoadFileDataCallback callback) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SetLoadFileDataCallback";

--~procedure SetSaveFileDataCallback (SaveFileDataCallback callback) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SetSaveFileDataCallback";

--~procedure SetLoadFileTextCallback (LoadFileTextCallback callback) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SetLoadFileTextCallback";

--~procedure SetSaveFileTextCallback (SaveFileTextCallback callback) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SetSaveFileTextCallback";

--~function unsigned char *LoadFileData (const char *fileName, int *dataSize) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
function Load_File_Data (
File_Name : String := "";
Data_Size : access Integer := null
) return access Character with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "LoadFileData";

--~procedure UnloadFileData (unsigned char *data) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
procedure Unload_File_Data (
Data : Pointer := null
) with
Import => True,
Convention => C,
External_Name => "UnloadFileData";

--~function bool SaveFileData (const char *fileName, void *data, int dataSize) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SaveFileData";

--~function bool ExportDataAsCode (const unsigned char *data, int dataSize, const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "ExportDataAsCode";

--~function char *LoadFileText (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "LoadFileText";

--~procedure UnloadFileText (char *text) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "UnloadFileText";

--~function bool SaveFileText (const char *fileName, char *text) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SaveFileText";

--~function bool FileExists (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "FileExists";

--~function bool DirectoryExists (const char *dirPath) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "DirectoryExists";

--~function bool IsFileExtension (const char *fileName, const char *ext) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "IsFileExtension";

--~function int GetFileLength (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetFileLength";

--~function const char *GetFileExtension (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetFileExtension";

--~function const char *GetFileName (const char *filePath) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetFileName";

--~function const char *GetFileNameWithoutExt (const char *filePath) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetFileNameWithoutExt";

--~function const char *GetDirectoryPath (const char *filePath) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetDirectoryPath";

--~function const char *GetPrevDirectoryPath (const char *dirPath) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetPrevDirectoryPath";

--~function const char *GetWorkingDirectory (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetWorkingDirectory";

--~function const char *GetApplicationDirectory (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetApplicationDirectory";

--~function bool ChangeDirectory (const char *dir) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "ChangeDirectory";

--~function bool IsPathFile (const char *path) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "IsPathFile";

--~function FilePathList LoadDirectoryFiles (const char *dirPath) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "LoadDirectoryFiles";

--~function FilePathList LoadDirectoryFilesEx (const char *basePath, const char *filter, bool scanSubdirs) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "LoadDirectoryFilesEx";

--~procedure UnloadDirectoryFiles (FilePathList files) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "UnloadDirectoryFiles";

--~function bool IsFileDropped (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "IsFileDropped";

--~function FilePathList LoadDroppedFiles (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "LoadDroppedFiles";

--~procedure UnloadDroppedFiles (FilePathList files) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "UnloadDroppedFiles";

--~function long GetFileModTime (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "GetFileModTime";

--~function unsigned char *CompressData (const unsigned char *data, int dataSize, int *compDataSize) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "CompressData";

--~function unsigned char *DecompressData (const unsigned char *compData, int compDataSize, int *dataSize) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "DecompressData";

--~function char *EncodeDataBase64 (const unsigned char *data, int dataSize, int *outputSize) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "EncodeDataBase64";

--~function unsigned char *DecodeDataBase64 (const unsigned char *data, int *outputSize) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "DecodeDataBase64";

--~function AutomationEventList LoadAutomationEventList (const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "LoadAutomationEventList";

--~procedure UnloadAutomationEventList (AutomationEventList *list) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "UnloadAutomationEventList";

--~function bool ExportAutomationEventList (AutomationEventList list, const char *fileName) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "ExportAutomationEventList";

--~procedure SetAutomationEventList (AutomationEventList *list) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SetAutomationEventList";

--~procedure SetAutomationEventBaseFrame (int frame) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "SetAutomationEventBaseFrame";

--~procedure StartAutomationEventRecording (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "StartAutomationEventRecording";

--~procedure StopAutomationEventRecording (void) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";
--~External_Name => "StopAutomationEventRecording";

--~procedure PlayAutomationEvent (AutomationEvent event) with
--~Import => True,
--~Convention => C,
--~External_Name => "";

--~External_Name => "PlayAutomationEvent";
function Is_Key_Pressed (
Key : Keyboard_Key := Key_Null
) return Logical with
